(Askeri) İSTİKAMET DÜZENİ, DÜMEN: Suda veya havada bir araca istikamet vermeye yarayan kısım. Özellikle, bir gemi veya uçağın gerisine menteşelenen ve vasıtayı iki yana çevirmek için kullanılan oynak levha
A control surface on the vertical stabilizer of a fixed-wing aircraft or an autogyro. On some craft, the entire vertical stabilizer comprises the rudder. The rudder is controlled by foot-operated control pedals
An aeroplane's rudder is a vertical piece of metal at the back which is used to make the plane turn to the right or to the left. a flat part at the back of a ship or aircraft that can be turned in order to control the direction in which it moves
Steering device at the stern The rudder in turn is connected to some cables (tiller ropes) that the coxswain can use to steer the shell Older shells have short wooden handles (knockers) on the tiller ropes These knockers are used by the coxswain not only to steer the shell, but also to rap out the cadence of the stroke rate on the gunwale
A control surface on the trailing edge of the vertical stabilizer that controls the yaw motion of the aircraft - that is, the motion of the nose of the aircraft left or right A trim system minimizes the force needed to hold the rudder in the proper position for various flight conditions
Hinged control surface located at the trailing edge of the vertical stabilizer, which provides control of the airplane about the Yaw axis and causes the airplane to Yaw left or right Left rudder movement causes the airplane to Yaw left, and right rudder movement causes it to Yaw right
(nautical) steering mechanism consisting of a hinged vertical plate mounted at the stern of a vessel a hinged vertical airfoil mounted at the tail of an aircraft and used to make horizontal course changes
The control surface on the vertical stabilizer which is used to yaw the glider to the left or right The rudder is controlled by two rudder pedals Increasing pressure on the left rudder pedal while decreasing pressure on the right pedal causes the rudder to deflect to the left, which will yaw the glider to the left
It is a broad and flat blade made of wood or iron, with a long shank, and is fastened in an upright position, usually by one edge, to the sternpost of the vessel in such a way that it can be turned from side to side in the water by means of a tiller, wheel, or other attachment
An underwater vane used to steer a vessel. The rudder is controlled by means of a wheel, tiller or other apparatus (modern vessels can be controlled even with a joystick or an autopilot)
Yet another airplane term, but not as common as aileron and elevator This is what controls the yaw of an airplane, and is synonymous with the tail rotor / vertical stabilizer aka "tail fin "
the parts of the tail surface that control an airplane's yaw; the rudder moves the nose left and right to control the direction in which the airplane turns
blade or plane on the stern of the kayak which can be rotated to assist in turning the boat On Wilderness Systems kayaks rudders are operated by cables attached to the boat's foot pegs Contrast with a skeg, which is fixed and keeps the kayak going in a straight line
an upright blade that can be turned to left or right about a vertical axis, generally mounted on the transom and extending below the waterline to provide the means of turning a boat while underway
A control surface at the rear of an aeroplane which deflects air left or right, and so changes the aircraft's heading If the rudder is deflected right, air is pushed right, the tail is pushed left and the nose will come round to the right This is movement in yaw Press 'Back' to return
A movable surface at or near the stern to control the directional stability of a kayak That on a sea kayak will be retractable, that on a sprint kayak will be fixed A complicated device to cure what is better treated by trimming the boat appropriately or using a simpler device, the retractable fin Rudders are not for steering
(Gr Pedalion) The book containing the rules and regulations prescribed by the Ecumenical Synods and the Fathers It is the Constitution of the Orthodox Church
[ 'r&-d&r ] (noun.) 14th century. Middle English rother, from Old English rOther paddle; akin to Old English rOwan to row.