sözlerle ya da yumruklarla saldırmak

listen to the pronunciation of sözlerle ya da yumruklarla saldırmak
Turkish - English
{v} to assault, attack set upon
If someone assails you, they attack you violently. Her husband was assailed by a young man with a knife in a Glasgow park. = attack
To attack with violence, or in a vehement and hostile manner; to assault; to molest; as, to assail a man with blows; to assail a city with artillery
as, to assail one with appeals, arguments, abuse, ridicule, and the like
attack someone physically or emotionally; "The mugger assaulted the woman"; "Nightmares assailed him regularly"
If you are assailed by something unpleasant such as fears or problems, you are greatly troubled by a large number of them. She is assailed by self-doubt and emotional insecurity. = beset
attack someone physically or emotionally; "The mugger assaulted the woman"; "Nightmares assailed him regularly
To encounter or meet purposely with the view of mastering, as an obstacle, difficulty, or the like
If someone assails you, they criticize you strongly. The opposition's newspapers assail the government each day = attack
To attack violently
To attack morally, or with a view to produce changes in the feelings, character, conduct, existing usages, institutions; to attack by words, hostile influence, etc
launch an attack or assault on; begin hostilities or start warfare with; "Hitler attacked Poland on September 1, 1939 and started World War II"; "Serbian forces assailed Bosnian towns all week"
attack in speech or writing; "The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker"
{f} assault, attack in speech or writing, attack with words; set upon
sözlerle ya da yumruklarla saldırmak