sıkma donanımı, sıkıp suyunu çıkarmak

listen to the pronunciation of sıkma donanımı, sıkıp suyunu çıkarmak
Turkish - English
(Tekstil) wringer
A device for drying laundry consisting of two rollers between which the wet laundry is squeezed (or wrung); a mangle
{n} one who squeezes water out of a cloth
If you say that someone has been put through the wringer or has gone through the wringer, you mean that they have suffered a very difficult or unpleasant experience
a clothes dryer consisting of two roles between which the wet clothes are squeezed
One who, or that which, wrings; hence, an extortioner
A machine for pressing water out of anything, particularly from clothes after they have been washed
{i} one who or that which wrings; machine or device which extracts water (clothing, mop, etc.); difficult or painful experience (Slang)
a device for drying laundry consisting of two rollers between which the wet laundry is squeezed (or wrung)
sıkma donanımı, sıkıp suyunu çıkarmak