s., fiz. iletici, geçirici, iletken, geçirgen

listen to the pronunciation of s., fiz. iletici, geçirici, iletken, geçirgen
Turkish - English
the ability to transfer electrical potential
able to conduct electrical current
Allows electricity to travel through it well Conductors are conductive
A material with the ability to transmit or convey electrical and/or magnetic energy
{s} able to transmit, able to transfer (heat, electricity, etc.)
A material which has an electrical resistivity below 1x105 Ohms/sq
Materials that have a surface resistivity of 1 x 103 to 1 x 106 Ohm/Sq Eg Metal, silicon, water(Moisture), carbon and people!!
having the quality or power of conducting heat or electricity or sound; exhibiting conductivity
A conductive substance is able to conduct things such as heat and electricity. Salt water is much more conductive than fresh water is. + conductivity con·duc·tiv·ity a device which monitors electrical conductivity. able to conduct electricity, heat etc
A hearing impairment caused by a lesion of the outer or middle ear
Having the quality or power of conducting; as, the conductive tissue of a pistil
s., fiz. iletici, geçirici, iletken, geçirgen