
listen to the pronunciation of representation
English - Turkish

Görsel öğrenenler kendi notlarında genellikle görsel temsillerden yardım görürler. - Visual learners are often helped by visual representations in their own notes.

{i} simgeleme, temsil etme; temsil edilme
{i} temsilcilik
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) istihzar
tasvir etme
(Tıp) reprezantasyon
oynama (rolünü)
{i} piyes
{i} sunma
{i} beyan
{i} temsil etme, temsilcisi olma
{i} vekillik
{i} sitem
{i} sembol
temsil etme veya edilme
{i} ibraz
{i} tasarım [fel.]
{i} fikir belirtme
{i} (rolünü) oynama
vekiller heyeti
temsilcisi olma
(Ticaret) temsil edilme
(Hukuk) üyelerin temsili
temsil etmek

Onun besteleri rönesans müziğinin son yankısını temsil etmektedir. - His compositions represent the last echo of Renaissance music.

Bir romanın varlığının tek nedeni hayatı temsil etmek için girişimde bulunmasıdır. - The only reason for the existence of a novel is that it does attempt to represent life.

representation of o.s. as ..
kendini ... olarak tanıtma
representation of the people acts
halkın temsil eylemleri
representation expense
temsil gideri
representation of creditor
(Kanun) alacaklının temsili
representation of o.s
kendini ... olarak tanıtma
reducible representation
(Kimya) indirgenebilir temsil
regular representation
(Matematik) düzgün temsil
regular representation
(Matematik) düzenli adlanım
{f} sunmak
{f} tarif etmek
{f} sahneye koymak
{f} ifade etmek
{f} temsilciliğini yapmak
{f} belirtmek
analog representation
(Bilgisayar) örneksel
complementary representation
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) tümler gösterim
decimal representation
(Matematik) ondalık gösterim
incremental representation
(Bilgisayar) artımlı gösterim
indirect representation
(Politika, Siyaset) dolaylı temsil
knowledge representation
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) bilgi gösterimi
knowledge representation
bilgi temsili
knowledge representation 
(Telekom) bilgi temsili 
numeric representation
(Bilgisayar) sayısal gösterim
rolünde oynamak
-i oynamak
rolünü oynamak
rolüne çıkmak
-in ürünü olmak
sonucu olmak
temsilcisi olmak
temsilen seçmek
analog representation
analog gösterim
balanced representation
dengeli temsil
coded representation
şifreli gösterim
data representation
veri gösterimi
data representation code
veri gösterim kodu
digital representation
sayısal gösterim
discrete representation
ayrık gösterim
fraudulent representation
yalan beyanda bulunma
incremental representation
artımsal gösterim
internal data representation
iç veri gösterimi
legal representation
kanuni temsil
linear representation
lineer temsil
matrix representation
matris temsili
pictorial representation
resimsel anlatım
proportional representation
nispi temsil
temsil et

Bir romanın varlığının tek nedeni hayatı temsil etmek için girişimde bulunmasıdır. - The only reason for the existence of a novel is that it does attempt to represent life.

Bu figürün Marilyn Monroe'yu temsil ettiği varsayılır, ama onun adaletini temsil ettiğini sanmıyorum. - This figure is supposed to represent Marilyn Monroe, but I don't think it does her justice.

{f} vekili olmak
tasvir etmek
{f} vekâlet etmek
-in adına hareket etmek
{f} simgelemek
symbolic representation
sembolik gösterim
binary coded decimal representation
ikili kodlu onlu yazım
outline representation
Anahat temsil
period of representation
ibraz süresi
positional representation
konumsal gösterim
syntactic representation
sözdizimsel gösterimi
system representation
sistemi temsil
variable point representation
değişken noktalı gösterim
visual representation
görsel sunum
word representation
kelime gösterimi
coded representation
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kodlu gösterim
communal representation
(Politika, Siyaset) cemaate dayalı temsil
complementary representation
tumler gosterim
discrete representation
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kesikli gösterim
dramatic representation
dramatik oyunlar
exclusive representation
(Ticaret) tek temsilcilik
false representation
gerçeği saptırma
false representation
yanlış beyan
fixed point representation
sabit nokta gosterim
floating point representation
kayan noktali gosterim
form of representation
(Askeri) gösterim formu
fraudulent representation
yalan beyan
functional representation
(Politika, Siyaset) işlevsel temsil
high level representation
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) üst düzey gösterim
high level representation
ust duzey gosterim
intermediate level representation
ara duzey gosterimi
irreducible representation
(Kimya) indirgenemez temsil
knowledge representation
bilgi gosterimi
low level representation
alt duzey gosterim
monopolistic representation
inhisari temsilcilik
normalized representation
duzgelenmis gosterim
number representation
(numeration) sayi gosterimi
numeric representation
sayisal gosterim
phonemic representation
(Dilbilim) sesbirimsel gösterim
phonemic representation
(Dilbilim) sesbirimsel yazım
proportional representation
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) nisbi temsil sistemi
gibi göstermek
{f} oynamak
representabletemsil edilir
tasvir et mek
{f} -i
ifade et/tems
{f} göstermek, betimlemek, tasvir etmek: This painting represents a village in Anatolia. Bu tablo Anadolu'daki bir köyü betimliyor
{f} canlandırmak
sacred representation
(Tiyatro) dinsel oyun
symbolic representation
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) sembolik temsil
virtual representation
(Politika, Siyaset) zımni temsil
English - English
That which represents another
A figure, image or idea that substitutes reality
A theatrical performance
{n} likeness, acount, appearance for another, a whole body of delegates
The act of representing, in any sense of the verb
The method chosen to model a process or object for example a building may be represented as a physical scale model, drawing or photograph See also: Reasoning, Syntax
If you make representations to a government or other official group, you make formal complaints or requests to them. We have made representations to ministers but they just don't seem to be listening. In politics, a method or process of enabling a constituency to influence legislation and government policy through deputies chosen by it. The rationale of representative government is that in large modern countries the people cannot all assemble, as they did in the marketplace of democratic Athens. If the public is to participate in government, citizens must select a small number from among themselves to act for them. Political parties have come to act as intermediaries between citizens and their representatives by helping to formulate systematically citizens' demands. Arguments persist about the proper role of representatives; some theories suggest that they should act as delegates carrying out the instructions of the public, whereas others argue that they should serve as free agents, acting in accordance with their best ability and understanding. See also proportional representation
a performance of play
A representation is a symbol structure that stands-for something For example, the term "room temperature" may stand for the current temperature of a particular room In sensemaking, the term representation is usually used to refer to symbols or objects in the workspace or document of the sensemaker Thus, a sensemaker may use a table-based representation that stands for a set of objects and their attributes or an outline representation whose elements stand for topics in a report Also see external cognition
the state of serving as an official and authorized delegate or agent
words or symbols that are understood as a concept -- " the use of the commas in the numeral representations " (9)
A description or statement; as, the representation of an historian, of a witness, or an advocate
Theatrical performance
That which stands for, refers to or denotes something or the relation between a thing and that which stands for or denotes it See distributed representation,symbolicism, dynamic systems theory <Discussion> <References> Chris Eliasmith
an activity that stands as an equivalent of something or results in an equivalent
A statement made on an application for insurance that the applicant represents as correct to the best of his knowledge and belief See also Warranty (LE)
If a group or person has representation in a parliament or on a committee, someone in the parliament or on the committee supports them and makes decisions on their behalf. Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens but they have no representation in Congress. see also proportional representation
{i} act of representing; state of being represented
The encoding of information for interchange For example, HTML is a representation of hypertext
The acceptance or rejection of an insurance risk and the amount of premium that would be required, is determined by information submitted by the person applying for such insurance
(imitation, realism, mimesis): The essence of art is to picture or portray reality Good art is an accurate mirror on the world, imitating nature or some ideal form (Plato, Aristotle)
A statement by an insurance applicant of facts upon which the insurer bases its decision as to whether or not to issue the policy as applied for
a body of legislators that serve in behalf of some constituency; "a Congressional vacancy occurred in the representation from California"
To act as the agent for another, whether a person or organization
SAA is represented in Washington, D C , both through its own activities and those of the National Coordinating Committee for the Promotion of History The SAA President appoints representatives to allied organizations and standards setting bodies
The body of those who act as representatives of a community or society; as, the representation of a State in Congress
the act of representing; standing in for someone or some group and speaking with authority in their behalf
Statements made by applicants on their applications for insurance that they represent as being substantially true to the best of their knowledge and belief but that are not warranted as exact in every detail
a statement of facts and reasons made in appealing or protesting; "certain representations were made concerning police brutality"
a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something
(see section 182) the Board must, prior to publishing a report or recommendation, consider whether or not it may adversely affect a party or person The Board must give any affected party or person the opportunity to review, rebut or clarify the information before the Board publishes its report
the most general word for an object at any stage in its deè² ermination by the subject, or for the subjective act of forming the object at that level The main types of representations are intuitions, concepts and ideas
You can describe a picture, model, or statue of a person or thing as a representation of them. a lifelike representation of Christ
What represents another thing
That which represents
A dramatic performance; as, a theatrical representation; a representation of Hamlet
The state of being represented
(Déclaration) The acceptance or rejection of an insurance risk and the amount of premium that would be required, is determined by facts submitted by the person applying for such insurance An improper statement in the "representation" of the risk is generally corrected by endorsement or possibly where required the charging of an additional premium The penalty for false information on material facts or warranties may be the voiding of the policy
The relationship between actual places, people, events and ideas and media content Stereotypes are a common form of media representation
an activity that stands as an equivalent of something or results in an equivalent the act of representing; standing in for someone or some group and speaking with authority in their behalf a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something the right of being representated by delegates who have a voice in some legislative body a presentation to the mind in the form of an idea or image a statement of facts and reasons made in appealing or protesting; "certain representations were made concerning police brutality"
- A replication, construction or reconstruction of some place, object, person or process relevant to the topic of study Usually in project work this representation is realistic rather than imaginary or fantastical in nature Attempts are made to achieve a match between the parts of the representation and the corresponding aspects of the reality Some representations are made collaboratively and over a long period of time and discussion is undertaken to facilitate their development
A statement made by an Applicant for insurance, or an Insured presenting a claim   False representation on the application can result in rejection of the application or cancellation of the policy   False representation in the presentation of a claim can result in the denial of coverage, as well as the cancellation of the policy   False representation with intent to defraud is a crime in the State of Minnesota
Figure, image or idea that substitutes reality
Any collateral statement of fact, made orally or in writing, by which an estimate of the risk is affected, or either party is influenced
The process by which one thing stands for another or by which it is presented, depicted, or portrayed in some fashion; the result of such process
The number of employees from a designated group, relative to the labour market availability
a presentation to the mind in the form of an idea or image
Statements on an insurance application that the applicant believes are true A representation is not considered a matter to which the parties contract, so a policy cannot be voided on the basis of a representation
A likeness, a picture, or a model; as, a representation of the human face, or figure, and the like
An explicit expression (e g , verbal utterance, diagram, computer code) of some idea Representations have meaning only in the sense that they are interpreted by someone, or something (such as a computer) People interpret representations within a social context and against their individual background
The act of re- presenting, or the state of being presented again; a new presentation; as, re-presentation of facts previously stated
The way one subjectively structures a reality in the mind For example, one's idea of "work" might be a certain inter-connected collage of pictures and feelings
a factual statement made by one party in order to induce another party to enter into a contract; "the sales contract contains several representations by the vendor"
the right of being representated by delegates who have a voice in some legislative body
representation term
A word or a combination of words that semantically represent the data type (value domain) of a data element, such as the suffix "ID" for the data element "PersonID", the suffix "Name" for "PersonGivenName" and "PersonFamilyName" and "Date" for "PersonBirthDate"
representation theorist
An algebraist who specializes in representation theory
representation theorists
plural form of representation theorist
Representation of the People Acts
(1918, 1928) Parliamentary acts that expanded suffrage in Britain. The act of 1918 gave the vote to all men over 21 and all women over 30, which tripled the electorate. The act of 1928 extended the franchise to women aged 21-30. The acts continued the voting reforms begun by the Reform Bills (see Reform Bill of 1832, Reform Bill of 1867, Reform Bill of 1884-85)
proportional representation
A voting principle aimed at securing a close match between the percentage of votes that groups of candidates (usually political parties) obtain in elections, and the percentage of seats they receive in the elected body
To portray by pictorial or plastic art; to delineate; as, to represent a landscape in a picture, a horse in bronze, and the like
To form or image again in consciousness, as an object of cognition or apprehension (something presentative, which was originally apprehended by direct presentation)
To bring a sensation of into the mind or sensorium; to cause to be known, felt, or apprehended; to present
Of or pertaining to representation or to representationalism
ribbon representation
A graphical representation of the gross structure of a protein in which different levels of structure are represented as different size ribbons and tubes; associated molecules (such as the haem of haemoglobin) are shown in ball and stick form
{v} to show, exhibit, appear for another
No Taxation without Representation
slogan during the American Revolution Americans supported the point of view of actual representation which meant that in order to be taxed by Parliament the Americans righteously should have actual legislators sitting and voting in London
data representation
program instructions (Computers)
fair representation
representation that a person is entitled to
false representation
illegal representation, incorrect depiction, misleading representation (Law)
legal representation
representation of a client in a court of law
legal representation
personal representation that has legal status; "an person who has been declared incompetent should have legal representation
pictorial representation
visual representation as by photography or painting
proportional representation
representation of all parties in proportion to their popular vote
proportional representation
method of elections in which delegates truly represent the distribution of opinions of the voting public
proportional representation
Proportional representation is a system of voting in which each political party is represented in a parliament or legislature in proportion to the number of people who vote for it in an election. Representation of all parties in a legislature in proportion to their popular vote. PR a system of voting in elections by which all political parties are represented in the government according to the number of votes they receive in the whole country. Electoral system in which the share of seats held by a political party in the legislature closely matches the share of popular votes it received. It was devised in Europe in the mid-19th century to guarantee minority groups more representation than was possible under the majority or plurality systems. Its supporters claim that it creates a more accurate reflection of public opinion; its opponents argue that by allowing more parties in a legislature, it may result in weaker, less stable governments. Two methods for apportioning seats are the single-transferable-vote method, under which voters rank candidates by preference, and the list system, under which voters select a party's list of candidates rather than individuals. Some countries (e.g., Germany and Russia) use a combination of plurality and proportional methods for allocating seats in the lower house of the national legislature. See also legislative apportionment
To stand in the place of; to supply the place, perform the duties, exercise the rights, or receive the share, of; to speak and act with authority in behalf of; to act the part of (another); as, an heir represents his ancestor; an attorney represents his client in court; a member of Congress represents his district in Congress
be the defense counsel for someone in a trial; "Ms Smith will represent the defendant"
to establish a mapping (of mathematical elements or sets)
To serve as a sign or symbol of; as, mathematical symbols represent quantities or relations; words represent ideas or things
To present again; as, to re-present the points of an argument
be a delegate or spokesperson for; represent somebody's interest or be a proxy or substitute for, as of politicians and office holders representing their constituents, or of a tenant representing other tenants in a housing dispute; "I represent the silent majority"; "This actor is a spokesperson for the National Rifle Association"
point out or draw attention to in protest or remonstrance; "our parents represented to us the need for more caution"
serve as a means of expressing something; "The flower represents a young girl"
take the place of or be parallel or equivalent to; "Because of the sound changes in the course of history, an 'h' in Greek stands for an 's' in Latin"
perform (a play), especially on a stage; "we are going to stage `Othello'"
To portray by mimicry or action of any kind; to act the part or character of; to personate; as, to represent Hamlet
"Represent" means to communicate on behalf of another with the intent to influence a Government decision "Represent" includes acting as an agent or attorney, or other representative in an appearance, or communication, with the intent to influence
If you represent a person or thing as a particular thing, you describe them as being that thing. The popular press tends to represent him as an environmental guru. = portray
take the place of or be parallel or equivalent to; "Because of the sound changes in the course of history, an 'h' in Greek stands for an 's' in Latin
play a role or part; "Gielgud played Hamlet"; "She wants to act Lady Macbeth, but she is too young for the role"; "She played the servant to her husband's master"
To bet in such a way as to indicate that you have a certain hand For instance, when you check-raise after the third suited card hits the board in hold'em, you are representing a flush, even if you don't actually have one
bring forward and present to the mind; "We presented the arguments to him"; "We cannot represent this knowledge to our formal reason"
To exhibit to another mind in language; to show; to give one's own impressions and judgement of; to bring before the mind; to set forth; sometimes, to give an account of; to describe
To play as if you hold a certain hand For instance, if you raised before the flop, and then raised again when the flop came ace high, you would be representing at least an ace with a good kicker
be characteristic of; "This compositional style is exemplified by this fugue"
To exhibit to another mind in language; to show; to give ones own impressions and judgement of; to bring before the mind; to set forth; sometimes, to give an account of; to describe
form or compose; "This money is my only income"; "The stone wall was the backdrop for the performance"; "These constitute my entire belonging"; "The children made up the chorus"; "This sum represents my entire income for a year"; "These few men comprise his entire army"
point out or draw attention to in protest or remonstrance; "our parents represented to us the need for more caution" describe or present, usually with respect to a particular quality; "He represented this book as an example of the Russian 19th century novel" serve as a means of expressing something; "The flower represents a young girl" create an image or likeness of; "The painter represented his wife as a young girl" be a delegate or spokesperson for; represent somebody's interest or be a proxy or substitute for, as of politicians and office holders representing their constituents, or of a tenant representing other tenants in a housing dispute; "I represent the silent majority"; "This actor is a spokesperson for the National Rifle Association" be representative or typical for; "This period is represented by Beethoven" take the place of or be parallel or equivalent to; "Because of the sound changes in the course of history, an 'h' in Greek stands for an 's' in Latin
{f} act as an agent on behalf of a person or organization; symbolize, stand for; depict, portray
To portray by pictoral or plastic art; to delineate; as, to represent a landscape in a picture, a horse in bronze, and the like
be representative or typical for; "This period is represented by Beethoven"
To form or image again in consciousness, as an object of cognition or apprehension (something which was originally apprehended by direct presentation)
describe or present, usually with respect to a particular quality; "He represented this book as an example of the Russian 19th century novel"
To present again or anew; to present by means of something standing in the place of; to exhibit the counterpart or image of; to typify
If you represent a person or group at an official event, you go there on their behalf. The general secretary may represent the president at official ceremonies
If a group of people or things is well represented in a particular activity or in a particular place, a lot of them can be found there. Women are already well represented in the area of TV drama In New Mexico all kinds of cuisines are represented
express indirectly by an image, form, or model; be a symbol; "What does the Statue of Liberty symbolize?"
If a sign or symbol represents something, it is accepted as meaning that thing. a black dot in the middle of the circle is supposed to represent the source of the radiation. = symbolize
If you say that something represents a change, achievement, or victory, you mean that it is a change, achievement, or victory. These developments represented a major change in the established order
See Presentative, 3
If you represent your country or town in a competition or sports event, you take part in it on behalf of the country or town where you live. My only aim is to represent Britain at the Olympics
If someone such as a lawyer or a politician represents a person or group of people, they act on behalf of that person or group. the politicians we elect to represent us
create an image or likeness of; "The painter represented his wife as a young girl"
To represent an idea or quality means to be a symbol or an expression of that idea or quality. We believe you represent everything British racing needs. = embody
also called figurative art, portrays things as perceived in the real world
used especially of art; "representational art"; "representational images"
An image suggestive of an object which actually exists
used especially of art; "representational art"; "representational images
work of art that portray forms from the natural world
{s} pertaining to representation; depicting an object in an accurate or recognizable manner (Art)
The process of using pictures, photos or models to represent concrete objects or movements
Any work of design that seeks to resemble the world of natural appearance
In a representational painting, the artist attempts to show things as they really are. His painting went through both representational and abstract periods. a representational painting or style of art shows things as they actually appear in real life = figurative
Statements made by an applicant for insurance, for example, in life insurance, occupation, state of health, and family history
On an application, facts that the applicant represents as true and accurate to the best of his or her knowledge and belief In contrast to warranty (see Warranty)
In life and health insurance, statements made by an applicant on the application that he or she represents as being substantially true to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, but which are not warranted as exact in every detail, as compared to warranties (See also: warranties and representations )
We think by presenting to ourselves again (re-present) images, sounds, words ideas etc
Descriptions as to the quality or character of something e g , a home may be represented as being free from structural defects
In the context of project financing, a series of statements about a project, a sponsor, or the obligations under the project contracts or the financing agreements
Statements made by the proposed insured in the process of securing coverage Coverage may be voided if the representation is false and material to the determination of risk The standard of truth in representation is substantial, that is, "to the best of knowledge and belief," but not exact to detail
plural of representation
Statements made by either party with respect to certain elements of the proposed transaction that, if proven untrue, may give the other party the right to claim for damages from the party making the warranty



    Turkish pronunciation



    /ˌreprəzenˈtāsʜən/ /ˌrɛprəzɛnˈteɪʃən/


    ... has no representation at all up ...