(Askeri) GÖZDEN GEÇİRME: Gerçek şahısların ve onların yerlerinin ve ilgilendikleri şeylerin ve kaynakların kimliklerinin tanıtılmasını önlemek için bir doküman veya raporun gözden geçirilmesi. Bu genelde isimlerin veya diğer önemli detayların çıkarılması veya değiştirilmesi ile olur
make less offensive or more acceptable by removing objectionable features; "sanitize a document before releasing it to the press"; "sanitize history"; "sanitize the language in a book"
{f} clean, disinfect, sterilize, make hygienic; make more acceptable or less offensive or less harmful by removing unpleasant or incriminating features (also sanitize)
The treatment to adequately treat food-contact surfaces by a process that is effective in destroying vegetative cells of microorganisms of public health significance and in substantially reducing the number of other undesirable microorganisms, but without adversely affecting the product or its safety for the consumer (1)
make less offensive or more acceptable by removing objectionable features; "sanitize a document before releasing it to the press"; "sanitize history"; "sanitize the language in a book"
Adequately treat food-contact surfaces by a process that is effective in destroying vegetative cells of microorganisms of public health significance, and in substantially reducing numbers of other undesirable microorganisms, but without adversely affecting the product or its safety for the consumer [From §110 3(o)]
sani·tize sanitizes sanitizing sanitized in BRIT, also use sanitise To sanitize an activity or a situation that is unpleasant or unacceptable means to describe it in a way that makes it seem more pleasant or more acceptable. crime writers who sanitise violence and make it respectable
{f} clean, disinfect, sterilize, make hygienic; make more acceptable or less offensive or less harmful by removing unpleasant or incriminating features (also sanitise)