A set of instructions that perform a specific task for a program Driver code consists of entry-point routines and subordinate routines Subordinate routines are called by driver entry-point routines The entry-point routines are accessed through system tables
These are a type of formulaic speech They are units that are totally unanalysed and are learnt as wholes, e g "I don't know'
Established procedures whose main function is to control and coordinate movements and events in the classroom
Rutin is found in the leaves of the rue (Ruta graveolens) and other plants, and obtained as a bitter yellow crystalline substance which yields quercitin on decomposition
Alışılagelen, sıradan, sıradanlık, çeşitlilik göstermeyen, alışılagelmiş düzen içinde yapılan (şey): "Genç olmasına karşın belli bir pişkinliği, yırtılmışlığı, rutini vardı."- H. Taner