renovating the mansion involved hiring a contractor

listen to the pronunciation of renovating the mansion involved hiring a contractor
English - German
Mit der Renovierung der Villa mussten wir eine Firma beauftragen
renovating the mansion involved hiring a contractor


    ren·o·vat·ing the man·sion in·volved hir·ing a con·trac·tor

    Turkish pronunciation

    renıveytîng dhi mänşın învälvd hayrîng ı känträktır


    /ˈrenəˌvātəɴɢ ᴛʜē ˈmansʜən ənˈvälvd ˈhīrəɴɢ ə ˈkänˌtraktər/ /ˈrɛnəˌveɪtɪŋ ðiː ˈmænʃən ɪnˈvɑːlvd ˈhaɪrɪŋ ə ˈkɑːnˌtræktɜr/