
listen to the pronunciation of rebellion
English - Turkish

Bu bir başkaldırı yöntemidir. - It's a form of rebellion.


John Brown'ın isyanı bastırıldı. - John Brown's rebellion was crushed.

Hindistan'da isyanı bastırdı. - He put down the rebellion in India.

{i} başkaldırma
baş kaldırma
stirred up a rebellion
isyan yol açtı
adolescent rebellion
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ergenlik asiliği
armed rebellion
silahlı ayaklanma
rise in rebellion
English - English
Armed resistance to an established government or ruler
An organized, forceful subversion of the law of the land in an attempt to replace it with another form of government
Defiance of authority or control
{n} opposition to lawful authority
A revolt against the government that is in power Often a rebellion involves combat between the government's army and the rebels who have organized to fight the government
Hatred of any kind of control; actively fighting against those you should obey
an uprising led by a band of people
{i} revolt, uprising, mutiny; revolution, insurrection
A situation in which politicians show their opposition to their own party's policies can be referred to as a rebellion. There was a Labour rebellion when some left-wing MPs voted against the Chancellor's tax cuts = revolt. An Lushan Rebellion Boxer Rebellion Cade's Rebellion Culpeper's Rebellion Easter Rebellion Fries's Rebellion Hong Kyong nae Rebellion Hukbalahap Rebellion Huk Rebellion Kronshtadt Rebellion Nian Rebellion Nien Rebellion Wat Tyler's Rebellion Shays's Rebellion Shimabara Rebellion Stono rebellion Taiping Rebellion Whiskey Rebellion
Whenever this Pokémon attacks, flip 2 coins If both of them are tails, that attack does nothing Instead, shuffle this Pokémon and all cards attached to it into your deck (This power works even if this Pokémon is Confused ) Pokémon with this Power: Misty's Gyarados
The act of rebelling; open and avowed renunciation of the authority of the government to which one owes obedience, and resistance to its officers and laws, either by levying war, or by aiding others to do so; an organized uprising of subjects for the purpose of coercing or overthrowing their lawful ruler or government by force; revolt; insurrection
A rebellion is a violent organized action by a large group of people who are trying to change their country's political system. The British soon put down the rebellion. = insurrection
organized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another
Rebellions are aimed at removing particular rulers or regimes rather than bringing about significant structural changes in a society
organized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another refusal to accept some authority or code or convention; "each generation must have its own rebellion"; "his body was in rebellion against fatigue
Open resistance to, or defiance of, lawful authority
Organized, armed, open resistance to the authority or government in power
refusal to accept some authority or code or convention; "each generation must have its own rebellion"; "his body was in rebellion against fatigue"
(The) The revolts in behalf of the House of Stuart in 1715 and 1745; the former in behalf of the Chevalier de St George, son of James II , called the Old Pretender, and the latter in favour of Charles Edward, usually termed the Young Pretender The Great Rebellion The revolt of the Long Parliament against Charles I (1642-1646 ) The Great Irish Rebellion, 1789 It was caused by the creation of numerous Irish societies hostile to England, especially that called “The United Irishmen ” There have been eight or nine other rebellions In 1365 the Irish applied to France for soldiers; in 1597 they offered the crown of Ireland to Spain; in 1796 they concluded a treaty with the French Directory
An Lushan Rebellion
Rebellion beginning in 755 in China led by An Lushan (703-757), a general of non-Chinese origin. An Lushan rose through the ranks of the Tang-dynasty army in the 740s, becoming a military governor and a favourite of the emperor, Xuanzong. In 755 he turned his troops on the eastern capital city, Luoyang, and after taking it he proclaimed himself emperor. Six months later his forces took Chang'an, the western capital. He was murdered in 757, and the rebellion was put down in 763. The Tang government was much weakened, however, and the second half of the Tang dynasty and the subsequent Five Dynasties period were troubled by chronic warlordism
Bar Kochba rebellion
Jewish rebellion against the Romans led by Bar Kochba in the 2nd century
Boxer Rebellion
Officially supported peasant uprising in 1900 in China that attempted to drive all foreigners from the country. "Boxer" was the English name given to a Chinese secret society that practiced boxing and calisthenic rituals in the belief that it would make its members impervious to bullets. Support for them grew in northern China during the late 19th century, when China's people were suffering from growing economic impoverishment and the country was forced to grant humiliating concessions to Western powers. In June 1900, after Boxers had killed Chinese Christians and Westerners, an international relief force was dispatched to quell the attacks. The empress dowager, Cixi, ordered imperial forces to block its advance; the conflict escalated, hundereds of people were killed, and the matter was not resolved until August, when Beijing was captured and sacked. Hostilities were ended with a protocol (1901) requiring China to pay a large indemnity to 11 countries. Britain and the U.S. later returned much of their reparations, the U.S. using its portion to further Chinese higher education. See also U.S. Open Door policy
Boxer Rebellion
rebelling by a faction of the Chinese people against western presence in China in 1900
Cade's Rebellion
(1450) Uprising against the government of Henry VI of England. Jack Cade, an Irishman of uncertain occupation living in Kent, organized a rebellion among local small property holders angered by high taxes and prices. He took the name John Mortimer, identifying himself with the family of Henry's rival, the duke of York. Cade and his followers defeated a royal army in Kent and entered London, where they executed the lord treasurer. They were soon driven out of the city; Cade's followers dispersed on being offered a pardon, and Cade was mortally wounded in Sussex. His rebellion contributed to the breakdown of royal authority that led to the Wars of the Roses
Culpeper's Rebellion
(1677-79) Popular uprising in the Albemarle section of Carolina to protest the British Navigation Acts, which denied the colonists free markets. Led by John Culpeper and George Durant, the rebels imprisoned the deputy governor (and customs collector) and other officials. They convened a legislature, chose Culpeper as governor, and ran the colony for two years. Culpeper was removed by the colony's proprietors and tried for treason but never punished
Dorr's Rebellion
1842 action lead by Thomas W. Dorr in response to the state of Rhode Island's failure to reform its constitution and enact a bill of rights (U.S. History)
Fries's Rebellion
(1799) Uprising, in opposition to a federal property tax, by farmers in eastern Pennsylvania. To raise money for an anticipated war with France, in 1798 the U.S. Congress voted a direct tax on real property. The tax was widely resented, and an armed group of German farmers, led by John Fries ( 1750-1818), forced the release of tax resisters held by federal marshals. Pres. John Adams sent federal troops to arrest the rebels, who were tried for treason. Fries was convicted and sentenced to be hanged, but Adams pardoned him in 1800
Hong Kyong-nae Rebellion
Peasant uprising in northern Korea in 1812 organized by Hong Ky ng-nae, a fallen yangban (court official), in response to oppressive taxation and forced labour during a time of famine caused by crop failure. The rebels prevailed for several months and were put down only after a concerted military campaign. A similar rebellion occurred in the 1860s
Hukbalahap Rebellion
or Huk Rebellion (1946-54) Peasant uprising in Luzon, Philippines. The rich Luzon plain was farmed by a large tenant-farmer population working on vast estates, a situation that led to periodic peasant revolts. The area became a focal point for communist organizers in the 1930s. One communist organization, the Hukbalahap (or Huks), was a successful anti-Japanese guerrilla group during World War II (1939-45). By the war's end it had also seized most of the Luzon large estates, established a government, and was collecting taxes. When the Philippines became independent in 1946, the Huks began a rebellion after they were prevented from taking government seats to which they had been elected. They were successful for four years and in 1950 nearly seized Manila. Defeated by Philippine troops equipped with advanced U.S. weaponry and by the rise of the popular Ramon Magsaysay, their leader, Luis Taruc, surrendered in 1954
Kronshtadt Rebellion
(1921) Internal uprising against Soviet rule in Russia after the Russian Civil War, conducted by sailors from the Kronshtadt naval base. The sailors had supported the Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution of 1917, but disillusionment with the government and inadequate food supplies after the civil war led them to demand economic and labour reform and political freedoms. The rebels were crushed by a force led by Leon Trotsky and Mikhayl Tukhachevsky, and the survivors were shot or imprisoned. By dramatically demonstrating popular dissatisfaction with communist policies, the rebellion, along with several other major internal uprisings, led to the adoption of the New Economic Policy
Mau Mau Rebellion
(1953-1956) Kenyan rebellion against British colonialism (led by the secret organization known as "Mau Mau")
Nian Rebellion
or Nien Rebellion ( 1852-68) Rebellion in northern China during the Qing dynasty. The Nian, a secret society, was probably a reincarnation of the White Lotus Society; it attracted poor peasants, salt smugglers, and army deserters who used guerrilla hit-and-run tactics to attack the wealthy and redistribute the plundered goods among the needy. They took over local militias and formed their own armies. They were finally crushed by Li Hongzhang, who defeated them using modern weapons and blockade lines. See also Taiping Rebellion
Shays's Rebellion
(1786-87) Uprising in western Massachusetts. In a period of economic depression and land seizures for debt collection, several hundred farmers led by Daniel Shays (1747?-1825), who had served as a captain in the Revolutionary army, marched on the state supreme court in Springfield, preventing it from carrying out foreclosures and debt collection. Shays then led about 1,200 men in an attack on the nearby federal arsenal, but they were repulsed by troops under Benjamin Lincoln. As a result of the uprising, the state enacted laws easing the economic condition of debtors
Shimabara Rebellion
(1637-38) In Japanese history, last major uprising against Tokugawa rule until the 1860s. A large contingent of peasants, supported by rnin (masterless samurai), rebelled in protest of heavy taxation. After initial success, the uprising was crushed, and an estimated 37,000 rebels were killed. Because many of the peasants were converts to Christianity, their rebellion strengthened government determination to isolate Japan from foreign influence and vigorously enforce its proscription of all Christian beliefs and activities
Stono rebellion
(1739) Largest slave uprising in early America. On the morning of September 9, near the Stono River, 20 mi (30 km) from Charleston, S.C., slaves gathered, raided a firearms shop, and headed south, killing more than 20 whites as they went. Other slaves joined the rebellion until the group was about 60 strong. Whites set out in armed pursuit, and by dusk half the slaves were dead and half had escaped; most were eventually captured and executed. The slaves may have hoped to reach St. Augustine, Fla., where the Spanish were offering freedom and land to any fugitive. White colonists quickly passed a Negro Act that further limited slave privileges
Taiping Rebellion
(1850-64) Large-scale rebellion against the Qing dynasty in China. The peasants, having suffered floods and famines in the late 1840s, were ripe for rebellion, which came under the leadership of Hong Xiuquan. Hong's visions convinced him he was the younger brother of Jesus, and he saw it as his duty to free China from Manchu rule. He preached the brotherhood and sisterhood of all people under God; property was to be held in common. His followers' militant faith unified a fiercely disciplined army that swelled to more than a million men and women (women were treated as equals by Taiping rebels). They captured Nanjing in 1853 and renamed it Tianjing ("Heavenly Capital"). Their attempts to capture Beijing failed, but an expedition into the upper Yangtze River (Chang Jiang) valley scored many victories. Hong's idiosyncratic Christianity alienated both Western missionaries and the Chinese scholar-gentry. Without the gentry, the Taiping forces were unable to govern the countryside or supply their cities effectively. The leadership strayed from its original austerity and descended into power struggles that left Hong without competent help. In 1860 an attempt to take Shanghai was repelled by U.S.-and British-led forces, and by 1862 Chinese forces under Zeng Guofan had surrounded Nanjing. The city fell in 1864, but almost 100,000 of the Taiping followers preferred death to capture. Sporadic resistance continued elsewhere until 1868. The rebellion ravaged 17 provinces, took some 20 million lives, and left the Qing government unable to regain an effective hold over the country. See also Li Hongzhang; Nian Rebellion
Whiskey Rebellion
(1794) American uprising to protest a federal liquor tax. Farmers in western Pennsylvania rebelled against paying a tax on their locally distilled whiskey and attacked federal revenue collectors. After 500 armed men burned the home of the regional tax inspector, Pres. George Washington ordered 13,000 federal troops to the area. The rebellion quickly dissolved without further violence. The event established the authority of federal law within the states and strengthened support for the Federalists' advocacy of a strong central government
Whiskey Rebellion
uprising in 1794 by farmers in western Pennsylvania to protest the federal excise tax on liquor that was established in 1791 (U.S. History)
incitement to rebellion
something which encourages rebellion
instigate a rebellion
stirred up a rebellion
small mutiny, small rebellion, small revolution
plural of rebellion
suppress a rebellion
crush a revolt