This relates to monies withheld by lenders until certain mortgage conditions are met This will normally relate to repairs or improvements to the property that the lender is insisting on
(1) A visual quality objective which in general means human activities are not evident to the casual forest visitor (2) The amount of precipitation on a drainage area that does not escape as runoff It is the difference between total precipitation and total runoff
The prevention of direct discharge of storm runoff into receiving waters; included as examples are systems which discharge through percolation, exfiltration, and evaporation processes and which generally have residence times less than 3 days
The amount of risk retained by an insurance company and not reinsured Also used in reference to the portion of premium that is used by the insurance company for administration costs
The amount of time, in days, that inactive backed up or archived files are retained in the storage pool before they are deleted The following copy group attributes define retention: retain extra versions, retain only version, retain version
The number of units allocated to an underwriting syndicate member less the units held back by the syndicate manager for facilitating institutional sales and for allocation to nonmember firms
1 The result when members remain on a health plan from one year to the next 2 The percentage of a premium that a health plan keeps for internal costs or profit
The amount of liability assumed by the insurance company and not re-insured Insurance companies typically earmark and hold a portion of insurance premiums as a hedge against planned or unexpected expenses Some examples for uses of "retention" are: claim payment services, contract and booklet preparation, actuarial services, charge for broker commissions and consultant fees, risk charge, profit for the carrier, and reserve against unusual large claim occurrences
Retention is the process of holding back, or retaining During the excretion of fluids from the body by the kidneys, electrolytes and other substances dissolved in urine are excreted, while retention of water occurs, producing a more concentrated urine
The amount of time, in days, that inactive backed-up or archived files are kept in the storage pool before they are deleted Copy group attributes and default retention grace periods for the domain define retention
Insurance carrier's provision in experience rating for taxes, cost for the assumption of risk, benefit plan administration, maintaining reserves, other expenses and contributions to the return on equity of the insurance company
That percentage of a syndicate member's underwriting participation which is retained for his own, retail sales, the balance of the underwriting commitment being set aside for the pot