rights that have accrued prior to the contract date

listen to the pronunciation of rights that have accrued prior to the contract date
English - German
Rechte, die vor Vertragsabschluss entstanden sind
rights that have accrued prior to the contract date


    rights that have ac·crued pri·or to the con·tract date

    Turkish pronunciation

    rayts dhıt häv ıkrud prayır tı dhi kınträkt deyt


    /ˈrīts ᴛʜət ˈhav əˈkro͞od ˈprīər tə ᴛʜē kənˈtrakt ˈdāt/ /ˈraɪts ðət ˈhæv əˈkruːd ˈpraɪɜr tə ðiː kənˈtrækt ˈdeɪt/