Definition of sales tax in English English dictionary
A local or state tax imposed as a percentage of the selling price of goods or services payable by the customer. The tax is not recognized as the seller's earnings; the seller only collects the tax and transmits the same to local or state authorities
A transaction privilege tax imposed on the seller for the privilege of making sales in the state; it is generally passed on to the buyer by the seller by contract
A tax levied on the sale of goods and services to consumers The sales tax rate in San Benito County is 7%, of which all but 1% goes to the State of California The local sales tax rate is 1% The County's 1% sales tax rate applies only to transactions in the unincorporated areas of the County whereas the cities of Hollister and San Juan Bautista receive 1% of the sales tax collected within their respective jurisdictions The State Board of Equalization collects all sales tax revenue
The sales tax on things that you buy is the amount of money that you pay to the national government, or, in the United States, to the local or state government. A tax levied on the retail price of merchandise and collected by the retailer. a tax that you have to pay in addition to the cost of something you are buying VAT. Levy imposed on the sale of goods and services. A sales tax on the manufacture, purchase, sale, or consumption of a specific commodity is known as an excise tax. Though excise taxes have been used since ancient times, the general sales tax is a comparatively recent innovation. Sales taxes are ad valorem taxes, imposed "according to the value" (i.e., monetary value) of the taxable commodity. They are classified according to the levels of business activity at which they are imposed production, wholesale, or retail. They account for significant portions of the revenue of most U.S. states and Canadian provinces. A variation of the sales tax, the value-added tax, became popular in western European countries and is widely used. Most sales taxes are borne by the consumer, since even where they are levied on production or wholesale goods, part or all of the cost is shifted to the consumer in the form of higher prices. Because the retail sales tax is considered a regressive tax, essential goods such as food, clothing, or drugs are sometimes exempted or taxed at a lower level. See also income tax; progressive tax
Tax imposed upon the sale and consumption of goods and services It can be imposed either as a general tax on the retail price of all goods and services sold or as a tax on the sale of selected goods and services
Sales tax is usually due for items being shipped within the state your business resides in In MyAuctionMate, sales tax is computed using the sales tax rate you specified in the Options screen
A tax on the retail price of goods sold It is collected by the merchant and paid to the governmental body that levies the tax
A tax levied on sales of goods and services which is calculated as a percentage of the purchase price and collected by the seller
A tax on the transfer of tangible property If the tax applies to a particular type of property, it is a selective sales tax; if the tax applies to a broad range, it is a general sales tax
money paid to federal, state, or local governments on the purchase of goods or services
a tax based on the cost of the item purchased and collected directly from the buyer
The sales tax is the City's largest single General Fund revenue source The City receives one percent of the County tax on retail sales
Payable on goods that are sold by the University Items such as photocopy paper that subsequently has costs recovered must have sales tax paid for See Goods for Resale
sales taxes are levied as a percentage of the total amount spent at retail stores
States, including some counties and cities, have different tax rates and methods for computing and collecting sales tax
we all know what it is, but you have to remember it differs by location At some auctions you may not pay any sales tax, but in other areas you may pay a significant amount
Niagara Mohawk is required to collect various state and local sales taxes In certain locations, other municipal entities such as school districts have imposed a special tax on utility service Additionally, other municipal entities may charge certain taxes Where these other municipal taxes apply, the amount of this tax is shown with sales tax on the service bill