
listen to the pronunciation of sam
Turkish - English
(isim) Samiel, simoom, sirocco
simoom, simoon
sam yeli
Sam amca
Uncle Sam
English - English
A diminutive of the female given name Samantha
A diminutive of Samuel or, rarely, of Samson. Also used as a formal male given name
Surface-to-air missile
Federal narcotics agent
{i} missile launched from the ground and directed to destroy an airborne target
surface-to-air missile. Samuel. Ervin Sam Kim Young Sam Shepard Sam Uncle Sam
usually diminutive of the male given name Samuel
{i} male first name (form of Samuel); female first name (form of Samantha)
usually diminutive of the female given name Samantha
An acronym for Security Accounts Manager, a Windows NT subsystem that maintains a database of user account names and passwords for authentication
Sequential access method QSAM and BSAM are MVS sequential access methods which can be used to store or retrieve data in a continuous sequence SAM can be used with CICS extrapartition transient data data sets In CICSPlex, system availability monitoring
Sometimes used abbreviation for scanning Auger microscope or microprobe, an ultrahigh vacuum scanning electron microscope with an electron energy spectrometer for detecting and analysing the Auger electrons emitted from the top surface layers of the sample
Secure Applications Module A device used on some e-Purse schemes to authenticate transactions
Shriffrin's theory of memory, which holds that memories are retrieved as a function of their strengths of association to cues (Anderson)
scanning acoustic microscopy
A Shared Appreciation Mortgage In exchange for receiving a below-market interest rate on your mortgage, you promise to give your lender a certain portion of the value that your property will gain
System Administration Manager
SAM is UTA's telephone registration system You will need a touch-tone telephone and the schedule of available registration times to use SAM SAM will also allow you to check your accounts receivable balance and pay your bills via credit card The SAM telephone number is 817-272-2726
Service Access Multiplexer
System Analysis Model which produces predicted flows at projects on the Columbia and Snake Rivers based on power and flood control requirements This model is administered by the BPA
Scientific Archive Management system - client-server software and hardware that manages and simplifies all user interactions (storage, search, retrieval) with the EMSL Scientific Data Archive Developed by the C&IS organization (Replaces NWArchive)
Secure Access Manager Secure Access Manager gives network administrators granular control over the security functions of the entire network directly from the central site Through this Windows-based application, network administrators can configure the Secure Access Firewall(s) off line and download the configuration to remote locations The menu-driven program enables network administrators to easily configure the firewall on the network
A black boy who works for Will Varner in The Hamlet
Surface to Air Missile
Stratospheric Aerosol Measurements (NIMBUS-G)
Service Access Management- An organization whose obligation is to administer Early Intervention services in Berks County to (among others) autistic and PDD children from birth to age 3, and in a separate dept age 3-5 SAM can provide, MA and SSI forms, a list of wrap-around service providers, information on grants, waivers and general information through your assigned caseworker
The traditional uniform of kung fu
Slot Allocation Message
Scanning Auger Microprobe
a guided missile fired from land or shipboard against an airborne target
Sewer Authority Midcoast -- a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) agency which operates the sewer plant on behalf of Half Moon Bay, GSD, and MSD
Surface-to-air missile, or SAM
Sam Hill

Walter poured syrup on his vegetables and meat with a generous hand. He probably would have poured it into his milk glass had I not asked what the sam hill he was doing.

Sam Spade
The fictional detective created by Dashiell Hammett who was protagonist of The Maltese Falcon
An abbreviation used for the book(s) of Samuel in the Tanakh and the Old Testament of the Bible
Sam Browne
{i} (1824-1901) General Sir Samuel James Browne, British Army cavalry officer in India and the Near East after whome the Sam Browne belt is named
Sam Browne belt
{i} leather duty belt for a dress uniform held by a light strap that passes over the right shoulder (named after Sam Browne)
Sam Cooke
born Jan. 22, 1931, Clarksdale, Miss., U.S. died Dec. 11, 1964, Los Angeles, Calif. U.S. singer and songwriter. The son of a Baptist minister, Cooke started his career singing gospel music. Switching to rhythm and blues and soul music, he had a series of hits, including "You Send Me," "Wonderful World," "Cupid," "Twistin' the Night Away," and "Bring It on Home to Me." Cooke was shot to death in a Los Angeles motel room
Sam Ervin
orig. Samuel James Ervin, Jr. born Sept. 27, 1896, Morganton, N.C., U.S. died April 23, 1985, Winston-Salem, N.C. U.S. senator (1954-74). He served on the Supreme Court of North Carolina (1948-54) before being appointed to a vacant U.S. Senate seat. An eloquent expert on the Constitution, he sat on the Senate committee that censured Sen. Joseph McCarthy, and he helped investigate labour racketeering. In the 1960s he led Southern filibusters against civil-rights legislation while simultaneously acting as a champion of civil liberties. As chairman of the special committee investigating the Watergate scandal, he became something of a folk hero for his unceasing pursuit of evidence in the face of White House claims of executive privilege. His earthy humour, distinctive accent, and unfailing charm contributed to his popularity
Sam Houston
a US soldier and politician who fought to make Texas independent from Mexico. He was president of the Republic of Texas from 1836 until it became a state of the US in 1845. The city of Houston in Texas was named after him (1793-1863). born March 2, 1793, Rockbridge county, Va., U.S. died July 26, 1863, Huntsville, Texas U.S. politician. After the death of his father in 1807, Houston moved with his family to a farm in rural Tennessee. In his mid-teens he ran away and lived for nearly three years with the Cherokee Indians. After service in the War of 1812 he practiced law in Nashville and was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives (1823-27). He was elected governor of Tennessee in 1827. After his marriage failed in 1829, he resigned his office and sought refuge among the Cherokee, who formally adopted him into the tribe. He twice traveled to Washington, D.C., to expose fraud perpetrated by government agents against the Indians. In 1832 he was sent by Pres. Andrew Jackson to Texas, then a Mexican province, to negotiate treaties with the Indians there. When U.S. settlers in Texas began an armed rebellion in 1835, the provisional Texas government chose him to command its army, and he defeated the Mexicans at San Jacinto, securing Texan independence. He served as president of the Republic of Texas (1836-38, 1841-44) and helped it to win statehood (1845); he then served in the U.S. Senate (1846-59). He was elected governor in 1859, but his pro-Union views were opposed by Democratic state leaders, who voted to secede in 1861. After he refused to swear allegiance to the Confederacy, he was deposed. The city of Houston was named in his honour
Sam Nujoma
born May 12, 1929, Owambo, South West Africa First president (from 1990) of independent Namibia. In the late 1950s Nujoma helped found the Ovamboland People's Organization, forerunner of the South West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO). He became SWAPO's first president in 1960, and, after years of petitioning the UN to compel South Africa to release control of South West Africa, he authorized armed resistance (1966). In 1989, after some 30 years in exile, he led SWAPO to victory in the UN-supervised elections
Sam Peckinpah
born Feb. 21, 1925, Fresno, Calif., U.S. died Dec. 28, 1984, Inglewood, Calif. U.S. film director. He served in the U.S. Marines, studied drama at the University of Southern California, and began working in television in the mid-1950s, writing for and directing programs such as Gunsmoke and The Rifleman. He made his debut as a film director with The Deadly Companions (1961), which was followed by Ride the High Country (1962) and Major Dundee (1965). Among his later films are The Wild Bunch (1969), considered his finest, Straw Dogs (1971), Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid (1973), and Cross of Iron (1977). His films are noted for their magnificent landscapes, embittered characters, and brutal violence
Sam Rayburn
born Jan. 6, 1882, Roane county, Tenn., U.S. died Nov. 16, 1961, Bonham, Texas U.S. politician. He taught school in Texas before becoming a lawyer. He served in the state legislature from 1907 to 1913. In 1912 he was elected as a Democrat to the U.S. House of Representatives, where he served for the next 48 years, including 17 years as speaker (1940-46, 1949-53, 1955-61). A skillful tactician, he influenced the passage of much New Deal legislation and cowrote the bill enacting rural electrification. He was the long-time political mentor of Lyndon B. Johnson and a trusted adviser to presidents from Franklin D. Roosevelt to John F. Kennedy
Sam Shepard
orig. Samuel Shepard Rogers born Nov. 5, 1943, Fort Sheridan, Ill., U.S. U.S. playwright and actor. He worked as an actor and rock musician before turning to playwriting; his early one-act dramas and experimental plays were performed Off-Broadway in the 1960s, winning several Obie Awards. His successful full-length plays, noted for their often surreal images drawn from the American West, science fiction, and popular culture, include The Tooth of Crime (1972), Curse of the Starving Class (1976), Buried Child (1979, Pulitzer Prize), True West (1980), Fool for Love (1983; film, 1985), and Simpatico (1996). He wrote the screenplay for Paris, Texas (1984) and acted in numerous movies, including Days of Heaven (1978) and The Right Stuff (1983)
Sam Snead
born May 27, 1912, Hot Springs, Va., U.S. died May 23, 2002, Hot Springs U.S. golfer. Snead reportedly never took a golf lesson. Known for his straw hat and his flowing, powerful swing, "Slammin' Sam" won the PGA Championship (1942, 1949, 1951), the British Open (1946), and the Masters (1949, 1952, 1954) and was a member of the U.S. Ryder Cup team (eight times including 1969, when he captained the squad but did not play). Snead won more PGA tournaments (81) than any other player in history, and his total number of world tournament wins is estimated at 135
Sam Walton
born March 29, 1918, Kingfisher, Okla., U.S. died April 5, 1992, Little Rock, Ark. U.S. retail magnate, founder of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. He attended the University of Missouri and then trained with the J.C. Penney Co. In 1945 he started a chain of variety stores in Arkansas, and in 1962 he opened his first Wal-Mart store in Rogers, Ark. , offering a wide selection of discount merchandise. Whereas other discount-store chains were usually situated in or near large cities, Walton based his stores in small towns where there was little competition from established chains. Using this strategy his company expanded to 800 stores by 1985. In 1983 he opened the first Sam's Wholesale Club. Walton stepped down as chief executive officer of Wal-Mart Stores in 1988 but remained chairman until his death, by which time there were over 1,700 stores and Walton's family was the wealthiest in the U.S. In the 1990s Wal-Mart became controversial for depleting downtown districts of their commercial life by siting stores nearby. By the end of the 20th century it had become the world's largest retailer
Sam Walton
{i} Samuel Moore Walton (1918-1992), founder of Wal-Mart™ in 1962
Sam Weller
a character in The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens. Sam is Mr Pickwick's servant, and when Mr Pickwick is sent to prison, Sam goes with him to look after him
Sam Wilson
(1766-1854) American inspector of army supplies, man rumored to be the original "Uncle Sam
sam browne belt
leather belt supported by a strap over the right shoulder
1 Sam.
An abbreviation used for 1 Samuel, an Old Testament book of the Bible
2 Sam.
An abbreviation used for 2 Samuel, an Old Testament book of the Bible
Uncle Sam
A personification of the United States government

Uncle Sam Needs You! means The Army Needs You!.

saw sam sai
A traditional bowed string instrument of Thailand. Its body is made from a special type of coconut covered on one end with animal skin, and it has three silk strings
Uncle Sam's country
United States of America
Kim Young Sam
born Dec. 20, 1927, K je Island [near Pusan], Korea South Korean moderate opposition leader who served as president (1993-98) after his party merged with the ruling party. First elected to South Korea's National Assembly in 1954, he served there until his expulsion in 1979 by Pres. Park Chung Hee, which touched off riots and demonstrations that preceded Park's assassination. After the military takeover by Gen. Chun Doo Hwan in 1980, Kim was put under house arrest until 1983. In 1990 he merged his party with the ruling Democratic Justice Party, a move that helped him win the presidency in 1992. He enacted reforms to end political corruption, and his term was one of rising prosperity for Korea until 1997, when Korea became caught up in an Asian financial crisis
Uncle Sam
Some people refer to the United States of America or its government as Uncle Sam. They are ready to defend themselves against Uncle Sam's imperialist policies. the US, or the US government, sometimes represented by the figure of a man with a white beard and tall hat (Probably based on U.S., short for United States). Popular U.S. symbol, usually associated with a cartoon figure having long white hair and chin whiskers and dressed in a swallow-tailed coat, vest, tall hat, and striped trousers. The name probably originated with "Uncle Sam" Wilson, a businessman who provided beef to the army during the War of 1812. The "U.S." stamp on his barrels, meant to indicate government property, came to be associated with his nickname, which in time came to symbolize the U.S. government. The Uncle Sam figure evolved in the hands of British and U.S. cartoonists; its most familiar treatment appeared on recruiting posters during World Wars I and II with the caption "I want you
Uncle Sam
symbol of the United States; the United States or American people
shasta sam
A game like California Jack, except that the pack drawn from is turned face down
Turkish - Turkish
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Yer altındaki altın damarı
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Ölüm, mevt
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Ateş
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Gök kuşağı
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Sersemlik hastalığı
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Hazret-i Nuh'un (A.S.) oğullarından birinin ismi
çölden esen rüzgâr
Çölde esen rüzgâr, sam yeli
Rus yapısı karadan havaya güdümlü, sol-air Missile teriminin kısaltması ile anılan silâh
Rus yapısı, karadan havaya güdümlü silah
Karadan havaya güdümlü füze
Rus yapısı, karadan havaya güdümlü, sol-air missile teriminin kısaltması ile anılan silah
Hz. Nuh'un oğulları
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Küçük kulaklı kadın. (Müz: Asmâ)
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Kuvvetlenip olgunlaşan ot
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Katı şiddetli, şedid
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Sağlam ve dayanıklı, sert
sam shepard
Yapıtlarında pop motiflerini, bilim kurgu ve popüler kültürle gençlik kültürünün öbür öğelerini ustaca birleştirmiş, "Aç Sınıfın Laneti", "Vahşi Batı", "Si Bemol intihar" gibi tiyatro yapıtlarıyla tanınmış ABD'li yazar
sam yeli
Çölden esen sıcak rüzgâr, sam
(Osmanlı Dönemi) (Usme. C.) Ön ayakları beyaz olan at, geyik veya koyun
(Osmanlı Dönemi) (C: Meâsım) Kolun bilezik takacak yeri
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Nabız yeri. Bilek
(Osmanlı Dönemi) İsmetli olmayı istemek. Temizlik istemek. Günah ve ayıplardan temiz olmak
English - Turkish
(Askeri) hava postası; özel hava nakliye görevi; satıhtan havaya füze (space available mail; special airlift mission; surface-to-air misilse)
{i} Sam
(isim) Sam
Sam Browne belt
(isim) subay kılıç kemeri [İng.]
Sam Browne belt
{i} subay kılıç kemeri [İng.]
Sam Hill
the -- k.dili. Allah aşkına: What in the Sam Hill do you think you're doing? Sen ne yaptığını zannediyorsun Allah aşkına? Just who the Sam
uncle sam
(Argo) abd
surface-to-air missile, or sam
uçaksavar füze veya sam
Uncle Sam
Uncle Sam
sam amca
Uncle Sam
amerika birleşik devletleri
Uncle Sam
{k} Sam Amca (A.B.D. için bir ad)