sac kestirme

listen to the pronunciation of sac kestirme
Turkish - French
couper les cheveux
sac kestirmek
pour couper les cheveux
Turkish - German
Haare schneiden
sac kestirmek
zum Haare schneiden
Turkish - Dutch
haar knippen
sac kestirmek
om haren te knippen
Turkish - Swedish
sac kestirmek
att klippa håret
Turkish - Italian
taglio di capelli
sac kestirmek
a tagliare i capelli
Turkish - Finnish
hiusten leikkaus
sac kestirmek
leikata hiukset
Turkish - Spanish
corte de pelo
sac kestirmek
para cortar el pelo
Turkish - Russian
sac kestirmek
сократить волос
Turkish - Greek
Turkish - Portuguese
corte de cabelo
sac kestirmek
cortar o cabelo
Turkish - Lehçe
sac kestirmek
do fryzjera
Turkish - Danish
sac kestirmek
at klippe hår