
listen to the pronunciation of realitat
German - Turkish

Definition of realitat in German Turkish dictionary

en {reali'te: t} e gerçek(lik)
English - Turkish

Definition of realitat in English Turkish dictionary

{i} gerçeklik

Savaşı gündelik gerçeklik yaparak, bu savaşa sebep olan politik görüştür. - Because it is politics that has caused this war, making the war our everyday reality.

Ebeveynler yeni nesile gerçeklikten uzak ve gerçekçi olmayan hayallerin peşinde koşturan bir nesil olarak olarak bakıyor. - Parents look to the new generation as a generation that is far from reality and busy running after unrealistic dreams.

{i} gerçek

Ebeveynler yeni nesile gerçeklikten uzak ve gerçekçi olmayan hayallerin peşinde koşturan bir nesil olarak olarak bakıyor. - Parents look to the new generation as a generation that is far from reality and busy running after unrealistic dreams.

O genç görünüyor, ama gerçekte o, 40 yaşın üzerinde. - She looks young, but in reality she's over 40.

{i} realite
{i} gerçekte var olan şeyler
{i} hakikat

Felsefe, hakikatten intikam alma sanatıdır. - Philosophy is the art of taking revenge on reality.

Hakikati metanetle karşılaman iktiza eder. - You should face up to the reality.

German - English
A real entity, event or other fact

The ultimate reality of life is it ends in death.

{n} truth, certainty, absolute existence
Phenomena of Universe which are 99 9% Invisible to Unaided Senses
the quality possessed by something that is real the state of being actual or real; "the reality of his situation slowly dawned on him"
Based on the actual, or that which exists, or that which has been purchased to exist
That which is real; an actual existence; that which is not imagination, fiction, or pretense; that which has objective existence, and is not merely an idea
the quality possessed by something that is real the state of being actual or real; "the reality of his situation slowly dawned on him" the state of the world as it really is rather than as you might want it to be; "businessmen have to face harsh realities
Loyalty; devotion
The state of being actual or real
Energy and Awareness = Self-energetic Awareness = God
The state or quality of being real; actual being or existence of anything, in distinction from mere appearance; fact
You use reality to refer to real things or the real nature of things rather than imagined, invented, or theoretical ideas. Fiction and reality were increasingly blurred see also virtual reality
all of your experiences that determine how things appear to you; "his world was shattered"; "we live in different worlds"; "for them demons were as much a part of reality as trees were"
{i} state of being real; real thing or fact; actuality
The entirety of all that is real
If one has a tiny glimpse of reality, the way it really is, and attempts to put it into words; The result will seem bizarre to most people and very few will take it seriously
The reality of a situation is the truth about it, especially when it is unpleasant or difficult to deal with. the harsh reality of top international competition
Form + Matter (Aristotle)
The total phenomena as they actually exist
Realität (eines Lebensbereichs)
the actualities (of a sphere)
Die Erwartungen stimmen nicht mit der Realität überein.
Expectations are out of whack with reality
Die Handlung hat mit der Realität wenig zu tun.
The plot bears little relation to the reality
Flucht vor der Realität
escape from reality
Seine Biographie überschreitet manchmal die Grenze zwischen Realität und Fantasi
His biography sometimes crosses the borderline between fact and fiction
Wirklichkeit/Realität geworden
come true
Wirklichkeit/Realität werden
to come true
Wirklichkeit/Realität werdend
coming true
die Realität
real life
die beinharte Realität des Gefängnisalltags
the grim actualities of prison life
die harte Realität
the harsh reality
die harte Realität sein
to be a fact of life
erweiterte Realität
augmented reality /AR/
schlagartig in die Realität zurückgeholt werden
to be jolted back into reality
virtuelle Realität /VR/
virtual reality /VR/