
listen to the pronunciation of rotation
English - Turkish
{i} dönüş
{i} dönme
{i} devir
(Mekanik) bir eksen etrafında dönme
(Bilgisayar) dolam fizik
(Bilgisayar) döndürme
(işi) sıra ile yapma
{i} çevirme
{i} nöbetleşe yapma
{i} sıra ile yapma
(Askeri) MÜNAVEBE: İnsan gücünün korunması düşüncesiyle, yıpratıcı şartlar altında çalışan veya bu gibi yerlerde bulunan personelin daha hafif görev veya muhitlerde bulunan personelle karşılıklı olarak değiştirilmesi
çark gibi dönme
sıra ile farklı ekinler ekme
devir sıra ile gelme
(Tıp) Bir kemiğin bir organın kendi ekseni (mihveri) etrafında dönmesi, dönme, rotasyon
eksen üzerinde devretme
yön belirleme
rotation angle
(Bilgisayar) döndürme açısı
rotation in office
rotation of the earth
dünyanın dönüşü
rotation speed
(Bilgisayar) dönme hızı
rotation tool
(Bilgisayar) döndürme aracı
rotation axis
dönme ekseni
rotation in office
görevde değişiklik
rotation age
(Marangozluk) kesim yaşı
rotation angle of rod
çubuk dönme açısı
rotation coefficients
(Askeri) dönüş katsayıları
rotation coefficients
(Askeri) DÖNME KATSAYILARI, DÖNÜŞ KATSAYILARI: Dünya dönüş hareketinin mesafe ve yan üzerindeki etkisini hesaplamakta kullanılan faktörler. Bunlar, yalnız, nispeten uzun menziller için yapılmış atış çizelgelerinde gösterilir
rotation coefficients
(Askeri) dönme katsayıları
rotation combat personnel
rotation diagram
(Fizik) döner kristal diyagramı
rotation hot key
dönüşümlü geçiş tuşu
rotation impeller
dönme çarkı
rotation method
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) rotasyon yöntemi
rotation monitor
devir bekçisi
rotation of axes
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) eksenlerin rotasyonu
rotation of crops
(Tarım) almaşlı ekim
rotation of crops
münavebeli tarım
rotation of engine
(Otomotiv) motorun dönmesi
rotation of the incoming air
hava dolaşımı
rotation of the presidency
(Politika, Siyaset) başkanlığın devri
rotation operation
(Kimya) dönme işlemi
rotation period
(Astronomi) dönme süresi
rotation spectrum
(Fizik) dönme spektrumu
rotation spectrum
(Fizik) dönme izgesi
rotation speed relay
dönüş hızı rölesi
rotation therapy
döner ışınla tedavi
rotation type
(Bilgisayar) dönüş türü
clockwise rotation
(Bilgisayar) saat yönünde döndür
clockwise rotation
(Tıp) saat ibresi yönünde dönüş
clockwise rotation
sağa dönüş
direction of rotation
(Otomotiv) dönme yönü
heavy rotation
(Ev ile ilgili) Radyo kanallarında sürekli en popüler şarkıların çalması durumu
internal rotation
iç rotasyon
restricted internal rotation
(Fizik) kısıtlı iç dönme
angular rotation
açısal dönme
axis of rotation
dönüş ekseni
axis of rotation
dönme ekseni
centre of rotation
dönme merkezi
clockwise rotation
saat yönünde dönüş
crop rotation
ürün rotasyonu
external rotation
eksternal rotasyon
hindered internal rotation
engellenmiş iç rotasyon
internal rotation
internal rotasyon
job rotation
left handed rotation
sola çevirme
left-handed rotation
sola çevirme
no rotation
sense of rotation
dönme yönü
speed of rotation
dönme hızı
speed of rotation
dönüş hızı
angle of rotation
dönme acısı
axial rotation
aksiyel rotasyon
by rotation
rotasyon ile
faraday rotation
Elektromanyetik dalgaların iyonosferi geçerken elektrik ve manyetik alan güçleri tarafından polarizasyonunun değiştirilmesi

Faraday rotation is difficult to predict and its effects change over time and with operating frequency.

level rotation time
seviye tur zamanı
optical rotation
optik dönme
residual rotation
kalıcı rotasyon
specific rotation
özgül dönme
tire rotation
(Otomotiv) Oto bakım sırasında sağ arka tekerin sol on, sol arka tekerinde sağ on tekerle çaprazlama değiştirilmeleri
angular rotation
açısal rotasyon
clockwise rotation
(Tekstil) (of the spindles) saat yönü dönüşü (iğler)
counterclockwise rotation
(Tekstil) (of the spindles) saat aksi yönü dönüşü (iğler)
crop rotation
(Tarım) ürün nöbeti
crop rotation
(Tarım) nöbetleşe ekim
crop rotation
(Tarım) her yıl değişik ekin ekme
direction of rotation of the spindles
(Tekstil) iğ dönme yönü
equal rotation
(Politika, Siyaset) eşit rotasyon
improper rotation
(Kimya) yansımalı dönme
intertheater rotation
(Askeri) ALANLARARASI MÜNAVEBE, HAREKAT ALANLARI ARASI MÜNAVEBE: ABD Anayurdu ile harekat alanları arasında personel münavebesi
intratheater rotation
(Askeri) HAREKAT ALANI İÇİNDE MÜNAVEBE: Harekat alanı dahilindeki komutanlıklar arasındaki personel münavebesi
job rotation
job rotation
(fiil)rdiya, rotasyon
marginal rotation
(Diş Hekimliği) 1. Dişte dönme hareketi. 2. Devir. Aksiyel- dişin ekseni etrafında dönmesi. ( axial rotation ) marginal dişin kenarı etrafında dönmesi
pasture rotation
(Tarım) mera rotasyonu
pasture rotation
(Tarım) sıralı otlatma
pasture rotation
(Tarım) nöbetleşe otlatma
pole of rotation
dönme kutbu
döner şekilde
tire rotation
(Otomotiv) lastik rotasyonu
English - English
a transformation of a coordinate system by rotating the axes around the origin
the act of turning around a centre or an axis
a single complete cycle of such a turning
The set of starting pitchers of a team
a regular variation in a sequence, such as crop rotation
{n} a whirling round, course, turn
The act of turning, as a wheel or a solid body on its axis, as distinguished from the progressive motion of a revolving round another body or a distant point; thus, the daily turning of the earth on its axis is a rotation; its annual motion round the sun is a revolution
a planned recurrent sequence of crops or personnel etc
The number of years required to establish and grow trees to a specified size, product, or condition of maturity A pine rotation may range from as short as 20 years for pulpwood to more than 60 years for sawtimber
n circular movement around an object in space; one complete rotation is called a revolution
Turning of an object on its axis
In the context of spins and qubits, a rotation around by an angle is an operation of the form The operator may be any unit combination of Pauli matrices This defines an axis in three-space, and in the Bloch sphere representation, the operation has the effect suggested by the terminology
The spin of a body about its axis
The planned number of years between the formation or regeneration of a crop or stand and its final cutting at a specified stage or maturity Révolution
The number of years required to establish and grow trees to a specified size, product or condition of maturity A pine rotation may range from as short as 20 years for pulpwood to more than 60 years for sawtimber
The number of years required to establish and grow timber crops to a specified condition of maturity The rotation age for Douglas Fir in the Umpqua National Forest is 80 years
The spin imparted to the ball at the moment of delivery which results in pin "action"; specifically, motion of the pins which is horizontal, rather than vertical, since a horizontally spinning pin covers more of the lane
A transformation which preserves distances and leaves a line, the axis of rotation, unchanged
Turning around on an axis
A rotation in the plane through an angle q and about a point P is a rigid motion T fixing P so that if Q is distinct from P, then the angle between the lines PQ and PT(Q) is always q
The spinning of a body, such as the earth, about its axis
the act of rotating as if on an axis; "the rotation of the dancer kept time with the music" a planned recurrent sequence of crops or personnel etc
); "crop rotation makes a balanced demand on the fertility of the soil"; "the manager had only four starting pitchers in his rotation" a single complete turn (axial or orbital); "the plane made three rotations before it crashed"; "the revolution of the earth about the sun takes one year" (mathematics) a transformation in which the coordinate axes are rotated by a fixed angle about the origin
Motion aound an axis passing through the rotating body
A transformation that moves all points around the center of rotation A rotation maintains each point's distance to the center of rotation and to each other
(n ) A geometric transformation that causes a graphical object to revolve around a point (in 2-D) or an axis (in 3-D)
a spin around a certain point, called the center of rotation Triangle ABC is rotated (45 degrees) about point P to make triangle A'B'C'
{i} revolution, one full turn; one full spin; instance of revolving or spinning; set order in which events take place
The rotation of a group of things or people is the fact of them taking turns to do a particular job or serve a particular purpose. If people do something in rotation, they take turns to do it. Once a month we met for the whole day, and in rotation each one led the group
Motion in which the path of every point in a moving object is a circle, or circular arc, centered on a specified axis
(mathematics) a transformation in which the coordinate axes are rotated by a fixed angle about the origin
Rotation is circular movement. A rotation is the movement of something through one complete circle. the daily rotation of the earth upon its axis
A cropping system in which crops are grown in a field in a fixed annual sequence A rotation reduces the build up of diseases and pests, aids weed control, improves soil fertility, spreads the risk of crop failure and allows even distribution of labour requirements
the act of rotating as if on an axis; "the rotation of the dancer kept time with the music"
The number of years required to establish and grow trees to a specified size, product or condition of maturity For example, oaks may have an 80-year rotation for sawlogs and Scotch pine a 10-year rotation for Christmas trees -S- Salvage cut -- Harvesting damaged or defective trees for their economic value
a single complete turn (axial or orbital); "the plane made three rotations before it crashed"; "the revolution of the earth about the sun takes one year"
Rotation refers to the position of the tip relative to the upper lip A "rotated tip" is pushed away from the upper lip, as can be done by gently pushing your tip up with your finger (Too much rotation causes excessive nostril show) A counter-rotated tip brings the tip closer to the lip, as occurs when the tip of the nose is pushed toward the upper lip An ideal tip is slightly rotated up See droopy tip
Pertaining to, or resulting from, rotation; of the nature of, or characterized by, rotation; as, rotational velocity
"crop rotation makes a balanced demand on the fertility of the soil"; "the manager had only four starting pitchers in his rotation"
Process of the Earth turning on its axis Rotation determines day and night, and the length of the day Compare with revolution
a planned recurrent sequence (of crops or personnel etc ); "crop rotation makes a balanced demand on the fertility of the soil"; "the manager had only four starting pitchers in his rotation"
Applied to cropping, the practice of growing different crops on the same land in a regular, recurring sequence Rotation is adopted to hinder the development or because of complement effects, or demands on the soil or for convenience of spreading the times of peak labour demand
Any return or succesion in a series
rotation period
rotational period
rotation agreement
contract which involves workers replacing other workers during different hours of the day
rotation of trade
record period followed by a period of very low trade in business
Faraday rotation
An interaction between a polarized electromagnetic pulse, such as a beam of light, and a magnetic field, in which the plane of polarization is rotated in proportion to the intensity of the component of the magnetic field in the direction of travel of the pulse
axes of rotation
plural form of axis of rotation
axis of rotation
the axis about which any body rotates
axis of rotation
the line joining the North Pole and South Pole about which the Earth rotates daily
crop rotation
A farming practice in which the same land is used to grow different crops in successive seasons or years (when once the land would have been left fallow); used to prevent erosion and increase fertility
optical rotation
The rotation of the plane of polarization of plane polarized light as it passes through a chiral medium
race rotation
The rotation of the inner and outer parts of a bearing race
race rotation
The rotary, rather than propulsive motion produced by a propeller
Of, pertaining to or caused by rotation

A steam turbine converts heat into rotational motion.

specific rotation
D, the angle of rotation of the plane of polarization of a ray of monochromatic light that passes through 10cm of the substance in solution at a concentration of 1 gram per millilitre
heavy rotation
(Ev ile ilgili) to sexually please someone very well
heavy rotation
(Kahve) Heavy Rotation (ヘビーローテーション Hebī Rōtēshon) is Japanese idol group AKB48's 17th single, released on August 18, 2010
heavy rotation
(Ev ile ilgili) If a song you like makes heavy rotation, you'll hate it in two weeks or less. Changing the station won't help, since every radio station across the continent plays the same songs in heavy rotation
faraday rotation
In physics, the Faraday effect or Faraday rotation is a magneto-optical phenomenon, or an interaction between light and a magnetic field. The rotation of the plane of polarization is proportional to the intensity of the component of the magnetic field in the direction of the beam of light
ad rotation
{i} (Internet) automatic rotation of advertisements on a web page (according to the order on a list of advertisements)
axial rotation
rotary motion of an object around its own axis; "wheels in axial rotation
axis of rotation
straight line around which something turns
by rotation
alternatingly, taking turns
counterclockwise rotation
{i} rotation in a direction opposite to that of the normal rotation of the hands of a clock
crop rotation
A planned sequence of crops growing in a regularly recurring succession on the same area of land, as contrasted to continuous culture of one crop or growing a variable sequence of crops
crop rotation
The successive planting of different crops on the same land to improve soil fertility and help control insects and diseases. the practice of changing the crops that you grow in a field each year to preserve the good qualities in the soil. Successive cultivation of different crops in a specified order on the same fields. Some rotations are designed for high immediate returns, with little regard for basic resources. Others are planned for high continuing returns while protecting resources. A typical scheme selects rotation crops from three classifications: cultivated row crops (e.g., corn, potatoes), close-growing grains (e.g., oats, wheat), and sod-forming, or rest, crops (e.g., clover, clover-timothy). In general, cropping systems should include deep-rooting legumes. In addition to the many beneficial effects on soils and crops, well-planned crop rotations make the farm a more effective year-round enterprise by providing more efficient handling of labour, power, and equipment, reduction in weather and market risks, and improved ability to meet livestock requirements
crop rotation
The growing of different crops in recurring succession on the same land (USEPA, 1993)
crop rotation
Crop rotation is nothing new to farmers (or gardeners); the technique has been around for ages Simply, it is the process of alternating, every year, which crops will grow in a certain area To benefit form rotation, the plants chosen to immediately succeed each other should not make the same demands on the soil (nutrient wise), they should not be susceptible to the same diseases or pests, and they should be of different families, which will also help avoid continuing pest and disease problems Usually, as part of the rotation, legumes are grown to provide available nitrogen for the crops that follow
crop rotation
The growing of different crops in recurring succession on the same land
crop rotation
A system for maximising soil fertility by alternating the CROPS grown in particular fields over the course of more than one season
crop rotation
a way of conserving soil fertility by successively planting on the same ground different crops with varying food requirements
crop rotation
The successive planting of an area with different crops from year to year to maintain soil fertility Legume type crops are usually planted sometime during the rotation to rebuild stores of nitrogen
crop rotation
successive planting of different crops in the same field over a period of years
crop rotation
the practice of alternating the species or families of annual, biennial, and/or perennial crops grown on a specific field in a planned pattern or sequence so as to break weed, pest, and disease cycles and to improve soil fertility and organic matter content
crop rotation
is the pattern of alternating the crops grown in a specific field from year to year in order to control pests and to maintain soil fertility
crop rotation
system of regularly changing the crops grown on a piece of land The crops are grown in a particular order to utilize and add to the nutrients in the soil and to prevent the build-up of insect and fungal pests crude birth rate the number of births per 1,000 of the population; see birth rate
crop rotation
continuous planting of different crops on the same piece of land to enhance the fertility of the soil and control pests and diseases
crop rotation
Growing of crops in a regularly scheduled sequence on the same land area, as contrasted to continuous culture of one crop or the growing of different crops in haphazard order
job rotation
The performance, by an employee, of a different work assignment, on a nonpermanent basis, for an agreed-to-period of time
job rotation
A formal program in which employees are assigned to different jobs to expand their skills base and to learn more about various parts of the organization
job rotation
Job rotation is when workers periodically transfer among a number of different positions and tasks that require different skills and responsibilities Among the reasons employers rotate job tasks is to help workers understand: the different steps that go into creating a product and/or service delivery; how their own effort affects the quality and efficiency of production and customer service; and, how each member of the team contributes to the process Job rotation may require that employees possess a wide range of general and specific skills and that they undergo advanced training to enable them to perform a variety of work functions
job rotation
(p 310) A job enrichment strategy that involves moving employees from one job to another
orbital rotation
motion of an object in an orbit around a fixed point; "satellites in orbital rotation"
orbital rotation
motion of an object in an orbit around a fixed point; "satellites in orbital rotation
of or pertaining to rotation; "rotational inertia
{s} pertaining to rotation; occurring in rotation
of or pertaining to rotation; "rotational inertia"
in a rotational manner; "the required influence lines are found by subjecting the model to small displacements horizontally, vertically and rotationally
via rotation, by rotation
plural of rotation
wheel rotation
Polyurethane wheels eventually wear down, but you can often extend the life of your wheels by flipping and/or rotating your wheels amongst themselves so that you can skate on the less-worn areas of your wheels
wheel rotation
Polyurethane wheels eventually wear down, but you can often extend the life of your wheels by flipping or rotating your wheels amongst themselves so that you can skate on the less worn areas of your wheels
wheel rotation
Swapping wheels around to compensate for unequal tire wear and increase tread life; moving them from front to rear is generally recommended and is the only safe method on vehicles with directional tread tires
Turkish - English

Definition of rotation in Turkish English dictionary




    Turkish pronunciation



    /rōˈtāsʜən/ /roʊˈteɪʃən/


    () From Latin rotationem (accusative of rotatio).


    ... The moon's gravity also begins to slow Earth's rotation, ...
    ... amazing vector based maps, full 3D movement and rotation, ...