sıra (okul)

listen to the pronunciation of sıra (okul)
Turkish - English
{i} desk
To shut up, as in a desk; to treasure
A table, frame, or case, usually with sloping top, but often with flat top, for the use writers and readers. It often has a drawer or repository underneath
A reading table or lectern to support the book from which the liturgical service is read, differing from the pulpit from which the sermon is preached; also (especially in the United States), a pulpit. Hence, used symbolically for the clerical profession
{n} an inclined table, a pulpit
" To shut up, as in a desk; to treasure
The long desk in front of the presiding officer's rostrum where much of the clerical work of the body is conducted Also, a generic term for the staff and offices of the Secretary of the Senate and the Chief Clerk of the Assembly
A desk is a table, often with drawers, which you sit at to write or work
in the United States, a pulpit
A user's personal workspace in WorkManager When a user owns a packet, the packet is said to be on the user's desk Packets move between desks as a project moves through project states
The station of the Chief Clerk of the House or the Secretary of the Senate and assistants at the front of the Senate or House chamber This term also refers to the offices of the Chief Clerk of the House and the Secretary of the Senate
{s} carried out at a desk, intended to be kept on a desk (as a desk dictionary)
Term referring to a group dealing with a specific currency or currencies
Filing Cabinet Overflow
a music stand
A table, frame, or case, usually with sloping top, but often with flat top, for the use writers and readers
a piece of furniture with a writing surface and usually drawers or other compartments
The place in a hotel, hospital, airport, or other building where you check in or obtain information is referred to as a particular desk. I spoke to the girl on the reception desk
n meja tulis (meja)
A particular department of a broadcasting company, or of a newspaper or magazine company, can be referred to as a particular desk. Over now to Simon Ingram at the sports desk
The collection of windows and icons that appears on your computer screen You can create multiple desks and switch between them When you switch from one desk to another, the screen changes, almost as if you had several different monitors
sıra okul
sıra (okul)