(Askeri) YENİDEN SINIFLANDIRMA: Askeri personelin liyakat ve ehliyetlerinden daha çok faydalanmak maksadıyla ehliyet ve liyakatların yeniden incelenmesi işlemi
English - English
Definition of reclassify in English English dictionary
means the assignment of a position in one class to another class which is the result of a natural or an organizational change in duties or responsibilities of the position
The change of a position from one title, series, or grade to another to correct a classification error or apply a new classification standard Normally, the position duties have not materially changed - just the evaluation of them
Refers to the act of changing listing from endangered to threatened The delisting of species as neither endangered or threatened, or the relisting of species as endangered or threatened
A change in the classification of an individual position to either a higher, lower or other comparable level classification based on changes in the position's duties and requirements
Redesignation of current year's income or expenditure items previously posted to one account and later determined to be more properly charged to a different account
A change in position classification because duties, authority, and responsibilities are significantly changed, but the required knowledge and skills remain similar
The County maintains a classification system for all positions, which establishes job titles, general duties and responsibilities, qualifications, and compensation Occasionally, employees are found to be performing tasks or functions that fall outside their existing classification When this occurs, the Personnel Division conducts a study and a recommendation is made for proper classification and compensation
After your Class B or Class R shares have been held long enough that a redemption fee no longer applies (7 years for Class-B shares, 4 years for Class-R shares), your shares automatically convert to Class-A shares Unlike B and R shares, class-A shares have a front-end sales charge (for "new" investments) and lower annual expenses than B and R shares; you will not incur a new sales charge through reclassification Reclassification is not a taxable event Share classes have different share prices; as a result, you may own more or fewer A shares than you did B or R shares See the prospectus for more details
means an authorized classification action to change an employees classification or grade based on the gradual growth and accretion of higher level duties
A change in the classification of a position resulting from a job audit by Human Resources where it is found that the duties and responsibilities of the position will be changed permanently, materially, and significantly An employee must meet the minimum qualifications of the new classification in order to be reclassified
A change in the job content points assigned to a position after a substantial and permanent modification in the duties and responsibilities assigned to that position
A change in the way in which distributions were originally classified/reported on a shareowner's statement This can occur when income has been over-distributed due either to unexpected currency losses or to earnings that are less than expected For example, a distribution that was originally reported as income could be reclassed to a distribution of short-term or long-term capital gains or to a return of capital