{i} woman whose dancing persuaded Herod into giving her the head of John the Baptist; female first name
in the New Testament of the Bible, the stepdaughter of King Herod who performed a dance called the dance of the seven veils. Her dancing pleased Herod so much that he said she could have anything she wanted. She asked him to give her the head of John the Baptist on a plate, which he did. Stepdaughter of Herod Antipas, who caused the death of John the Baptist. The event is recounted in the gospels of Matthew and Mark, though her name is given only by the historian Josephus. John had been imprisoned for denouncing Herod's adulterous marriage to Herodias, but Herod was afraid to kill him. When Salome, daughter of Herodias, danced before the king, he promised to give her anything she asked as a reward, and she requested John's head on a platter. The scene was a popular subject in Christian art