
listen to the pronunciation of satellite
English - Turkish

Uydu, ay etrafında yörüngede. - The satellite is in orbit around the moon.

Daha sonra kralların kişisel muhafızlarına uydular deniyordu. - Later the personal guards of kings were called satellites.

(Askeri) UYDU, PEYK: Bir başka cismin çevresinde dönen, tabi durumdaki bir cisim. Bak. "center of mass"
(Tıp) Kendisinden daha büyük oluşuma bağlı olarak hareket gösteren veya ona eşlik eden aynı cinsten daha küçük oluşum, peyk, satelit
bağımlı ülke
yapay uydu

Yapay uydu yörüngesine fırlatıldı. - The artificial satellite was launched into the orbit.

İnsanoğlunun uzaya yolculuğu 1957'de Sovyetler Birliği'nin ilk yapay uydu Sputnik'i fırlattığında başladı. - Mankind's journey into space began in 1957 when the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first artificial satellite.

büyük bir kimsenin peşinde dolaşan kimse
{i} peyk
(Tıp) Ana kromozom'a, sap şeklinde ince uzantı ile tutunmuş küçük kromozom parçası
bir gezegenin uydusu
uydu devlet
communication satellite
haberleşme uydusu
satellite phenomenon
(Biyokimya,Denizbilim) çapraz besleme
satellite broadcast
uydu yayını
satellite communications
uydu iletişimi
satellite computer
uydu bilgisayar
satellite office
uydu şube
satellite receiver
uydu alıcısı
satellite station
uydu istasyonu
satellite television
uydu sınalgısı
satellite town
satellite transmitter
uydu vericisi
satellite cell
uydu hücre
satellite dish
(Televizyon) Çanak anten
satellite image
uydu görünümü
satellite links
uydu bağlantıları
satellite photography
uydu fotoğrafçılığı
satellite system
Uydu sistemi
satellite television
uydu televizyonu
satellite town
uydu kent
satellite transmission
uydu yayını
Satellite Communications Database
(Askeri) Uydu Muhaberesi Veritabanı
satellite access request; search and rescue; special access requirement; synthet
(Askeri) uydu erişim talebi; arama ve kurtarma; özel erişim ihtiyacı; suni açıklıklı (antenli) radar
satellite airfield
(Askeri) yardımcı hava alanı
satellite airfield
(Askeri) YARDIMCI HAVAALANI: Uçakların her türlü hizmet ve tamirleri için tam tesislere sahip ve bu gibi işler için tam teçhizatlı bir havaalanına bağlı bulunan bir havaalanı. Buna (auxilliary airdrome) da denir
satellite and missile surveillance
(Askeri) UYDU VE FÜZE GÖZETLEMESİ: Uçuş halindeki düşman veya dost füzeleri ve uydularla ilgili olayları, gelişmeleri, cisimlerin özelliklerinin belirlenmesi, izlenmesi ve bulunması amacı için yapılan sistematik hava-uzay gözetlemesi
satellite applications
uydu kullanımı
satellite audio
(Bilgisayar) uydu sesi
satellite center
(Askeri) uydu merkezi
satellite communication system
uydu iletisim dizgesi
satellite communications
(Askeri) uydu muhaberesi
satellite communications (SATCOM) systems expert
(Askeri) uydu muhaberesi sistem uzmanı
satellite communitation
uydu ile haberleşme
satellite connection
uydu bağlantısı
satellite data link standards
(Askeri) uydu veri linki standartları
satellite data unit
(Havacılık) uydu veri birimi
satellite defence
(Askeri) peyk savunması
satellite defence
(Askeri) uydu savunması
satellite defense
(Askeri) UYDU SAVUNMASI, PEYK SAVUNMASI: Dünya yörüngesindeki pilotlu ve pilotsuz uyduların tespit edilmiş görevlerini yerine getirmelerine engel olmak, hareketlerini kontrol altına almak için tanınmaları, zararsız hale getirilmeleri veya tahrip edilmemeleri yolunda alınmış bütün tedbirler. Bak. "active satellite defense" ve "passive satellite defense"
satellite early warning system
(Askeri) uydu erken uyarı sistemi
satellite earth station
uydu yer istasyonu
satellite exchange
uydu santral
satellite geodesy
uydu jeodezisi
satellite ground link system
(Askeri) uydu yer bağlantı sistemi
satellite ground terminal
(Askeri) uydu yer terminali
satellite laser communications; single line concept
(Askeri) uydu lazer muhaberesi; tek hat konsepri
satellite laser ranging
uydu lazer konumlayıcısı
satellite navigation system
uydu yongudum sistemi
satellite observation
(Askeri) uydu gözlemleme
satellite observation
uydu gözlem
satellite picture
uydu fotoğrafı
satellite printer location
uydu yazıcı mahalli
satellite processor
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) uydu işlemci
satellite radius vector
(Telekom) uydu yarıçap vektörü
satellite reconnaissance
(Askeri) uydu keşfi
satellite reconnaissance
(Askeri) UYDUYLA KEŞİF, UYDU KEŞFİ: Bir uydudan alınmış bilgilerle yürütülen stratejik keşif
satellite reconnaissance
(Askeri) uyduyla keşif
satellite station
(Askeri) UYDU İSTASYON, PEYK İSTASYON: Kendi Müşterek Destek ihtiyaçlarının tamamı veya bir kısmı için belirli bir ana istasyona bağlı bulunan bir tesis veya bağımsız teşkil
satellite station
(Askeri) peyk istasyonu
satellite ticket printer
(Turizm) otomatik bilet makinesi
satellite ticket printer
uydu bilet yazıcısı
satellite town
yeni şehir
satellite vehicle
(Askeri) uydu aracı
satellite vehicle
(Askeri) UYDU ARACI: Bir uyduyu yörüngeye yerleştirmek için kullanılan roket aracı
satellite velocity vector
(Telekom) uydu hız vektörü
satellite; security alert team
(Askeri) uydu; emniyet alarm ekibi
global positioning satellite
(Bilgisayar) küresel konum uydusu
global positioning satellite
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) küresel yer bildirim uydusu
lunar satellite
(Askeri) ay uydusu
precision satellite imaging
(Askeri) hassas uydu görüntülemeleri
satellite dish
uydu anteni
active satellite
aktif uydu
air traffic satellite
hava trafiği kontrol uydusu
artificial satellite
yapay uydu
astronomy satellite
yıldız uydusu
communication satellite
iletişim uydusu
communications satellite
haberleşme uydusu
communications satellite
iletişim uydusu
direct broadcast satellite
direkt yayın uydusu
meteorological satellite
meteoroloji uydusu
meteorological satellite
meteorolojik uydu
spy satellite
casus uydu
telecommunication satellite
telekomünikasyon uydusu
earth satellite vehicle
toprak uydu araç
geostationary satellite orbit
eşlemeli uydu yörünge
shepherd satellite
(Astronomi) (veya shepherd moon) Çoban uydu
synchronous satellite
senkron uydu, eşlemeli uydu
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program
(Askeri) Savunma Bakanlığı Meteoroloji Uydu Programı
Defense Satellite Communications System
(Askeri) Savunma Bakanlığı Uydu Muhabere Sistemi
Defense Satellite Communications System operations center
(Askeri) Savunma Bakanlığı Uydu Muhabere Sistemi harekatlar merkezi
Defense Satellite Program; Defense Support Program
(Askeri) Savunma Bakanlığı Uydu Programı; Savunma Bakanlığı Destek Programı
Global Satellite Communications Support Center
(Askeri) Küresel Uydu Muhabere Destek Merkezi
International Telecommunications Satellite Organization
(Askeri) Uluslar Arası Telekomünikasyon Uyduları Teşkilatı
National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (DOC)
(Askeri) Milli Çevre Uydusu, Veri Ve Bilgi Hizmeti (DOC)
National Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) Operations Center; Navy Satellite Operati
(Askeri) Milli
active communications satellite
(Askeri) ETKİN HABERLEŞME UYDUSU; AKTİF MUHABERE UYDUSU: İstasyonlar arasında sinyalleri alan, yeniden oluşturan ve gönderen bir uydu. Ayrıca bakınız, " communications satellite
active satellite defense
(Askeri) AKTİF UYDU SAVUNMASI: Düşman uydu imkan ve kabiliyetlerinin yok edilmesi veya etkisinin azaltılması için girişilmiş aktif savunma hareketi. Karşı uydu füzeleri ve uyduları, elektronik karşı tedbirler ve aldatma (spoofing) gibi vasıtaları içine alır. Ayrıca bakınız, "passive satellite defense" ve " satellite defense"
artificial earth satellite
(Askeri) SUNİ DÜNYA UYDUSU: Aydan farklı olarak, insan eliyle yapılmış arz uydusu. Genellikle "earth satellite" denir
communication satellite
communications satellite
(Askeri) MUHABERE UYDUSU: Muhabere istasyonları arasında bir röle istasyonu vazifesi gören bir yörünge aracı. İki tipi vardır: a. Aktif muhabere uydusu: İstasyonlar arasındaki sinyalleri alan tekrar üreten ve tekrar gönderen bir uydu. b. Pasif muhabere uydusu: İstasyonlar arasındaki muhabere sinyallerini yansıtan bir uydu
communications satellite
(Askeri) muhabere uydusu
earth satellite
(Askeri) ARZ UYDUSU, DÜNYA UYDUSU (HV.): Dünya çevresinde dönen bir cisim; özellikle yörüngeye insanlar tarafından oturtulan cisim, diğer bir deyimle "artificial earth satellite"
electron satellite
elektron uydu
fleet satellite
(Askeri) donanma uydusu
fleet satellite (FLTSAT) extremely high frequency (EHF) package
(Askeri) donanma uydu (FLTSAT) çok yüksek frekans (EHF) paketi
fleet satellite communications
(Askeri) donanma uydu muhaberesi
geodetic satellite
(Coğrafya) jeodezi uydusu
geostationary operational environmental satellite
(Askeri) yer sabit harekat çevre uydusu
geostationary satellite
yerduragan uydu
global positioning satellite
kuresel yer bildirim uydusu
integrated satellite communications (SATCOM) database
(Askeri) birleştirilmiş uydu muhabere (SATCOM) veritabanı
international maritime satellite
(Askeri) uluslar arası denizcilik uydusu
joint communications satellite center
(Askeri) müşterek muhabere uydu merkezi
joint military postal activity; joint military satellite communications (MILSATC
(Askeri) müşterek askeri posta faaliyeti; müşterek askeri uydu muhabere (MILSATCOM) paneli idarecisi
joint satellite communications (SATCOM) panel administrator
(Askeri) müşterek uydu muhabere (SATCOM) paneli idarecisi
land satellite
(Askeri) kara uydusu
leased satellite
(Askeri) kiralanmış uydu
lunar satellite
(Askeri) AY UYDUSU: İnsan eliyle imal edilmiş ve ay çevresinde bir veya daha çok devir yapacak bir uydu. Bak. "Moon satellite" ve "selenoid"
map support office; marine safety office(r); military satellite communications (
(Askeri) harita destek dairesi; deniz emniyet subayı/dairesi; askeri uydu muhaberesi (MILSATCOM) sistemler dairesi; seferberlik karargah subayı
meteorological satellite
(Askeri) METEOROLOJİ UYDUSU: Hava tahminlerinde yardımcı olacak şekilde teçhiz edilmiş ve yörüngeye oturtulmuş bir arz uydusu
meteorological satellite subsystem
(Askeri) meteoroloji uydusu tali sistemi
military satellite communications
(Askeri) askeri uydu haberleşmesi
mobile satellite
mobil uydu
moon satellite
(Askeri) AY UYDUSU: Bak. "Lunar Satellite"
multiple access commercial satellite
(Askeri) çoklu erişimli ticari uydu
navigation satellite
(Askeri) seyrüsefer uydusu
orbit a satellite
uyduyu yörüngeye oturtma
orbit a satellite
uyduyu yörüngeye oturtmak
passive communications satellite
(Askeri) PASİF MUHABERE UYDUSU: Bak. "communications satellite"
passive satellite
(Askeri,Teknik) pasif uydu
passive satellite
(Askeri) PASİF UYDU: Ya kontrol altında bulunduğu veya sahip olduğu ışın verici cihazlardan herhangi biri çalışmadığı için bilgi vermeyen uydu. Böyle bir uydu bazen "dark satellite", "silent satellite" veya "uncooperative satellite" terimleriyle ifade edilir
passive satellite
yansıtıcı uydu
passive satellite defence
(Askeri) pasif uydu savunması
passive satellite defense
(Askeri) PASİF UYDU SAVUNMASI: Arz yörüngesindeki düşman araçlarının, kendilerine verilmiş görevleri yerine getirme imkan ve kabiliyetlerini asgari hadde indirmek üzere aktif savunma dışında alınmış bütün savunma tedbirleri. Bu savunma, örtü, gizleme, kamuflaj, dağılma, koruyucu inşaat, planlanmış hareket ve sahte tesisleri içine alır. Ayrıca bakınız: "active satellite defense" ve "satellite defense"
polar orbiting satellite
(Meteoroloji) kutupsal yörüngeli uydular
rapid ultrahigh frequency (UHF) satellite communications
(Askeri) çok yüksek frekans uydu muhaberesi
reconnaissance satellite
(Askeri) KEŞİF UYDUSU, KEŞİF PEYKİ: Fotoğraf, televizyon vesaire vasıtasıyla stratejik bilgi elde etmek için kullanılan bir Arz uydusu
reconnaissance satellite
(Askeri) keşif peyki
regional satellite communications (SATCOM) support center; regional satellite su
(Askeri) bölge uydu muhaberesi (SATCOM) destek merkezi; bölge uydu destek hücresi; bölge muhabere istihbaratı (SIGINT) destek merkezi; bölge uzay destek merkezi
relay satellite station
role uydu istasyonu
satellite dish
uydu anten
spy satellite
gözetleme uydusu
synchronous satellite
eşlemeli uydu
synchronous satellite
senkron uydu
tactical Automatic Digital Network (AUTODIN) satellite compensation interface de
(Askeri) taktik Otomatik Dijital Ağ uydu dengelemesi arayüzü aracı
tactical satellite
(Askeri) taktik uydu
tactical satellite signal processor
(Askeri) taktik uydu muhabere işlemcisi
television infrared observation satellite
(Askeri) televizyon morötesi gözetleme uydusu
transit navigation satellite
(Askeri) transit seyrüsefer uydusu
transit navigation satellite
(Askeri) TRANSİT SEYRÜSEFER UYDUSU: Arz çevresinde devamlı olarak faaliyette bulunacak şekilde geliştirilen ve su üstü teknelerinin, denizaltıların ve uçakların yerlerini sıhhatli olarak tespit edebilen bir uydu
uncooperative satellite
(Askeri) İŞBİRLİĞİ YAPMAYAN UYDU: Kara çevre ile işbirliği yapmayan, pasif bir uydu
English - English
Satellite TV; reception of television broadcasts via services that utilize man-made satellite technology

Do you have satellite at your house?.

Something which is under the jurisdiction, influence, or domination of another body, such as a country, a campus, an office
Anything that follows something else around

The unnamed chronicler in his Dupin stories was the first Dr. Watson type of satellite—a narrator who accompanies the detective on his exploits, exclaims over his brilliance... .

An object orbiting a planet or similar celestial body

The Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth.

Specifies something utilizing man-made orbital satellite transmission technology; e.g. satellite TV, satellite phone
Specifically, any man-made apparatus designed to relay telecommunication signals to and from Earth

Many telecommunication satellites orbit at 36000km above the equator.

A natural or artificial body in orbit around a planet
{n} a small planet revolving about a large, a follower or dependant
when used with a larger subwoofer, smaller front left and right main speakers (either physically smaller or set to ÒsmallÓ in multi channel speaker setups) are sometimes referred to as "satellites "   In common use, the term can apply to physically or electronically small rear or surround speakers as well
Any object that orbits a celestial body, such as a moon However, the term is often used in reference to the manufactured objects that orbit the earth, either in a geostationary or a polar manner Some of the information that is gathered by weather satellites, such as GOES9, includes upper air temperatures and humidity, recording the temperatures of cloud tops, land, and ocean, monitoring the movement of clouds to determine upper level wind speeds, tracing the movement of water vapor, monitoring the sun and solar activity, and relaying data from weather instruments around the world
A secondary planet which revolves about another planet; as, the moon is a satellite of the earth
You can refer to a country, area, or organization as a satellite when it is controlled by or depends on a larger and more powerful one. Italy became a satellite state of Germany by the end of the 1930s. Natural object (moon) or spacecraft (artificial satellite) orbiting a larger astronomical body. Most known natural satellites orbit planets; the Earth's Moon is the most obvious example and was the only one known until the discovery of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter in 1610. All the solar system's planets except Mercury and Venus have moons, which vary greatly in size, composition (from rock to mostly ice), and activity (from cold and inert to volcanic). Some asteroids are also known to have their own moons. The first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, was launched into orbit around Earth in 1957. Since then, thousands have been sent into orbit around Earth as well as the Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and other bodies. Artificial satellites are used for scientific research and other purposes, such as communication (see communications satellite), weather forecasting, Earth resources management, and military intelligence. See also Landsat. communications satellite Galilean satellite Earth Resources Technology Satellites
A relatively small celestial body, natural or man-made, revolving around a planet
{s} serving as a satellite; secondary
An attendant attached to a prince or other powerful person; hence, an obsequious dependent
surrounding and dominated by a central authority or power; "a city and its satellite communities"
See Solar system, under Solar
a person who follows or serves another
  A body which revolves around another body of preponderant mass and which has a motion primarily and permanently determined by the force of attraction of that other body   [NTIA] [RR] (188)  Note: A parent body and its satellite revolve about their common center of gravity
A satellite is a natural object in space that moves round a planet or s(Tarih) the satellites of Jupiter
Transmitted via a radio signal from an orbital satellite
Situated near; accompanying; as, the satellite veins, those which accompany the arteries
an electronics retransmission device serving as a repeater, normally placed in orbit around the earth in geostationary orbit for the purpose of receiving and retransmitting electromagnetic signals It normally recedes signals from a single source and retransmits them over a wide geographic area, known as the satellite's "footprint "
Satellite television is broadcast using a satellite. They have four satellite channels
A body that revolves around a larger body
man-made equipment that orbits around the earth or the moon any celestial body orbiting around a planet or star a person who follows or serves another broadcast or disseminate via satellite surrounding and dominated by a central authority or power; "a city and its satellite communities
Satellite communications are becoming increasingly important for conquering distance and enabling location independent working Digital transmission of data via low-level satellites is set to increase the importance of satellites for remote and mobile ICT
(communications usage) A man-made spacecraft intended to orbit earth for the purpose of facilitating long-distance communication of voice, data and video
Something that is in orbit around something else The Moon is a satellite of the Earth, for example An artificial satellite is a satellite that was constructed and placed in orbit by humans
man-made equipment that orbits around the earth or the moon
A body that revolves about a larger one; for example, a moon of a planet
An object that is in orbit around another object in space
A projectile or small celestial body that orbits a larger celestial body
An object orbiting around another, larger one For example, smaller bodies orbiting around planets are called those planets' "satellites'' (or, occasionally, "moons'' — but some astronomers frown on this use of the word "moon,'' which they feel should be reserved for Earth's natural satellite exclusively ) Probes we launch into orbit around the Earth are called "artificial satellites ''
any celestial body orbiting around a planet or star
A body that revolves about a planet
A satellite is an object which has been sent into space in order to collect information or to be part of a communications system. Satellites move continually round the earth or around another planet. The rocket launched two communications satellites The signals are sent by satellite link
An object in orbit around a larger object; a man-made object in orbit around the Earth Also, moons are satellites of planets; planets are satellites of the Sun
{i} moon, small celestial body revolving around a larger one; man-made object put into orbit around a planet or celestial body; country that is controlled by another country; one who is controlled by another person
n any object that is in orbit around another object
A vehicle put into orbit around the earth or other body in space and used as a platform for data collection and transmission
Reception of television broadcasts via services that utilize man-made satellite technology
An object that is bound to another object , such as a planet, by the gravitational force
A secondary body moving round a planet
Object orbiting a celestial object
It is possible to get Internet access via low level orbiting satellites, like those that provide TV services You get a Satellite connection for your internet service, but you also need a dial-up modem to use the service To view websites or send email you need to send a request to that server to send you the information and to send information you typically need to use dial-up service with a satellite Internet service and is considered high speed or broadband Internet access
A free-flying object that orbits the Earth, another planet, or the sun
broadcast or disseminate via satellite
a small body, either natural or artificial, in orbit around a planet
1 An attendant body that revolves about another body, the primary; especially in the solar system, a secondary body, or moon, that revolves about a planet See table XIII for a list of satellites of the solar system
A manufactured object that orbits a celestial body, either in a geostationary or a polar manner Some of the information that is gathered by weather satellites, such as GOES9, includes upper air temperatures and humidity, recording the temperatures of cloud tops, land, and ocean, monitoring the movement of clouds to determine upper level wind speeds, tracing the movement of water vapor, monitoring the sun and solar activity, and relaying data from weather instruments around the world
Something which is under the jurisdiction, influence, or domination of another body, such as a satellite state (or country), satellite campus, or satellite office
satellite campus
The campus of a college or university that is physically detached from the main university or college area
satellite dish
A parabolic antenna designed to receive microwaves from communications satellites, which transmit data transmissions or broadcasts, such as satellite television
satellite navigation system
Any electronic navigation system which uses artificial satellites as radio signal sources and position references
satellite phone
A mobile phone that connects to an orbiting satellite instead of a cellular network
satellite dish
Uydu anteni çanağı, çanak anten
satellite dish
A dish-shaped type of parabolic antenna designed to receive electromagnetic signals from satellites, which transmit data transmissions or broadcasts, such as satellite television
satellite DNA
A portion of DNA in eukaryotes whose density differs from that of the majority of DNA and that consists of short, repeating sequences of nucleotide pairs, often found near the region of the centromere
satellite TV dish
device used for receiving television broadcasts via satellite
satellite cell
Any of the cells that encapsulate the bodies of nerve cells in many ganglia
satellite communication
transference of information via a satellite
satellite country
country that is allegedly independent but is actually controlled by another country (such as the Soviet-bloc countries were controlled by the Soviet Union)
satellite dish
Receives the transmissions being sent from satellites; Distributors have dishes to receive the transmissions from the broadcast stations; Howeowners have dishes to receive transmissions that have been retransmitted by the distributors
satellite dish
Part of satellite reception equipment which reflects and concentrates at its focal point the signal coming from the satellite
satellite dish
400 0K RF in space, wireless WAN, sends at 33 6K, receives at 400K
satellite dish
A satellite dish is a piece of equipment which people need to have on their house in order to receive satellite television. A dish antenna used to receive and transmit signals relayed by satellite
satellite dish
{i} dish antenna, device shaped like a dish for receiving television or radio broadcasts via satellite
satellite phone
{i} satellite telephone, satphone, mobile phone linked to a network of satellites and provides clear portable communication from anywhere
satellite receiver
a receiver on a communications satellite
satellite state
{i} country which is in a formal manner sovereign but in fact is controlled or ruled by a larger neighboring predominant power
satellite station
A radio or television station that rebroadcasts a received transmission immediately on a different wavelength
satellite television
satellite T'V television programmes that are broadcast using satellites in space, and which you need a special piece of equipment to be able to watch
satellite television
television broadcasts that are transmitted via satellite
satellite television
a television system in which the signal is transmitted to an orbiting satellite that receives the signal and amplifies it and transmits it back to earth
satellite towns
small cities that surround a larger city
satellite transmitter
a transmitter on a communications satellite
designed to destroy satellites
fixed satellite
a geostationary satellite
space satellite
A manned or unmanned vehicle designed to orbit the Earth
spy satellite
An artificial space satellite used for reconnaissance or intelligence gathering
shepherd satellite
(Astronomi) (Also shepherd moon) A small moon orbiting close to a planetary ring, especially of Saturn, and whose gravitational field confines the ring within a narrow band
A satellite
Digital Satellite System
network of satellites orbiting the Earth that broadcast television and Internet signals, DSS
Direct Broadcast Satellite
high-powered digital television system in which signals are broadcast directly to customers' homes via satellite and are received by small antennas, DBS (Telecommunications)
Galilean satellite
Any of the four large satellites of Jupiter discovered by Galileo in 1610. In order of distance from Jupiter: Io (the most volcanically active body in the solar system), Europa (suspected to contain a liquid ocean under its frozen surface), Ganymede (the largest satellite in the solar system), and Callisto. Both Ganymede and Callisto are larger than Pluto and Mercury
artificial earth satellite
{i} satellite which has been manufactured and put in orbit around any heavenly body
artificial satellite
{i} object constructed by humans that orbits around the earth or the moon
astronomy satellite
a satellite equipped with a telescope to observe infra-red radiation
broadcast by satellite
transmit via a satellite
by satellite
by a device that is launched into orbit around the Earth
communication satellite
satellite which transmits and receives information (aids in the exchange of information, ideas, etc.)
communications satellite
object placed into orbit around the Earth and designed to transmit communication signals
communications satellite
an artificial satellite that relays signals back to earth; moves in a geostationary orbit
communications satellite
a satellite that is used to send radio, television, and telephone signals around the world. Earth-orbiting system capable of receiving a signal (e.g., data, voice, TV) and relaying it back to the ground. Communications satellites have been a significant part of domestic and global communications since the 1970s. Typically they move in geosynchronous orbits about 22,300 mi (35,900 km) above the earth and operate at frequencies near 4 gigahertz (GHz) for downlinking and 6 GHz for uplinking
digital satellite system
A system in which a satellite dish receives a digital signal, decodes the signal, and passes it to a television, radio receiver, or computer
galilean satellite
one of the four satellites of Jupiter that were discovered by Galileo
geosynchronous satellite
satellite stationed at an altitude of 36, 000 feet and is always located in at a fixed point in relation to the Earth
meteorological satellite
weather satellite; satellite that transmits regular picture of the earth under
a man made object that has been put into orbit around the Earth, Moon, or other heavenly body
Though there have been several cases of Satellite failures (i e Iridium), Satellites should play a pivotal role in the wireless industry's future Currently, the reach of handsets is somewhat limited due to land-line constraints For example, a person can call overseas with a handset With Satellites a person can call from anywhere to anywhere
Natural satellites orbit the planet they "belong" to, so our artificial satellites share the same name Satellites orbiting Earth provide us today with vital information and also send signals back and forth around the world
A man-made spacecraft that orbits the earth, moon, sun, or a planet
A celestial body that orbits a planet; a moon An object launched to orbit Earth or another celestial body
are objects which are gravitationally bound and therefore orbit another body Eg, The moon is a satellite of the Earth
man-made devices which orbit the Earth and are used for scientific purposes, communications, weather forecasting and military applications Satellites are now used routinely to broadcast television programmes, either to cable systems or directly to people's homes
plural of satellite
shepherd satellite
A moon that orbits near the edge of a planetary ring, constraining the ring's extent through gravitational pull
spy satellite
a satellite with sensors to detect nuclear explosions
spy satellite
satellite used for espionage
stationary satellite
An artificial satellite in a synchronous orbit
weather satellite
{i} satellite used to monitor the weather and for weather forecasting
weather satellite
a satellite that transmits frequent picture of the earth below
Turkish - English



    Turkish pronunciation



    /ˈsatəˌlīt/ /ˈsætəˌlaɪt/


    () Middle French satellite (14c.), from Latin satelles (“attendant”)

    Common Collocations

    satellite dish


    ... satellite or aerial photos, but at the same time, we need ...
    ... We have images from Street View, Satellite, aerial, those ...