Definition of risk ratio in English English dictionary
is the ratio of risk in the treated group (EER) to the risk in the control group (CER): RR = EER/CER RR is used in randomized trials and cohort studies
The comparison of the measured or estimated air concentration of a specific chemical to its health benchmark to determine either the magnitude of the risk of developing cancer or of some noncancer health effect If the risk ratio for a chemical is less than one, the air concentration does not pose a health risk If it greater than one, it may be of concern The risk ratio shows just how much higher the air concentration is than the health benchmark
A comparison of the risk of some health-related event such as disease or death in two groups
is the probability of the disease in the risk group divided by the probability of the disease in the non-risk group
is the ratio of risk in the treated group (EER) to the risk in the control group (CER): RR = EER/CER RR is used in randomised trials and cohort studies