
listen to the pronunciation of reserve(a)
English - Turkish
rezerv (a)
{f} rezerve ettirmek

Ben birinci sınıf bir kamara ayırmak istiyorum. - I want to reserve a first-class stateroom.


Bir taksi ayırtmak daha hızlıdır. - It's faster to reserve a taxi.

Üç kişilik bir masa ayırtmak istiyorum. - I'd like to reserve a table for three.


Tek kişilik oda rezervasyonu yaptırmak istiyorum. - I'd like to reserve a single room.

Ben bir koltuk rezervasyonu yaptırmak istiyorum. - I'd like to reserve a seat.

{i} ihtiyat
{i} stok
{i} kaynak
ready reserve
(Askeri) hazır ihtiyat
(Kanun) karşılık
(Kanun) mahfuz tutmak
(Ticaret) yedek ihtiyat
yer tutmak
ağız sıkılığı
(Turizm) yer ayırtmak

Bu trende yer ayırtmak istiyorum. - I'd like to reserve a seat on this train.

reserve a place
yer tutmak
reserve a right
(Politika, Siyaset) hakkı saklı tutmak
reserve alkali
(Biyokimya) yedek alkali
reserve cleaner
(Bilgisayar) temizleyiciyi ayır
reserve duty
(Askeri) ihtiyatlık hizmeti
reserve echelon
(Askeri) ihtiyat kademesi
reserve fault
ters fay
reserve machine
ihtiyat makinesi
reserve member
(Politika, Siyaset) yedek üye
reserve money
(Kanun,Ticaret) rezerv para
reserve product
(Tıp) tutulmuş ürün
reserve ratio
(Ticaret) yasal yedek oranı
reserve ratio
(Ticaret) karşılık oranı
reserve ratio
(Ticaret) rezerv oranı
reserve referee
(Spor) yadek hakem
reserve requirement
(Ticaret) kanuni karşılıklar
reserve tranche
(Ticaret) rezerv tranşı
reserve tranche
(Ticaret) rezerv dilimi
reserve turn
ters dönüş
yedek güçler
{f} ayır

Saat altıda dört kişilik bir masa ayırtmak istiyorum. - I'd like to reserve a table for four at six.

İki kişilik bir masa ayırtmak istiyorum. - I'd like to reserve a table for two.

yedek oyuncu
tahsis etmek
belirli bir amaç için ayrılmış arazi/bölge
reserve account
karşılık hesabı
reserve capacity
yedek kapasite
reserve fund
ihtiyat akçesi
reserve price
rezerv fiyatı
revenue reserve
ihtiyari yedek
reserve account
rezerv hesabı
reserve bank
rezerv bankası
reserve chute
(Havacılık) yedek paraşüt
reserve currency
karşılık olarak tutulan döviz
reserve currency
rezerv para birimi
reserve for wild animals
yaban hayvanları için rezerv
reserve list
yedek listesi
reserve requirement ratio
mevduat munzam karşılık oranı
reserve requirements
reserve stock
rezerv stok
reserve team
rezerv takım
reserve, hold over
rezerv üzerinde tütün
revaluation reserve
yeniden değerleme rezervi
Reserve Component common personnel data system
(Askeri) İhtiyat Unsuru ortak personel veri sistemi
Reserve Officer Training Corps
(Askeri) Yedek Subay Hazırlık Eğitim Teşkilatı
Reserve unit identification number
(Askeri) ihtiyat birliği tanıtma numarası
ready reserve
(Askeri) HAZIR İHTİYAT: Kanun ile (ID USC 268, 672 ve 673) vazedildiği şekilde faal görev ile yükümlü Seçilmiş İhtiyat ve Bireysel Hazır İhtiyat
ready reserve strategic army forces
(Askeri) KARA KUVVETLERİ BİRİNCİ DERECEDE HAZIR İHTİYAT STRATEJİK KUVVETLERİ: Erken seferber olma ve stratejik tertiplenme için seçilmiş ihtiyat asli teşkilleri tümen kuvvetleri
rear guard reserve
(Askeri) ARTÇI BÜYÜK KISMI: Artçının iki esas kademesinden birisi. Büyük kısmın çekilmesini ve süratle düşmandan sıyrılmasını temin eder, kendisi de artçı artçısı tarafından desteklenir
receive clock; regional coordinator; Reserve Component;river current
(Askeri) alış saati; bölge koordinatörü; İhtiyat Unsuru; nehir akıntısı
redemption reserve
(Ticaret) amortisman ihtiyatı
redemption reserve
(Ticaret) itfa için ayrılan yedek
redemption reserve
(Ticaret) itfa yedeği
regimental reserve line
(Askeri) ALAY İHTİYAT HATTI: Alay ihtiyat kuvvetlerinin muharebeye hazır bir durumda yerleştirilmiş oldukları mevzi
regional reserve
(Askeri) BÖLGE İHTİYATI: Bir üst NATO komutanı vasıtasıyla Büyük Ast Komutana verilmiş, henüz özel bir göreve tahsis edilmemiş, ancak emir verilmesiyle gereksinim duyulduğu şekilde Büyük Ast Komutanın sorumluluk bölgesi dahilinde istihdama ve muharebeye hazır bir bölge ihtiyatı
regional reserve
(Askeri) bölge ihtiyatı
regular army reserve
(Askeri) muvazzaf ordu ihtiyatı
regular army reserve
(Askeri) MUVAZZAF ORDU İHTİYATI: Muvazzaf ordunun ihtiyat kısmı. Bu ihtiyat; muvazzaf ordudan şerefle terhis edilen ve tekrar askeri hizmete çağrılmaya hazır olan personelden meydana gelir
required reserve ratio
(Ticaret) zorunlu karşılık oranı
{f} ayırtmak: I reserved a table for four at the restaurant. Lokantada dört kişilik bir masa ayırttım
belirli bir amaç için ayrılmış
hakkını muhafaza etmek
{f} tutmak
{i} ön koşul
ayır,v.rezerve et: n.rezerv
ilerisi için saklamak
{f} sonraya bırakmak
ihtiyaten saklamak
{f} hakkı saklı tutmak
(Askeri) İHTİYAT: Bir kıtanın geride bulundurulan veya bir muharebenin başlangıcında kati neticeli bir hareket için elde bulunmak üzere harekattan alıkonan kısmı
{i} şart
{f} saklamak, ayırmak: I will reserve
{f} ertelemek
(Tıp) Yedek, ihtiyat (ciğerde bulunan hava artığı gibi)
{i} fon
{i} korumaya alınmış arazi
reserve account
(Ticaret) yedek hesabı
reserve account
(Sigorta) ihtiyat hesabı
reserve aircraft
(Askeri) YEDEK HAVA ARACI: Faal hava araçları acil ihtiyacı bakımından fazla olarak kalan ve ilerideki muhtemel ihtiyaçlara karşılık stokta alıkonan hava araçları. Ayrıca bakınız: "aircraft"
reserve assets
(Ticaret) karşılık varlıklar
reserve assets
(Ticaret) yedek varlıklar
reserve assets
(Ticaret) rezerv aktifler
reserve battle position
(Askeri) İHTİYAT MUHAREBE MEVZİİ: Asıl mevzi tutulmadığı zaman ikinci bir muharebe mevzii olarak kullanılmak üzere seçilen ve kısmen hazırlanan mevzi
reserve cargo handling battalion
(Askeri) ihtiyat kargo yükleme ve boşaltma taburu
reserve command
(Askeri) ihtiyat grup komutanlığı
reserve command
(Askeri) İHTİYAT GRUP KOMUTANLIĞI: Bir zırhlı tümende bulunan muhtelif muharip sınıflardan oluşan taktik birlik. Bu birlik; bir karargah ve karargah bölüğü ve değişik sayıda emre verilmiş birlik ve unsurları kapsar
reserve components
reserve components contingency force
(Askeri) İHTİYAT ASLİ TEŞKİLLERİ STRATEJİK KUVVETİ: Müessir bir kara ordusu stratejik birinci derecede Hazır İhtiyat kuvveti (Ready Reserve Strategic Army Force) teşkil etmek üzere ayrılmış seçme tümenlerden ve destek unsurlarından müteşekkil grup
reserve echelon
(Askeri) İHTİYAT KADEMESİ: Herhangi bir kuvvetin ihtiyatını teşkil eden kuvvetler
reserve force
(Askeri) ihtiyat birliği
reserve force
(Askeri) İHTİYAT KUVVET: Deniz aşırı harekatta; bir müşterek yurtiçi seferi kuvvetin (joint expeditionary force) ihtiyat kıtalarını taşıyan gemilerden ibaret ast bir görev teşkili. Gemilere bindirilen bu ihtiyat kıtaları, çok kere, genel harekat planına uygun veya durumun gerektirdiği şekilde çıkarma yapmaya muktedir bir çıkarma kuvveti halinde teşkil edilir. Ayrıca bakınız: "reserve"
reserve fund
(Ticaret) ihtiyat akçe
reserve fund
(Ticaret) yedek fon
reserve fund
yedek akçe
reserve generating capacity
yedek (enerji) üretim kapasitesi
reserve judgment
hüküm vermeyi uzatmak
reserve officer
yedek subay
reserve officer
(Askeri) YEDEK SUBAY: İhtiyat asli teşkillerine mensup, subay veya astsubay niteliğini kazanmış erkek veya kadın personel
reserve officer's training corps
(Askeri) YEDEK SUBAY HAZIRLIK EĞİTİM TEŞKİLATI: Sivil müesseselerde kurulmuş askeri eğitim teşkilatı. Bu teşkilat; askeri eğitim yaptırmak ve seçilmiş öğrencilere mezun oldukları zaman ABD Kara ordusunda görev alma niteliğini kazandırmak üzere kurulmuştur
reserve parachute
(Askeri) YEDEK PARAŞÜT: Esas paraşüt icap eden zamanda açılmadığı zaman kullanılan ikinci paraşüt
reserve price
en düşük fiyat
reserve price
açılış fiyatı (müzayede)
reserve printing
(Tekstil) rezerve baskı
reserve refresher training
(Askeri) İHTİYAT TAZELEME EĞİTİMİ: İhtisas sahibi oldukları Hava Kuvvetleri Uzmanlığı ile ilgili belirli bir sahadaki meleke ve bilgilerini tazelemek ve son gelişmelere uydurmak üzere gayri faal görev ihtiyatlarına yaptırılan resmi eğitim
reserve requirements
(Askeri) YEDEK İHTİYAÇLAR, YEDEK İHTİYAÇ MADDELERİ: Bir seferde (campaign) ortaya çıkması muhtemel acil durumları karşılamak için gerekli ikmal maddeleri ve teçhizat
reserve service
yedek [ask.]
reserve service
ihtiyat [ask.]
reserve status
(Askeri) ihtiyatlık durumu
reserve status
(Askeri) ihtiyat durumu
reserve status
(Askeri) İHTİYAT DURUMU, İHTİYATLIK DURUMU: Bir şahsın, muvazzaf askerlik hizmetini yaptıktan sonra, belirli bir yaşa kadar içinde bulunduğu durum. İhtiyatlık durumunda bulunan kimseler icabında, tekrar hizmete çağrılabilirler
reserve supplies
(Askeri) YEDEK İKMAL MADDELERİ: Yeterli bir ikmal faaliyetinin devamını temin maksadıyle, mevcut ihtiyaçlardan fazla olarak biriktirilmiş ikmal maddeleri. Bunlara sadece "reserve" de denir. Ayrıca bakınız: "base reserves", "battle reserves", "beach reserves", "contingency retention stock", "economic retention stock", "general reserves", "individual reserves", "mobile reserves", "operational reserve", "unit reserve" ve "war reserve"
resin reserve
(Tekstil) reçine rezervesi
retired reserve
(Askeri) ÜÇÜNCÜ DERECEDE HAZIR İHTİYAT: Kanun ve yönetmeliklere uygun olarak isimleri, ilgili makam tarafından Üçüncü Derecede Hazır İhtiyat listesine sokulmuş kimseler. Bunlar arasında özel bir niteliğe sahip olanlar, savaşta veya kongre tarafından ilan edilecek bir olağanüstü durumda ya da kanunun başka şekilde yetki verdiği hallerde ve ancak, sahip oldukları nitelikte yeteri kadar personelin Birinci Derecedeki Hazır İhtiyat veya faal durumdaki İkinci Derecedeki Hazır İhtiyat'lar içinde mevcut bulunmadığına K. K. K. tarafından karar verildiği taktirde, mecburi faal göreve alınabilirler. Ayrıca, bak. "ready reserve" ve "standby reserve"
army reserve
(Askeri) ihtiyat teşkilatı
enlisted reserve corps
(Askeri) ihtiyat erat sınıfı
federal reserve bank
(Ticaret) abd'nin merkez bankası
federal reserve system
(Ticaret) amerikan merkez bankası
hidden reserve
(Ticaret) gizli ihtiyat
inventory reserve
(Ticaret) envanter ihtiyatı
inventory reserve
(Ticaret) envanter yedeği
inventory reserve
(Ticaret) envanter karşılığı
legal reserve
(Askeri) kanuni ihtiyat
nature reserve
doğa rezervatı
nature reserve area
tabiatı koruma alanı
naval reserve
(Askeri) deniz ihtiyat teşkilatı
profit reserve
(Ticaret) kar yedeği
strict nature reserve
mutlak koruma alanı
alkali reserve
alkali rezerve
cash reserve
para rezervi
central reserve
yolda orta şerit
contingency reserve
yedek akçe
contingency reserve
ihtiyat akçesi
dividend equalization reserve
temettü fonu
emergency reserve
foreign exchange reserve
döviz rezervi
fractional reserve
kısmi yedek
free reserve
serbest rezerv
fuel reserve tank
yedek yakıtlık
fuel reserve tank
yedek yakıt deposu
general reserve
genel rezerv
investment reserve
yatırım rezervi
legal reserve
kanuni yedek akçe
Federal Reserve chairman
(Amerikan) Merkez Bankası başkanı

Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke testifying before the Senate banking, housing and urban affairs committee.

cash reserve
nakit rezervi
chairman of Federal Reserve
(Amerikan) Merkez Bankası başkanı
daily reserve calculation
günlük rezerv hesabı
federal reserve board
Amerikan Merkez Bankası
fuel reserve tank
yedek yakitlik, yedek yakıt deposu
proved reserve
görünür rezerv
rapid reaction force; Ready Reserve Fleet; Ready Reserve Force
(Askeri) çevik mukabele kuvveti; Hazır İhtiyat Filosu; Hazır İhtiyat Kuvveti
English - English
kept in reserve especially for emergency use; "a reserve supply of food"; "a spare tire"; "spare parts
A tract of land reserved, or set apart, for a particular purpose; as, the Connecticut Reserve in Ohio, originally set apart for the school fund of Connecticut; the Clergy Reserves in Canada, for the support of the clergy
Restraint of freedom in words or actions; backwardness; caution in personal behavior
To book in advance; to make a reservation

I reserved a table for us at the best restaurant in town.

To keep in store for future or special use

This cake is reserved for the guests!.

A natural resource known to exist but not currently exploited

New oil reserves are continuously being discovered, but not as fast as the existing ones are running out.

To keep back; to retain

We reserve the right for modifications.

A body of troops kept in the rear of an army drawn up for battle, reserved to support the other lines as occasion may require; a force or body of troops kept for an exigency
That which is reserved, or kept back, as for future use
Funds kept on hand to meet planned or unplanned financial requirements
A tract of land set apart for the use of an Aboriginal group. (Compare US reservation.)
The act of reserving, or keeping back; reservation; exception

I accept your view with one reserve.

A member of a team who does not participate from the start of the game, but can be used to replace tired or injured team-mates
reserve requirements
instruction about the amount of reserves a bank must maintain
{n} a store untouched, exception, modesty
{v} to keep in store, lay up, save, retain
Reserve Officer Training Corps
the full name of the ROTC
Same as course reserves Other materials may also be kept on reserve Also refers to the Reserve Room, across from the Library entrance, next to the Registrar's Office in Greenley Hall
substitute: an athlete who plays only when another member of the team drops out
reservation: a district that is reserved for particular purpose
To make an exception of; to except
If you have something in reserve, you have it available for use when it is needed. the bottle of whisky that he kept in reserve
A controlled access collection where items set aside for particular classes are loaned for shorter than usual periods of time If feasible, items are also scanned and made available through Electronic Course Reserves
kept in reserve especially for emergency use; "a reserve supply of food"; "a spare tire"; "spare parts"
A provision in the project plan to mitigate cost and/or schedule risk Often used with a modifier (e g , management reserve, contingency reserve) to provide further detail on what types of risk are meant to be mitigated The specific meaning of the modified term varies by application area
That part of the assets of a bank or other financial institution specially kept in cash in a more or less liquid form as a reasonable provision for meeting all demands which may be made upon it; Usually, the uninvested cash kept on hand for this purpose, called the real reserve
"that part of a resource which can be legally mined and at a profit under economic conditions that are specified and are generally accepted as reasonable Economic viability must be demonstrated by at least a preliminary feasibility study based on Indicated and Measured Resources "
Materials a faculty member has decided to make available to a class, and some heavily used reference materials which are placed "on reserve" to be available for a limited period of time Reserve is located at the Loan Desk/Front Desk
A small collection of materials set aside in the Library by professors for use by students in particular classes Some reserves are available online through WebLUIS in the Electronic Reserves Section
a district that is reserved for particular purpose
is a specially segregated territory representing a special economic, scientific or cultural value; the natural wealth of the reserve is used only for conducting scientific research in the practical interests of the national economy The territory of the reserve, including all forests and other objects of nature, constitutes the State Reserve Fund The use of the SRF for other purposes may be possible only if permitted by the Government The main tasks of the reserve are: conservation of natural areas, which are most characteristic of a given geographic zone, protection, regeneration and reproduction of flora and fauna, especially the species, which are most valuable from scientific and economic points of view, study of the reserve's nature, registration of natural resources
arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance; "reserve me a seat on a flight"; "The agent booked tickets to the show for the whole family"; "please hold a table at Maxim's
an athlete who plays only when another member of the team drops out
give or assign a share of money or time to a particular person or cause; "I will earmark this money for your research"
something kept back or saved for future use or a special purpose
In Great Britain the ultimate real reserve is the gold kept on hand in the Bank of England, largely represented by the notes in hand in its own banking department; and any balance which a bank has with the Bank of England is a part of its reserve
The act of reserving, or keeping back; reservation
Materials a faculty member has decided to make available to a class and some heavily used reference materials which are placed "on reserve" to be available for a limited period of time from two hours to three days Reserve is located with the Loan Desk by the main entrance to Morgan Library
To keep back; to retain; not to deliver, make over, or disclose
An amount in a fund used to meet cash requirements, emergency expenditures, or future defined requirements A reserve is not an appropriation, and there is no limitation on the amount of reserve that can be established
Materials, which have been set aside by an instructor for a class or in-library use only Materials on reserve can be borrowed from the Circulation Desk with the proper identification
If someone shows reserve, they keep their feelings hidden. His natural reserve made him appear self-conscious
A reserve is a supply of something that is available for use when it is needed. The Gulf has 65 per cent of the world's oil reserves
not engaged in military action
A nature reserve is an area of land where the animals, birds, and plants are officially protected. Marine biologists are calling for Cardigan Bay to be created a marine nature reserve to protect the dolphins
(1) An amount representing actual or potential liabilities by an insurer to cover debts to policyholders (2) An amount allocated for a special purpose Note that a reserve is usually a liability and not an extra fund On occasion a reserve may be an asset, such as a reserve for taxes not due yet
In exhibitions, a distinction which indicates that the recipient will get a prize if another should be disqualified
modesty: formality and propriety of manner
hold back or set aside, especially for future use or contingency; "they held back their applause in anticipation"
See Army organization, above
> The minimum price the consignor is willing to accept and below which a lot will not be sold This amount is confidential and will not exceed the low estimate Unless otherwise indicated, property sold at Christie's is offered subject to a reserve
An amount a funding source holds in its account to cover potential payment defaults After a certain time period has passed, the funding source rebates the reserve to the client less any fees or charges for delinquency Also called a bad debt reserve
5191, 5192), three fifths of which the banks not in a reserve city (which see) may keep deposited as balances in national banks that are in reserve cities (U
formality and propriety of manner
A selection of specific items ( books, periodical articles, audio and video tapes, and multimedia ) which faculty have indicated that students must have access to for a particular class Paper items are housed in the Reserve Area of I D Weeks Library ( at the Circulation Desk ) and circulate for a limited period of time Multimedia items ( videos, CDs, and Special Collections (Newbery & Caldecott) etc ) are housed in the LRL (Learning Resources Lab) on the 2nd floor of I D Weeks Library
to reserve judgment: see judgment to reserve the right: see right. Federal Reserve System gold reserve Western Reserve
General (1) An amount representing actual or potential liabilities kept by an insurer to cover debts to policyholders (2) An amount allocated for a special purpose   Note that a reserve is usually a liability and not an extra fund   On occasion a reserve may be an asset, such as a reserve for taxes not yet due
An account which records a portion of the fund equity which must be segregated for some future use and which is, therefore, not available for further appropriation or expenditure
(1) An amount representing actual or potential liabilities kept by an insurer to cover debts to policyholders (2) An amount allocated for a special purpose Note that a reserve is usually a liability and not an extra fund On occasion a reserve may be an asset, such as a reserve for taxes not yet due (G)
A member of a sports team who does not participate from the start of the game, who can be used to replace tired or injured team-mates
Typically, the liability account that identifies the amount of assets needed to pay future claims There are many different types of reserves When the term "reserve" is used in the life insurance industry, it usually refers to the policy reserve See policy reserve
If you reserve something such as a table, ticket, or magazine, you arrange for it to be kept specially for you, rather than sold or given to someone else. I'll reserve a table for five
In the United States the reserve of a national bank consists of the amount of lawful money it holds on hand against deposits, which is required by law to be not less than 15 per cent U
That which is excepted; exception
In sports, a reserve is someone who is available to play as part of a team if one of the members is ill or cannot play. He ended up as a reserve, but still qualified for a team gold medal. = substitute
obtain or arrange (for oneself) in advance; "We managed to reserve a table at Maxim's"
that part of a resource that can be profitably mined under current or specified economic conditions A reserve estimate must consider all technical, operating, legal and financial factors
An accounting entry that properly reflects contingent liabilities
the trait of being uncommunicative; not volunteering anything more than necessary something kept back or saved for future use or a special purpose (medicine) potential capacity to respond in order to maintain vital functions obtain or arrange (for oneself) in advance; "We managed to reserve a table at Maxim's"
For the first year upon any policy the net premium is called the initial reserve, and the balance left at the end of the year including interest is the terminal reserve
The reserve, being an amount for which another company could, theoretically, afford to take over the insurance, is sometimes called the reinsurance fund or the self-insurance fund
A preparation used on an object being electroplated to fix the limits of the deposit
If something is reserved for a particular person or purpose, it is kept specially for that person or purpose. A double room with a balcony overlooking the sea had been reserved for him = set aside
the trait of being uncommunicative; not volunteering anything more than necessary
(medicine) potential capacity to respond in order to maintain vital functions
An account that contains money set aside for a legally restricted future use   A reserve is not an appropriation, and there is no limitation on the amount of reserve that can be established RESERVED FUND BALANCE:   Those portions of the fund balance that are not appropriable for expenditure or that are legally segregated for a specific future use
military reserve: armed forces that are not on active duty but can be called in an emergency
It is theoretically the difference between the present value of the total insurance and the present value of the future premiums on the insurance
reserve(a): kept in reserve especially for emergency use; "a reserve supply of food"; "a spare tire"; "spare parts"
inactive: not engaged in military action
armed forces that are not on active duty but can be called in an emergency
Hence, to keep in store for future or special use; to withhold from present use for another purpose or time; to keep; to retain
{i} stock, supply; military force that is not on active duty but can be mobilized as needed; park, area of land set aside for a specific use; restraint, reticence, formality of behavior; supply of readily available cash (Finance)
The portion of the reserve to be absorbed from the initial reserve in any year in payment of losses is sometimes called the insurance reserve, and the terminal reserve is then called the investment reserve
The amount of funds or assets necessary for a company to have at any given time to enable it, with interest and premiums paid as they shall accure, to meet all claims on the insurance then in force as they would mature according to the particular mortality table accepted
A body of troops in the rear of an army drawn up for battle, reserved to support the other lines as occasion may require; a force or body of troops kept for an exigency
allow: give or assign a share of money or time to a particular person or cause; "I will earmark this money for your research"
An amount which is set aside to provide for payment of a future obligation
A collection materials that have been set aside for particular classes Usually are restricted to in-library use only and are loaned out for short periods of time
For subsequent years the initial reserve is the net premium, if any, plus the terminal reserve of the previous year
A collection of books set aside by professors for use by students in particular classes The Reserve Desk is located on the first floor of the RBD Library just inside the parking deck entrance Both branch libraries offer reserve desk service Due to high use, loan periods for reserve materials are very short, usually for two hours or overnight
{f} save for later, keep back for future use, retain; set aside for a specific purpose; order in advance (hotel room, airline ticket, etc.)
A resist
The reserve is always reckoned as a liability, and is calculated on net premiums
Funds kept on hand to meet liabilities
reserve account
A separate amount of cash or letter of credit to service a payment requirement such as debt service or maintenance
reserve account
A separate account maintained in a state unemployment fund with respect to a subject employer Quarterly voluntary contributions increase the reserve account balance; charges decrease the reserve account balance
reserve account
One method that ACH Processor's use to mitigate risk, is to require that merchants maintain a Reserve Account at the Processor's Sponsoring Bank This allows the Processor to issue a Hold on funds in this account when fraud has been detected or an excessively large number of returns is received Merchants with good credit and history can usually meet the expectations of ACH Processors for covering returns and so are not always required to keep a reserve account In cases where a reserve is required, the minimum-reserve-balance in the account is set at about 20% of the anticipated processing volume New merchants are usually allowed to build up their reserve by sending in transactions which are not withdrawn until the minimum reserve balance is achieved; after that, the merchant is allowed to withdraw the excess funds for transfer to their home town bank
reserve account
The reserve account into which monthly deposits of insurance payments and property taxes are deposited
reserve account
surplus of income compared to expenses, total of accumulated profits, surplus money
reserve account
funds taken out of earnings to provide for anticipated future payments
reserve account
Arrangement whereby a portion of the salesperson's commission is set aside to compensate for order cancellations and invoicing adjustments
reserve account
set up by the credit card processing company to protect themselves in case of losses due to chargebacks or if the merchant defaults on their merchant account
reserve account
An account established by the factor to track funds owed to a client as factored invoices are paid The account amount equals the invoice face value minus the advance, the factor's fees, charge backs and administrative charges
reserve account
An account used to make insurance and tax payments due on property securing a mortgage loan A portion of each monthly loan payment goes into the reserve account 303
reserve assets
capital held back from investment in order to meet probable or possible demands
reserve bank
one of 12 regional banks that monitor and act as depositories for banks in their region
reserve bench
bench on which extra players sit (Sports); support forces, force of reserve soldiers
reserve city
In the national banking system of the United States, any of certain cities in which the national banks are required U
reserve city
5191) to keep a larger reserve (25 per cent) than the minimum (15 per cent) required of all other banks
reserve city
reserve city
reserve city
reserve city
reserve city
The banks in certain of the reserve cities (specifically called central reserve cities) are required to keep their reserve on hand in cash; banks in other reserve cities may keep half of their reserve as deposits in these banks (U
reserve clause
A clause formerly included in the contract of a professional athlete that allowed the automatic extension of the contract for a year beyond its expiration, thus binding the player to the organization until release, retirement, or a trade
reserve clause
a clause that used to be part of the contract with a professional athlete extending the contract for a year beyond its expiration; "the reserve clause was used to bind players to a particular ball club
reserve currency
Currency kept in reserve by a government for the paying of international debts
reserve energies
not expend all one's energies at once
reserve for taxes
allocation of money for tax purposes, setting money aside from a company balance for taxes
reserve for wild animals
area of land reserved for wild animals to live in
reserve forces
non-active military forces that are kept ready to assist the main military force when needed
reserve fund
Monies set aside as a cushion of capital for future payment of items such as taxes, insurance, furniture replacement, deferred maintenance, etc ; sometimes referred to as an impound account
reserve fund
Funds set aside by homeowners' organizations to pay for any major future repair or improvement
reserve fund
– accumulation of all revenues of the SSS that are not needed to meet the current benefit obligations, administrative and operational expenses
reserve fund
A pool of money held for use for future contingencies, usually in the management of a building, condominium corporation or cooperative unit
reserve fund
funds taken out of earnings to provide for anticipated future payments
reserve fund
A fund established under the Indenture to meet expense or debt service payment shortfalls
reserve fund
Money set aside by a homeowners’ association for major repairs or improvements
reserve fund
Money set aside for future major repairs and replacements of the common property that is separate from money used for operations
reserve fund
an account maintained to provide funds for anticipated expenditures required to maintain a building A reserve may be required by a lender in the form of an escrow to pay upcoming taxes and insurance costs A replacement reserve may be maintained to provide for replacement cost of short-lived components, such as carpets, heating equipment or roofing Deposit of money into such a fund does not achieve a tax deduction
reserve fund
All homeowners associations set aside a certain amount of money for major repairs or improvements
reserve fund
reserve fund
part of a profit balance that is not divided among stockholders but is deposited into the bank for a specific purpose
reserve fund
Monies set aside by the board either through the "enveloping requirements" or for a general or specific purpose
reserve fund
A fund which planned gifts officers and their committees and supervisors can use to assist in closing planned gifts Topic areas: Fundraising and Financial Sustainability
reserve fund
Assets set aside for the purpose of ensuring that the General Board can pay its obligations to its participants For example, the reserve helps the General Board pay the base interest credit during periods when financial markets produce an insufficient rate of return
reserve fund
– A fund (funded from securities proceeds, pledged revenues, or otherwise) usually held by the Trustee under the Indenture, and maintained in a stated or determinable amount sufficient to cover some unusual operation or maintenance expense or some interruption of Pledged Revenues See Debt Service Reserve Fund
reserve fund
A fund set up by a condominium corporation for major repairs and replacement of such items as the roof, elevators, plumbing, heating systems, etc All condo corporations, by law, require a reserve fund
reserve funds
Funding which has been set aside for a predetermined purpose
reserve officers training corps
a training program to prepare college students to be commissioned officers
reserve power
right to restoration of a value that was transferred according to a contract
reserve price
reserve price
The minimum selling price at auction as specified by the seller
reserve price
The amount set prior to an auction which must be met in the bidding for a particular item before the item will be sold Also known as "reserve bid "
reserve price
The reserve price is the lowest price at which a seller is willing to sell an item The reserve price is not disclosed to buyers, and may be higher than the starting bid
reserve price
Preset minimum acceptable price of seller at auction Search: An inquiry to confirm that a property vendor is in a position to sell a property, also detailing any encumbrances listed against the property
reserve price
Sellers have the option of setting a minimum price for which the item will sell - regardless of the high bid Most auction sites and sellers will not disclose this amount
reserve price
specified minimum price acceptable to a seller at auction
reserve price
1 The catalog stated or non-stated minimum price acceptable by the auctioneer or the owner of the lot 2 the Stated Reserve 3 the Hidden Reserve
reserve price
A reserve price is the lowest price which is acceptable to the owner of property being auctioned or sold. The price fixed and announced as the minimum at which property will be sold at an auction
reserve price
Used primarily in auctions indicating the asking price requested by the seller In the event the highest bid received does not meet or exceed the reserve price, the offer is conveyed to the seller for acceptance, decline, or negotiation [ Return to Term Table ]
reserve price
The amount set prior to an auction which must be met in the bidding for a particular item before the item will be sold Also known as "reserve bid"
reserve price
{i} price stipulated by the seller as the lowest price that he/she will accept for an item sold at an auction
reserve price
Preset minimum acceptable price of seller at auction
reserve price
The minimum price a seller has specified he/she will accept at auction
reserve price
This is the minimum price a seller has specified that they will accept to sell their property at auction
reserve price
A secret threshold that if not exceeded, will cause an item to be pulled at the end instead of being sold to the highest bidder I don't use reserve prices
reserve price
in an auction or other bidding procedure, an established amount below which the seller is not obligated to accept a winning bid
reserve price
This is a price greater than the minimum bid amount, below which a seller or dealer will not sell The purpose of the Reserve price is to establish the lowest price a seller is willing to accept for an item offered at auction The seller is obligated to sell to the highest bidder once the reserve price has been met Please note that the auction is not truly active until a bidder reaches or exceeds the Reserve price
reserve price
reserve rank
rank in the military reserve forces
reserve ratio
relation between the amount of cash at a bank's disposal and the amount of deposits deposited in the bank
reserve service
service in the reserves, non-active military force that is kept ready to assist the main military force when needed
reserve service law
law that deals with reserve military service
reserve soldier
soldier who serves in the reserves, soldier who is not on active duty but is available if needed
reserve vehicle unit
unit that deals with recruiting civilian vehicles for military purposes
reserve-service coordinating committee
committee which is authorized to make changes to the active reserve duty for soldiers who seek it
Federal Reserve
the central banking system of the United States
dividend equilisation reserve
A fund set up to ensure that dividends remain stable despite changes in a company's earnings
functional reserve
The remaining capacity of an organ or body part to fulfil its physiological activity; in the context of disease, ageing, or impairment
natural reserve
An area of land managed to conserve wildlife or plant habitat or other natural features
nature reserve
An area of land managed to conserve wildlife or plant habitat or other natural features
urban reserve
A division of property owned by a First Nations community within an urban area
wildlife reserve
An area of land managed to conserve wildlife habitat
nature reserve
national park, protected area designated for the preservation of wildlife
chairman of Federal Reserve
The Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is the head of the central banking system of the United States and one of the most important decision-makers in American economic policies. The Chairman is the "active executive officer" (see ) of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, which is an agency independent of the United States Government created by statute (see ), as part of the Federal Reserve System
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