satış tekeli hakkı

listen to the pronunciation of satış tekeli hakkı
Turkish - English
The loose collection of fictional works pertaining to a particular universe, including literary, film, or television series from various sources

the Star Wars franchise.

A right or privilege officially granted to a person, a group of people, or a company by a government
{n} a privilege, a freedom
{v} to make free
An organization that grants a license to a group of merchants to market a company's goods or services in a particular territory, and wants to provide bankcard processing to its members from First Data
A right or privilege officially granted to a person or a company by a government; an acknowledgment of a corporations existence and ownership
A license or similar legal authority to provide service at retail in a given geographic area An exclusive franchise is a monopoly to provide service in that area
To make free; to enfranchise; to give liberty to
An entity that has been licensed to sell the product of a manufacturer or to offer a particular service in a given area
(1) A statutory right which could not be exercised inthe absence of the statute, such as the statutes enabling persons to form a corporation Since a corporation is created by the statute, it could not be formed except by the grant of the legislature (2) A combination of individual ownership and central control One may own a fast food restaurant, hotel, hardware store, etc , yet use the name of a national company Each individual owner pays for the name use, advertising, and may be required to make certain purchases (napkins, buns, etc ) from the national company The real estate brokerage business was slow to use the franchise method, but now has many companies operating in this manner
The right to sell products or services under a corporate name or trade mark (established by someone else) This right is usually purchased for cash in addition to a royalty fee on, or a percentage of, all sales
Exemption from constraint or oppression; freedom; liberty
Some Business Schools or Universities allow their courses - under certain conditions, to be run by other Institutions Thus the Institution whose course it is - allows it to be delivered on their behalf by another body - usually as a means to allow that course to enter a different market, or one that the parent institution would not easily be able to access themselves Various terms are used to describe this practice - e g validation (see also Validation) Through such arrangements - often falling well short of full franchises - local institutions are able to offer courses that they would not have been able to provide by themselves In doing so - they may use entirely their own staff or some from the parent organisation - or in some case the entire course will be run by the staff of the parent organisation - with the local organization only providing facilities etc (See also Validation)
A business contract in which an independent business (the franchisee) sells or markets the products and/or services of a larger firm (the franchisor) The franchisee receives training and marketing support from the franchisor and pays a fee for ongoing support
a team; the legal arrangement that establishes ownership of a team
Magnanimity; generosity; liberality; frankness; nobility
an authorization to sell a company's goods or services in a particular place
To set free; invest with a franchise or privilege; enfranchise
includes a franchise, certificate, contract, or license issued by a local government unit authorizing a person to provide solid waste management services
a business established or operated under an authorization to sell or distribute a company's goods or services in a particular area
satış tekeli hakkı