red underwear

listen to the pronunciation of red underwear
English - Turkish
Yılbaşı gecesi kırmızı iç çamaşırı giymenin bütün sene boyunca uğur getireceğine ve o kişiye aşk hayatında şans getireceğine inanılır
kırmızı iç çamaşır
English - English
Red underwear is a New Year tradition for New Year luck. Most people believe that it is a trick to get the New Year goals on to an enthusiastic start. This is mainly because wearing red lingerie is a personal decision that doesn’t get to be known or seen by many people besides yourself and probably your loved one. As such the move is aimed more at uplifting your self-esteem, morale and moods than it is meant to show others. In a way wearing the red lingerie is like prophesying to you that the coming year will be one of happiness, joy, romance and prosperity
red underwear


    Red un·der·wear

    Turkish pronunciation

    red ʌndırwer


    /ˈred ˈəndərˌwer/ /ˈrɛd ˈʌndɜrˌwɛr/