Bu korkakçaydı, üzgünüm.
- It was cowardly, and I'm sorry.
Tom utangaç ve cesaretsizdir.
- Tom is shy and cowardly.
Bu korkakçaydı, üzgünüm.
- It was cowardly, and I'm sorry.
Köpek ne kadar küçük ve korkaksa, o kadar kızgın havlar.
- The smaller and cowardly the dog, the angrier it barks.
I confess by reason of the postick and backward position of the feminine parts in quadrupedes, they can hardly admit the substitution of a protrusion, effectuall unto masculine generation; except it be in Retromingents, and such as couple backward.
Additionally, camels are retromingent animals, and so spectators would be advised to beware not only of flying saliva but of pitched urine as well..