roman alphabet

listen to the pronunciation of roman alphabet
English - Turkish
Latin alfabesi
(Dilbilim) romen abecesi
Ancient Roman Alphabet
Eski Roma Alfabesi
Latin alphabet
Latin alfabesi
English - English
The Latin alphabet
The Roman alphabet is the alphabet that was used by the Romans in ancient times and that is used for writing most western European languages, including English. the Roman alphabet the alphabet used in English and many other European languages, which begins with the letters A, B, C
Latin alphabet
the alphabet evolved by the ancient Romans which serves for writing most of the languages of western Europe
Roman alphabets
plural form of Roman alphabet
roman alphabet


    ro·man al·pha·bet

    Turkish pronunciation

    rōmın älfıbet


    /ˈrōmən ˈalfəˌbet/ /ˈroʊmən ˈælfəˌbɛt/