relevant document

listen to the pronunciation of relevant document
English - French
document pertinent
English - Greek
σχετικό έγγραφο (shetiko engrafo)
English - Danish
relevant dokument
English - Portuguese
documento relevante
English - Finnish
asiaa koskeva asiakirja
English - Russian
соответствующий документ
English - Lehçe
odpowiednich dokumentów
English - Swedish
relevant dokument
English - German
entsprechende Dokument
relevant documents
wichtige Urkunden
relevant documents
sachdienliche Unterlagen
English - Spanish
documento pertinente
English - Italian
documento pertinente
relevant document


    rel·e·vant do·cu·ment

    Turkish pronunciation

    relıvınt däkyument


    /ˈreləvənt ˈdäkyo͞oment/ /ˈrɛləvənt ˈdɑːkjuːmɛnt/