
listen to the pronunciation of sample
English - Turkish

Fadıl numuneyi laboratuarına götürdü ve onu analiz etti. - Fadil took the sample to his laboratory and analyzed it.

Onlar ücretsiz numuneler veriyor. - They're giving away samples free.


O, resim kartpostalların örneklerini istedi. - He asked for samples of picture postcards.

Bize çalışmalarınızdan bazı örnekler gösterir misiniz? - Would you show us some samples of your work?

{f} örneklemek
(Bilgisayar) örnektir

Bu ücretsiz bir örnektir. - This is a free sample.

(Ticaret) mal numunesi
örnek seçmek
örnek olarak denemek
{f} örnekle

Astronotlar Ay'da kaya örnekleri toplamak için özel araçlar kullanmak zorunda kaldılar çünkü uzay elbiseleri ile eğilemezlerdi. - The astronauts had to use special tools to collect rock samples on the Moon because they could not bend over in their spacesuits.

O, resim kartpostalların örneklerini istedi. - He asked for samples of picture postcards.

tadına bakarak kalitesini saptamak
{f} denemek
{i} çeşit
{f} dene

Sami birkaç örnek denedi ama satın almadı. - Sami tried a few samples, but he didn't buy.

{i} tipik özellik
sampler el işi örneği
örnekleri tecrübe eden kimse
{i} tipik davranış
örnek almak

Bir örnek almak istersen, lütfen bize bildir. - If you would like to have a sample, please let us know.

(Askeri) test malzemesi
(Tıp) sample
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) örneklem
sample survey
sample design
örneklem tasarımı
sample files
(Bilgisayar) örnek dosyalar
sample mean
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) örneklem ortalaması
sample point
örneklem noktası
sample point
(Bilgisayar) örneklem uzayı
sample point
(Bilgisayar) örnek noktası
sample room
teşhir odası
sample size
örneklem büyüklüğü
sample space
örneklem uzayı
sample tables
(Bilgisayar) örnek tablolar
sample bottle
numune şişesi
sample distribution
örnek dağılım
sample size
numune büyüklüğü
sample and hold
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Örnekle ve tut: Elektronik devrelerde sinyali yakalayıp bir örnek alıp baü örneği geçici bir süre tutma eylemi
sample pattern
örnek kalıp
sample plate
deneme saçı
sample and hold action
ornekle tut eylemi
sample bias
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) örneklem yanlılığı
sample blank
boş numune
sample book
numune kataloğu
sample box
Örnek kutusu
sample card
numune kartı
sample cart
örnek kartı
sample check
örnek kontrolü
sample count
(Bilgisayar) örnek sayım
sample database
Örnek veritabanı
sample dish
numune kabı
sample dish
örnek kabı
sample division
(Nükleer Bilimler) numune bölümü
sample draw
örnek çizim
sample export
(Ticaret) örnek ihracat
sample fields
(Bilgisayar) örnek alanlar
sample file
Örnek dosya
sample html
(Bilgisayar) html örneği
sample inlet
numune girişi
sample jar
örnek kabı
sample label
(Bilgisayar) örnek etiket
sample macro
(Bilgisayar) örnek makro
sample median
(Nükleer Bilimler) numune orta değeri
sample number
numune numarası
sample order
(Ticaret) emtia siparişi
sample out
dibe çökmek
sample out
sample packet
(Ticaret) eşantiyon paketi
sample pans
(İnşaat) numune tepsileri
sample parcel
örnek gönderiler
sample period
(Bilgisayar) örnek süre
sample plan
örnekleme planlaması
sample point
(Nükleer Bilimler) numune nokta
sample preparation
örnek hazırlama
sample preparation
(Nükleer Bilimler) numune hazırlama
sample preparator
örnek hazırlayacı
sample print
(Bilgisayar) örnek baskı
sample procedure
(Nükleer Bilimler) numune alma yöntemi
sample set
(Bilgisayar) örnek küme
sample site
(Bilgisayar) örnek bölge
sample sounds
(Bilgisayar) örnek sesler
sample space
(Nükleer Bilimler) numune hacmi
sample square
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) örneklem karesi
sample statistic
(Nükleer Bilimler) numune istatistiği
sample string
(Bilgisayar) örnek dize
sample test
numune testi
sample title
(Bilgisayar) örnek başlık
sample tree
(Çevre) örnek ağaç
sample type
(Bilgisayar) örnek türü
sample unit
(Nükleer Bilimler) numune birimi
sample usage
(Bilgisayar) örnek kullanım
sample vessel
numune kabı
sale by sample
numuneyle satış
sales sample
saturated clay sample
doygun kil numunesi
saturated sample
doygun numune
informative sample
(Mühendislik) Bilgi amaçlı numune, bir yığının tamamını temsil etmeyen, yalnızca bilgi amacıyla alınan örnek
representative sample
Temsili numune, bir yığının/topluluğun tamamını temsil edebilen örnek
(Bilgisayar) örnekler

İşimle ilgili bazı örnekler getirdim. - I brought some samples of my work.

O, resim kartpostalların örneklerini istedi. - He asked for samples of picture postcards.

biased sample
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) yanlı örneklem
bottom sample
dip örneği
censored sample
(Bilgisayar) durdurulmuş örneklem
cluster sample
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) küme örneklemi
discrete sample space
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) ayrık örneklem uzayı
gross sample
(Tıp) homojen örnek
petition sample
dilekçe örneği
previous sample
(Bilgisayar) önceki örnek
provide sample
numune vermek
random sample
(Ticaret) tesadüfi örnekleme
random sample
rasgele örneklem
request sample
numune istemek
retained sample
(Tıp) tutulmuş numune
rifle type sample splitter
(İnşaat) bölgeç
rock sample
(Jeoloji) kaya numunesi
rock sample
(Jeoloji) kaya örneği
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) örneklem alma
(Ticaret) numunelendirme
(Tıp) sampling
snow sample
kar örneği
soil sample
zemin numunesi
unbiased sample
yansız örneklem
average sample
ortalama numune
central sample moment
merkezi örnek moment
control sample
kontrol numunesi
core sample
çekirdek numunesi
numune alma
{f} örnekle

Kan örneklemesinden hiç korkmuyordum. - I wasn't afraid of the blood sampling at all.

Bu dönem, öğrenciler istatistiksel örnekleme tekniklerini okuyacaklar ve uygulayacaklar. - In this semester, students study and apply statistical sampling techniques.

size of sample
numune boyutu
be scanned across the sample
Örnek üzerinden taranmış olmak
blood sample
kan tahlili
bulk sample
kütle numune, kütle örnek
faeces sample
dışkı örneği
aşırı örneklenmiş
random ordered sample
rasgele sıralı numune, rasgele sıralı örneklem
(Mühendislik) örnek alma
soil sample
toprak numunesi
stool sample
(Tıp, İlaç) Katı dışkı numunesi
urine sample
idrar örneği
acute sample
(Tıp) akut örnek
adequate sample
(Ticaret) uygun örnek
adequate sample
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) yeterli örneklem
aggregate sample
(Gıda) paçal numune
as per sample
numuneye göre
automatic sample changer
(Nükleer Bilimler) otomatik numune değiştirici
average sample
ortalama örnek
be up to sample
örneğe uygun olmak
be up to sample
(Ticaret) numuneye uygun olmak
biased sample
yanli orneklem
blood sample
(isim) kan tahlili
borehole sample
(Madencilik) sondaj örneği
breathing zone sample
(Tıp) solumun alanı örneği
bulk sample
külle numune
bulk sample
kütle örnek
can i sample local cuisine there
orada yerel mutfağından örnekler tadabilir miyim
cement sample
çimento numunesi
censored sample
durdurulmus orneklem
composite sample
kompozit örnek
composite sample
birleşik örnek
composite sample
(Tıp) karmaşık örnek
continuous sample
(Tıp) sürekli örnek
core sample
(Jeoloji) karot örneği
core sample
(Madencilik,Teknik) karot numunesi
discrete sample space
ayrik orneklem uzayi
disturbed sample
örselenmiş örnek
disturbed sample
örselenmiş numune
dried sample
kurutulmuş numune
earth sample
toprak örneği
environmental sample
(Biyoloji) çevresel numune
equal to sample
örneğe uygun olmak
examine sample
numune incelemek
footer sample
(Bilgisayar) altbilgi örneği
format sample
(Bilgisayar) biçim örneği
gridline sample
(Bilgisayar) kılavuz çizgisi örneği
header sample
(Bilgisayar) üstbilgi örneği
html sample
(Bilgisayar) html örnek
humid soil sample
rutubetli zemin numunesi
incremental sample
(Gıda) inkremental numune
intact sample
örselenmemiş numune
intact sample
bozulmamış örnek
intact sample
bozulmamış numune
judgement sample
(Kanun) yargısal numune
judgement sample
(Kanun) yargısal örneklem
landscape sample
(Bilgisayar) manzara örneği
matching to sample
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) örnekleme eşleme
mouse sample rate
Fare Örnek Oranı
next sample
(Bilgisayar) sonraki örnek
outturn sample
mamul örneği
outturn sample
(Ticaret) üretim örneği
pcm sample rate
PCM Örnek Hızı
portrait sample
(Bilgisayar) düşey örnek
preserving of sample
numunenin saklanması
probability sample
(Tıp) olasılıklı örnek
probability sample
(Ticaret) rasgele numune
purchase by sample
(Ticaret) örneğe göre satın alma
quality sample
(Tekstil) kalite numunesi
quota sample
(Ticaret) kontenjan örneği
random ordered sample
(İstatistik) rasgele sıralı numune
random ordered sample
(İstatistik) rasgele sıralı örneklem
random sample
reactor water sample line
(Nükleer Bilimler) reaktör suyu örnek alma hattı
replicate sample
(Gıda) şahit numune
{i} seçme
{i} örnekleme

Bu dönem, öğrenciler istatistiksel örnekleme tekniklerini okuyacaklar ve uygulayacaklar. - In this semester, students study and apply statistical sampling techniques.

Kan örneklemesinden hiç korkmuyordum. - I wasn't afraid of the blood sampling at all.

{i} örnek

Bu dönem, öğrenciler istatistiksel örnekleme tekniklerini okuyacaklar ve uygulayacaklar. - In this semester, students study and apply statistical sampling techniques.

İşte bugünün programı hakkında bir örnek. - Here is a sampling of today's program.

scheduled oil sample
(İnşaat) programlı yağ örnekleri
shear test sample
kesme deneyi numunesi
shipping sample
sevk edilecek numune
silt sample
silt numunesi
specimen sample
(Marangozluk) örnek parça
spoon sample
kaşık numunesi
statistical sample
istatistiksel orneklem
swipe sample
(Çevre) silerek alınan numune
trimmed sample
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kırpılmış örneklem
English - English
A subset of a population selected for measurement, observation or questioning, to provide statistical information about the population is possible it might stand second to the Scandinavian countries if a fair sample of their population were obtained. Francis Galton et al. (1883). Final Report of the Anthropometric Committee, Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, .

To take or to test a sample or samples of; as, to sample sugar, teas, wool, cloth
A part of anything taken or presented for inspection, or shown as evidence of the quality of the whole; a specimen; as, goods are often purchased by samples

I design this but for a sample of what I hope more fully to discuss. -Woodward.

Example; pattern

Thus he concludes, and every hardy knight His sample followed. -Fairfax.

To make or show something similar to; to match
To reduce a continuous signal (such as a sound wave) to a discrete signal
To reuse a portion of (an existing sound recording) in a new song
Gratuitous borrowing of easily recognised phases (or moments) from other music (or movies) in a recording, used to emphasize a particular point by implying a certain context
{n} a specimen
{v} to show something similar
A sample of people or things is a number of them chosen out of a larger group and then used in tests or used to provide information about the whole group. We based our analysis on a random sample of more than 200 males
In acceptance sampling, one or more units of product (or a quantity of material) drawn from a lot for purposes of inspection to reach a decision regarding acceptance of the lot
The sample is the group of people you select to be in your study The sample should be representative of a larger population to whom you want to generalize
A portion of a population, or a subset from a set of units, that is selected by some probability mechanism for the purpose of investigating the properties of the population NAEP does not assess an entire population but rather selects a representative sample from the group to answer assessment items
a small part of something intended as representative of the whole all or part of a natural object that is collected and preserved as an example of its class take a sample of; "Try these new crackers"; "Sample the regional dishes
Any subset of a population A sample is often chosen for measurement because it is easier to determine the properties of a sample than the entire population
In statistics, a group of observations selected from a statistical population by a set procedure See random sample
A sample is the set of observations obtained from experimental unit that were selected from a larger group (the population) By studying the sample it is hoped to draw valid conclusions about the larger group If the conclusions drawn from a sample are to be meaningful the sample must be obtained in a random fashion This means that each member of the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample This ensures that the sample is unbiased Unfortunately, it is not always easy to obtain a truly random sample from sampling units that are widely dispersed
A part of a population
A subset of cases or elements selected from a population
A single number in the image data; for example, the red value of a pixel A pixel is composed of one or more samples When discussing physical data layout (in particular, in Image layout), we use "sample" to mean a number stored in the image array It would be more precise but much less readable to say "sample or palette index" in that context Elsewhere in the specification, "sample" means a color value or alpha value In the indexed-color case, these are palette entries not palette indexes
A discrete piece of waveform data represented by a single numerical value Sampling is the process of converting analog data to digital data by taking samples of the analog waveform at regular intervals
items selected at random from a population and used to test hypotheses about the population
A selection from a population
If you sample food or drink, you taste a small amount of it in order to find out if you like it. We sampled a selection of different bottled waters. = taste
A sample is a subset group of data selected from a larger population group Most samples are drawn at random to guaranty equal representation in the data
The water that is analyzed for the presence of EPA-regulated drinking water contaminants Depending on the regulation, EPA requires water systems and states to take samples from source water, from water leaving the treatment facility, or from the taps of selected consumers
part of a population; that portion of the population that is measured
{f} take a small portion of something as a specimen; determine the quality of something by testing a specimen
{i} example; specimen, small part of something; representative part of a larger group
take a sample of; "Try these new crackers"; "Sample the regional dishes"
A sample is the term used in survey sampling to describe the group (of people, homes, etc ) selected for interviewing in the survey The sample, by definition, has to be fully representative of the wider group (the population) from which it is drawn
The group of survey respondents derived from a population
If you sample a place or situation, you experience it for a short time in order to find out about it. the chance to sample a different way of life. = try
1 In statistics, a group of individuals often taken at random from a population for research purposes 2 One or more items taken from a population or a process and intended to provide information on the population or process 3 Portion of material selected from a larger quantity in some manner chosen so that the portion is representative of the whole [IUPAC Tox] Related Terms aliquot, biased sample, random sample, solid phase extraction, split sample stratified sample, systematic sample Drug discovery & development glossary
A digital recording of a sound, often a single note, or perhaps several bars of a song, the length only restricted by the memory of the system Once the sound is "sampled" or digitized, it can be manipulated The sample can be trimmed, looped, pitch-shifted, reversed, slowed-down or speeded-up, and altered in a myriad of ways The most common applications of sampling are recording a single note of an instrument, then playing that sample back from a keyboard to simulate the original instrument, or recording a few bars of a rhythm and using the sampler to repeat that rhythm in a loop But the sampler also allows the creation of nonexistent sounds with some characteristics of natural organic sounds, and the playing of natural sounds in ways impossible with the original instrument
A subset of people in a particular population
To take or to test a sample or samples of; as, to sample sugar, teas, wools, cloth
A set of observations, usually considered to have been taken from a much larger population Statistics are numerical or graphical quantities calculated from a sample Since the data in one sample will vary from that of another, so will the statistics calculated from those samples
To take or to test a sample or samples of; as, to sample sugar, teas, wools, cloths
(as used in MARSSIM) a part or selection from a medium located in a survey unit or reference area that represents the quality or quantity of a given parameter or nature of the whole area or unit; a portion serving as a specimen (MARSSIM, pg GL-15) RADNET note: another controversial MARSSIM definition
A sample of a substance is a small amount of it that is examined and analysed scientifically. They took samples of my blood. urine samples. = specimen
a small part of something intended as representative of the whole
A part of anything presented for inspection, or shown as evidence of the quality of the whole; a specimen; as, goods are often purchased by samples
set of units consisting of only a part of the population
A group of observations selected from the study population The sample may not be representative of a defined study population if the sampling strategy or recruiting procedures are flawed
all or part of a natural object that is collected and preserved as an example of its class
A segment of the population selected for marketing research to represent the population as a whole
The items selected for examination from a population
A sample of a substance or product is a small quantity of it that shows you what it is like. You'll receive samples of paint, curtains and upholstery We're giving away 2000 free samples They asked me to do some sample drawings
Example; pattern. [Obs.]
sample function
Any function used to obtain a set of samples from a given population
sample market
A market at which only samples of goods were available for sale
sample markets
plural form of sample market
sample mass
the weight of a sample
sample mean
Given a random sample \textstyle \mathbf{x}_{1},\ldots,\mathbf{x}_{N} from an \textstyle n-dimensional random variable \textstyle \mathbf{X}, a mean defined as


sample space
The set of all possible outcomes of a game, experiment or other situation
sample spaces
plural form of sample space
sample and hold
(Elektrik, Elektronik) In electronics, a sample and hold (S/H, also "follow-and-hold") circuit is an analog device that samples (captures, grabs) the voltage of a continuously varying analog signal and holds (locks, freezes) its value at a constant level for a specified minimal period of time. Sample and hold circuits and related peak detectors are the elementary analog memory devices. They are typically used in analog-to-digital converters to eliminate variations in input signal that can corrupt the conversion process
sample distribution
items selected at random from a population and used to test hypotheses about the population
sample mean
The sample mean is an estimator available for estimating the population mean It is a measure of location, commonly called the average, often symbolised as where
sample mean
close window
sample mean
The average of the measurements in a sample It is the point estimate of the population mean (page 56)
sample point
An element of the sample space A sample point represents an experimental outcome
sample point
The raw data from an ADC used to calculate waveform points
sample point
{i} potential result of an experiment that is represented as a point
sample size
The number of respondents to a particular question It is also referred to as the "N" and serves as the denominator when calculating the mean
sample size
With sample sizes exceeding 30, we can reasonably expect to see whether the data are normally (symmetrically) or abnormally (asymmetrically) distributed
sample size
The number of units of product in the sample selected for inspection
sample size
The number of items in a sample In general, a larger sample size yields better statistical information than a smaller sample size
sample size
the number of members in a sample In all cases, larger samples make for more accurate conclusions In the case of statistical generalizations, as the sample size increases, the error margin decreases, or the confidence level increases, or both
sample size
close window
sample size
The number of survey responses to a specific question
sample size
The number of measurements in a sample (page 55)
sample size
This is the size that the designer cuts his or her garments in There are different sizes for each type of modeling - such as junior, petite, plus and fashion
sample size
[n] The number of units in a sample
sample size
The number of patients studied in a trial, including the treatment and control groups, where applicable In general, a larger sample size decreases the probability of making a false-positive error (a) and increases the power of a trial, i e , decreases the probability of making a false-negative error (b) Large sample sizes decrease the effect of random variation on the estimate of a treatment effect
sample size
The number of elements (names, phone numbers) drawn from the population
sample size
The number of trials in an experiment
sample size
The number of subjects assigned to a treatment condition in an experiment or study
sample size
The number of people in the sample Sample size is a key determinant in sample error-as sample size increases, sample error decreases
sample size
This is the number of people who respond to a particular question For more accurate survey results, this number should be as close to the population size as possible Unfortunately, issues such as time and logistics usually reduce this number
sample size
the number of items or observations in a sample; usually denoted by lower case letter n
sample size
The number of items that should be randomly chosen from a batch
sample size
The sample size is the number of units included in a sample The larger the sample size, the more information we have about the population
sample size
(Statistics) The number of individual observations The sample size, i e , number of observations about a particular event or phenomenon, has important implications on how representative the sample is of the Population ADVANCE \x 540
sample space
The set of all experimental outcomes
sample space
"The set of all possible outcomes of an experiment" (Dolciani, 1988)
sample space
The set of all possible outcomes of an experiment
blood sample
A sample of blood
random sample
A sample randomly taken from an investigated population
a sample
a technique for electronically splicing pieces of previously recorded sound as part of a composition
Present participle of sample
representative sample
An unbiased indication of what the whole population is like
(statistics) the selection of a suitable sample for study
paired sample statistics
(İstatistik) In statistics, a sample is a subset of a population. Typically, the population is very large, making a census or a complete enumeration of all the values in the population impractical or impossible. The sample represents a subset of manageable size. Samples are collected and statistics are calculated from the samples so that one can make inferences or extrapolations from the sample to the population. This process of collecting information from a sample is referred to as sampling
a sample
blood sample
{i} small amount of blood taken from a person (for a medical examination, etc.)
core sample
– A cylinder sample generally 1-5" in diameter drilled out of an area to determine the geologic and chemical analysis of the overburden and coal
core sample
- Cylindrical core retrieved from a hollow steel pipe that is drilled into rock or sediment and brought to the surface for study
core sample
A solid column of rock, usually from two to four inches in diameter, taken from the bottom of a well bore as a sample of an underground formation
core sample
The long cylinder of rock, about one inch or more in diameter recovered by diamond drilling during exploration
core sample
A sample of rock, ice, snow, soil or sediment obtained by driving a hollow tube into the undisturbed medium and withdrawing it with its contained sample or core
core sample
Cylindrical sample of rock taken from the ground by drilling for research and exploration purposes
core sample
An undisturbed sample of soil, rock, peat or ice, obtained by driving a hollow metal tube into the material and withdrawing it in the form of a tubular section or core
faeces sample
small quantity of excrement used for medical analysis
floor sample
Merchandise sold at a reduced price because it has been a display or demonstration model
gave a urine sample
gave a small amount of urine (generally to a doctor for testing)
give a sample
(Slang) urinate (British usage)
grab sample
A single sample collected at a particular time and place that represents the composition of the water, air, or soil only at that time and place
grab sample
A sample taken at random, generally not expected to be representative to any reliable degree of precision
grab sample
a single sample or measurement taken at a specific time or over as short a period as feasible
grab sample
A quick air sample used to check types and levels of pollutants Normally not used to determine whether violation of a health standard has taken place
grab sample
A sample taken at random; it is assayed to determine if valuable elements are contained in the rock A grab sample is not intended to be representative of the deposit, and usually the best-looking material is selected
grab sample
a single sample which is collected at one point in time and place
grab sample
A single sample of soil or of water taken without regard to time or flow
grab sample
A single water or wastewater sample taken at a time and place representative of total discharge
grab sample
A single sample collected at a particular time and place which represents the composition of the water only at that time and place
grab sample
A sample of media taken from a single source, the opposite of a composite sample
grab sample
A sample collected from one to three points in a stream using a Van Dorn sampler
grab sample
A single sample collected at a particular time and place that represents the composition of the water only at that time and place
grab sample
A single sample taken at a given place and time, (see composite sample)
grab sample
A single sample collected at a particular time and place that represents the composition of the media only at that time and place
grab sample
– A soil sample obtained without using a coring device Frequently used during tank removals
grab sample
A sample that is randomly collected or "grabbed" from the collection site
grab sample
a single sample of wastewater taken at neither set time nor flow
grab sample
A sample collected at a specific time and specific location, used to determine the nature of the water for that specific time and location only
grab sample
Typically, a single water or air sample drawn over a short time period As a result, the sample is not representative of long-term conditions at the sampling site This type of sampling yields data that provides a snapshot of conditions or concentrations at a particular point in time ADVANCE \x 540
random sample
A sample that allows every item in a population to have equal chance of being selected
random sample
A sample in which each member of the population has an equal chance of inclusion
random sample
a sample in which every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected
random sample
A sample derived by selecting individuals such that each individual has the same probability of selection
random sample
a sample in which each member of a group has an equal chance of inclusion
random sample
A group of persons are selected from a population in such a way that each individual has an equal chance of being chosen In addition, the selection of one person does not influence the chances of other people being selected
random sample
a sample chosen so that each unit of the larger group has a known and equal chance of being selected
random sample
A sample in which all members of the target population have an equal and independent chance of being selected for the study; also known as a probability sample
random sample
The selection of items or data for verification or measurement that is not predetermined on a value, location or any other basis
random sample
a sample grabbed at random
random sample
a sample in which every element in the population has an equal chance of being selected
random sample
narrow selection of items that to each individual in the population there is an identical chance of belonging to
random sample
a subgroup or subset of a population selected in such a way that each unit in a population has an equal chance of being selected
random sample
A sample taken at random from a population
random sample
In statistical terms a random sample is a set of items that have been drawn from a population in such a way that each time an item was selected, every item in the population had an equal opportunity to appear in the sample
random sample
a sample in which each individual in a population has the same chance of being selected as any other
random sample
A group selected randomly, solely by chance
random sample
A sample of a population that has the property that each item has an equal chance of being selected, and in which the chance of one item being selected does not affect the selection of any other item Random samples are often used to ensure that the sample is representative of the population Sometimes a sample that is not totally random but distributed uniformly with respect to nuisance parameters has desirable properties
random sample
A random sample is a group selected for study, which is drawn at random from the universe of cases by a statistically valid method
random sample
(Statistics) A sample selected in such a manner that all possible samples of the same size have an equal and independent chance of being included
random sample
a sample grabbed at random a sample in which every element in the population has an equal chance of being selected
random sample
group chosen in a way that gives everybody an equal chance of being selected; meant to represent the population from which it was drawn
random sample
members of a population selected by a method designed to ensure that each person in the target group has an equal chance of selection
random sample
A group of subjects randomly chosen from a defined population
random sample
A subset of the universe selected in such a way that each member of the universe has an equal opportunity to be selected
random sample
A sample of persons selected using an independent random sampling technique to participate in a research study
random sample
A group of subjects representing the population who are selected through chance
random sample
A sample taken from any given population in which each person maintains equal chances of being selected
random sample
a sample of a population where each member of the population has an equal chance of being in the sample
past of sample
Material samples requested by the architect of the general contractor or materials specified for the project
third-person singular of sample
What does the perfect Liberal Studies paper look like? This page links you to some samples of finished examples
Short clips of sound used in music Can be anything from a single drum sound to a short piece of music that can be looped to form a seamless rhythmic tune
plural of sample
A hand made box or paperboard piece, a box or paperboard pieces produced from a cutting die by hand or by a proofer machine
A pre-recorded wave that is played back in music Samples can be looped and played back at different pitches A sample can also be one amplitude measurement in a digital recording
Free packages of a useful amount of product used to introduce the consumer or retailer to a product
If you have built a prototype in your lab, let us know We could demonstrate the device/idea for both the market evaluation group and any industrial sponsors
The technique of recording a sound digitally (translating the analogue audio waveform into a series of electrical ons and offs that can be manipulated by a computer) for subsequent processing, editing and playback
The selection of a small but representative part of an ore body or process material for analysis
items selected at random from a population and used to test hypotheses about the population
The process of determining an average or integral value by evaluating a function at one or more positions (See Monte Carlo )
The process of encoding an analog signal in digital form by reading (sampling) its level at precisely spaced intervals of time See sample, sampling rate
Sampling is the process of selecting a proper subset of elements from the full population so that the subset can be used to make inference to the population as a whole A probability sample is one in which each element has a known and positive chance (probability) of selection A simple random sample is one in which each member has the same chance of selection In DAWN, a sample of hospitals is selected in order to make inference to all hospitals; DAWN uses simple random sampling within strata
The act, process, or technique of selecting a representative part of a population for the purpose of determining the characteristics of the whole population
{i} act of gathering representative samples; process of collecting specimens
the analysis of a group by determining the characteristics of a significant percentage of its members chosen at random
(statistics) the selection of a suitable sample for study measurement at regular intervals of the amplitude of a varying waveform (in order to convert it to digital form)
(Ticaret) The use of a predetermined, finite number of observations to project the characteristics of a larger population
The process of selecting subjects for research See random sampling, availability sampling
The process of obtaining a sequence of discrete digital values from a continuous sequence of analog data
Paid magazines sometimes attempt to recruit new subscribers by offering them one or more free trial issues Samples differ from a forced free trial (see definition) in that they are requested by the prospect and usually involve only one or a few free issues Free copies added to or included in a subscription term are premiums (see definition), not samples
Sampling, or analog-to-digital conversion, is the process of converting an analog signal to a series of digital samples (numbers)
the process of collecting statistical data or samples from a production run for analysis
Digital process by which analog information is measured, often millions of times per second, in order to convert analog to digital
digitizing a waveform by measuring its amplitude fluctuations at some precisely timed intervals The accuracy of the measurements is a function of the bit resolution
Selection for retention of part of a body of similar records to serve as a representation of the whole body Usually associated with scheduling case files
the process or technique of obtaining a representative sample
The collection of a representative portion for analysis and testing (WHO 1980) Continuous sampling is sampling, without interruptions, throughout an operation or for a predetermined time Grab sampling or spot sampling is the taking of a sample in a very short time (ISO 1994)
A statistical technique for the collection of passenger-mile data The sampling technique may be one of the FTA-approved procedures or an alternative methodology which meets FTA's requirements for statistical reliability (95 percent confidence and 10 percent precision)
The technique of selecting a representative part of a population for the purpose of determining parameters or characteristics of the whole population A small part selected as a sample for inspection or analysis
The act of periodically collecting or providing information about a particular process
measurement at regular intervals of the amplitude of a varying waveform (in order to convert it to digital form)
Under the CWC, the inspection team has the right to collect samples of types, and in quantities it considers necessary, to check for the absence of undeclared scheduled chemicals The inspection team may request the assistance of the inspected State Party, and may supervise sample collection Samples of importance in the investigation of alleged use include toxic chemicals, munitions and devices and their remnants, environmental samples and biomedical samples from human or animal sources In case of unresolved ambiguities, samples may be analyzed in a designated off-site laboratory, subject to the inspected State Party's agreement
The process of taking a small part or quantity of something for analysis The actual data gathered for quantitative analysis of a system; opposed to population (see above); a small part of the total universe under study intended to represent the characteristics of the whole
A technique used to capture continuous phenomena, whereby periodic snapshots are taken If the sampling rate is fast enough, the human sensory organs cannot discern the gaps between each snapshot when they are played back This is the principle behind motion pictures Sampling is the key technique used to digitize analog information For example, music CDs are produced by sampling live sound at frequent intervals and then digitizing each sample The term sampling is also used to describe a similar process in digital photography
the probabilistic, systematic, or judgmental selection of a sub-element from a larger population, with the aim of approximating a representative picture of the whole
the measurement, at regular intervals, of the amplitude of a varying waveform in order to convert it to digital form
A way to collect information about a group by examining only a part of the group (the sample), or by dividing a test into sections and giving each member of the group or the sample only one part of the test (matrix sampling)
The selection and analysis of a finite number of items in order to obtain information about the population from which they were selected
statistical sample
selection of items that represent the general opinion of a population
stratified sample
the population is divided into strata and a random sample is taken from each stratum
taking a blood sample
{i} taking of a small amount of blood from a person (for a medical examination, etc.)
urine sample
small quantity of urine which is inspected in a lab
Turkish - English
(Tıp) sample
(Tıp) sampling