
listen to the pronunciation of ration
English - Turkish
(Denizbilim) rasyon

İki tam sayının kesirleri olarak ifade edilebilen sayılar, rasyonel sayılar olarak adlandırılır. - Numbers that can be expressed as fractions of two whole numbers are called rational numbers.

O, saygın rasyonel ve özellikle güzel. - She is reputable, rational and above all pretty.

karneye bağlamak
istihkakını saptamak
tayın vermek
{i} yiyecek payı
vesika ile verilen miktar
(Tıp) Günlük yemek istihkakı, tayın
er azığı
{i} pay, hisse
{f} karne ile vermek
tayın miktarını tespit etmek
(Askeri) RASYON: Bir insanın bir günlük nafakası karşılığı yiyecek istihkakı. Ayrıca bakınız: "emergency ration", "field ration", "garrison ration", "small detachment ration" ve "troop train ration"
ration karneye bağla
(Tıp) Tayınını vermek
{i} tayın
{f} tayına bağlamak
{f} vesika ile dağıtmak; karneye bağlamak

Onun aptalca eylemlerini rasyonelleştirmeye çalıştı. - He tried to rationalize his foolish actions.

O, saygın rasyonel ve özellikle güzel. - She is reputable, rational and above all pretty.

ration card no
karne numarası
ration card number
karne numarası
ration out
karneyle vermek
ration book
rasyon kitap
ration sth out
karneyle vermek
ration allowance
(Askeri) iaşe bedeli
ration allowance
(Askeri) TAYIN BEDELİ: Ayni olarak dağıtılan yetki verilmiş rasyon yerine ödenen para. Ayrıca bakınız: "basic subsistance"
ration and savings account
(Askeri) rasyon ve tasarruf hesabı
ration and savings account
(Askeri) RASYON VE TASARRUF HESABI: Belirli süreler için her birliğe verilen ayni veya nakti rasyon ve birliğin bu bakımdan alacaklı veya hükümete borçlu olduğu miktarın hesabı
ration articles
(Askeri) RASYON MADDELERİ: Ordu Yönetmeliğinde gösterilen ve Ordu rasyonuna giren esas yiyecek maddeleri ile bunların yerine ikame olunan diğer maddeler
ration articles
(Askeri) rasyon maddeleri
ration basis issue
(Askeri) RASYON İSTİHKAKI: Eşit sayıda kahvaltı, öğle, akşam yemekleri için gerekli erzak miktarını ihtiva eden ve belirli bir gün için dağıtılan yiyecek miktarı
ration basis issue
(Askeri) yiyecek istihkakı
ration basis issue
(Askeri) rasyon istihkakı
ration breakdown chart
ration card
ration cycle
(Askeri) rasyon devresi
ration cycle
(Askeri) RASYON DEVRESİ: Bir günlük yemek istihkakını veya üç yemeği içine alan süre. Bu süre, herhangi bir yemekten başlayabilir
ration dense
(Askeri) TEKSİF EDİLMİŞ RASYON: Suyu alınmış veya konsantre maddeler gibi bir işleme tabi tutulmak suretiyle gıda değerinde, niteliğinde ve nefasetinde önemli kayba uğramadan hacim ve miktar itibariyle küçük mütecanis bir ambalaj haline getirilmiş, işgal ettikleri hacme nisbetle yüksek kalorili gıdalar
ration dense
(Askeri) teksif edilmiş rasyon
ration dense
(Askeri) komprime kumanya
ration distributing point
ration factor
(Askeri) RASYON FAKTÖRÜ: Belirli bir süre içinde her ere verilen bir yiyecek maddesinin günlük ortalaması, genel olarak her 1.000 rasyon için libre olarak ifade edilir
ration factor
(Askeri) rasyon faktörü
ration interval
(Askeri) RASYON FASILASI: Sahra rasyon isteğinin (field ration request) gönderilmesi ile yiyecek maddesinin tüketilmesi arasında geçen süre
ration interval
(Askeri) rasyon fasılası
ration return
(Askeri) RASYON İSTEK BELGESİ: İaşesini garnizon rasyonu ile yapan bir teşkil tarafından nakdi kredi isteğinin yapıldığı bir döküman
ration return
(Askeri) rasyon istek belgesi
ration savings
(Askeri) RASYON TASARRUFU: Yiyeceğe tahsis edilen para ile bu maksat için sarfedilen para arasındaki fark. Rasyon tasarrufları tabldot sermayesinin bir kısmı haline gelir ve istihkak dışı gıda maddelerinin satın alınmasında harcanabilir
ration savings
(Askeri) rasyon tasarrufu
ration scale
(Askeri) RASYON İHTİYAÇ ÇİZELGESİ: Bir komutanlığın belirli bir süre için rasyon faktörleri olarak ifade edilen yiyecek maddeleri ihtiyacı
ration scale
(Askeri) rasyon ihtiyaç çizelgesi
ration scales for national groups
(Askeri) YABANCI TOPLULUKLARA AİT RASYON İHTİYAÇ ÇİZELGELERİ: Kara ordusunca iaşe edilen her milli grup veya diğer sınıflar için (Amerikan Silahlı Kuvvetleri hariç) denizaşırı harekat alanı komutanları tarafından geliştirilen bir asgari rasyon ihtiyaç çizelgesi. Rasyon ihtiyaç çizelgesi, harekat alanı içindeki bir grubun milli beslenme alışkanlıklarını gösterir
ration something out
karneyle vermek
ration strength
(Askeri) kazan mevcudu
ration strength
(Askeri) KAZAN MEVCUDU: Sahra rasyonu için yemeğe hazır personel miktarı
ration supplements
(Askeri) ek rasyon maddeleri
ration supplements
(Askeri) EK RASYON MADDELERİ: İsmen belirtilmiş harekat rasyonlarına ek olarak kullanılan maddeler. Teferruatlı maddeleri ihtiva eden bir paket halindeki ek rasyon, münasip ordu kantinleri veya benzeri satış yerleri açılmadan önce lüzumlu ihtiyaç maddeleri, tütün ve konfeksiyon eşyası olarak sahrada kullanılmak üzere dağıtılır

Onun tartışması çok mantıklı değil. - His argument was far from rational.

Bu hiç mantıklı değil. - None of this is rational.

akıl sahibi
{s} oranlı
akla yatkın
(Ticaret) mantıki

Tom akılcı, değil mi? - Tom is rational, isn't he?

daily ration
(Denizbilim,Tarım) günlük rasyon
daily ration request
(Askeri) günlük rasyon isteği
daily ration strength return
(Askeri) günlük rasyon isteği
equity ration
(Ticaret) aktifin pasife oranı
fixed ration
(Dilbilim) belirlenmiş
{s} mat. rasyonel
(Ticaret) akla uygun
aklı başında

Tom aklı başında bir adam değil. - Tom is not a rational guy.

rasyonel olarak
akla uygun biçimde
Karne ile dağıtılan
i. karne ile verme, tayına bağlama
stress ration
stres tayin
anticipated ration strength
(Askeri) MUHTEMEL İAŞE MEVCUT RAPORU: Dağıtım yapan levazım subaylığına, üç gün sonraki ihtiyaç için verilen günlük rapor. Bu rapor: bir mevki, kamp, garnizon veya bir tümen ya da daha büyük birlikteki insan miktarını gösterir ve iaşe maddelerinin dağıtımında esas olur
basic ration
(Askeri) TEMEL RASYON; ASGARİ RASYON: Sivil halka yapılan ikmal yardımında kullanılan ve asgari sağlık standardını temin için gerekli bir Kalori ve beslenme dağıtımı olarak ifade edilen rasyon
commuted ration
(Askeri) rasyon bedeli
commuted ration
(Askeri) RASYON BEDELİ: İzinli olduğu veya ayrı olarak yemek yemesine müsaade edildiği zaman, erlere iaşe bedeli olarak verilen para
daily ration grazing
(Tarım) günlük rasyon otlatması
daily ration request
(Askeri) GÜNLÜK RASYON İSTEĞİ: Ordu birliklerinde; herhangi bir günde mevcut ve hazır bulunan subay ve erat sayısı ile, belirli günler için iaşeye müstehak subay ve eratın tahmini sayısını gösteren ve dağıtımı yapan levazım ikmal subayına verilen günlük bir rapor. Buna evvelce "daily ration strength return" denirdi
daily ration strength return
(Askeri) GÜNLÜK RASYON İSTEĞİ: Bknz. "daily ration request"
emergency ration
(Askeri) olağanüstü rasyon
emergency ration
(Askeri) DEMİRBAŞ RASYON, OLAĞANÜSTÜ RASYON (DZ.): Muharebe şartları altında, normal ikmal kaynaklarından istifade edilemeyen hallerde, kıtalara veya personele tahsis edilen özel tip rasyon. Bak. "ration"
field ration
(Askeri) SAHRA RASYONU; KUMANYA: Sahrada kıtalar tarafından kullanılmasına yetki verilen ve ancak ayni olarak dağıtılan gıda maddeleri Sahra rasyonu; A tipi, B tipi rasyonlarla demirbaş rasyonu içine alır. Ayrıca bakınız: "ration"
field ration mess
(Askeri) SAHRA RASYON MUTFAĞI: Sahra rasyonu ile iaşe edilme hakkına sahip personelin iaşeleri için faydalanılan müşekkel bir besin birliği
field ration request
(Askeri) SAHRA RASYON TALEBİ: Sahrada günlük rasyon talebi için kullanılan form
flight ration
(Askeri,Havacılık) uçuş rasyonu
flight ration
(Askeri) UÇUŞ RASYONU: Uçuş için veya uçuş esnasında verilen, diğer rasyonlardan daha çok nişasta içeren ve gaz yapmayan rasyon çeşidi
floor area ration
taban alanı katsayısı
forage ration
(Askeri) yem istihkakı
forage ration
(Askeri) YEM RASYONU: Ordu hayvanlarının günlük yiyecek rasyonu
garrison ration
(Askeri) GARNİZON RASYONU: Barışta rasyon hakkı bulunan bütün şahıslara, adam başına verilen bir günlük yiyecek istihkakı şeklinde tahakkuk ettirilir. Ayrıca bakınız: "ration"
k ration
(Askeri) K RASYONU: Olağanüstü hallerde, normal olarak verilemeyen rasyonun yerine getirilen sahra rasyonu
off the ration card
(Tıp) Mantıki, makul, akıllı
mantıklı bir biçimde

İnsanlar her zaman mantıklı bir biçimde hareket etmezler. - People don't always act rationally.

İnsanlar her zaman mantıklı bir biçimde davranmaz. - People don't always behave rationally.

rasyonel bir şekilde
z. mantıkla
(isim) tayına bağlama
tayına bağlama
{i} erzak

Dan Linda'yı erzak çalmakla suçladı. - Dan accused Linda of stealing rations.

{i} zahire
small detachment ration
(Askeri) KÜÇÜK MÜFREZE RASYONU: Ambalajlı olarak hazırlanmış, sıcak ve soğuk yenilebilen yiyecek. Bu tip rasyondan maksat, muharebede mutfak tesisleri bulunmadığı zaman, kıtalara yiyecek teminidir. Bak. "ration"
soldier's ration
asker tayını
special purpose ration
(Askeri) ÖZEL DURUM RASYONU, ÖZEL MAKSAT RASYONU: Kıta ve şahıslar tarafından özel durum ve şartlar kullanılmak üzere tertiplenmiş özel yiyecek, şekerleme vs. den mürekkep rasyon. Bu rasyon yemek olarak verilmez. Bak. "ration"
transient field ration mess
(Askeri) MİSAFİR PERSONEL SAHRA TABLDOTU: Sahra rasyonu ile iaşe hakkına sahip olan ve büyük bir birlik veya tesisin günlük yoklamasına dahil olmayan fakat yemek saatleri içinde bu birlik veya tesiste hazır bulunan şahısların iaşesi için birlik veya tesis komutanları tarafından tahsis edilen tabldot
troop train ration
(Askeri) KITA TREN RASYONU: Mutfak tesisleri bulunan askeri trenler (hastane trenleri hariç) ile seyahat emri verilmiş personel için dağıtılan rasyon. Askeri tren rasyonu, bir günde bir kişiye bir rasyon esası üzerinden aynı (aynen yiyecek) olarak dağıtılır. Bak. "ration"
troop train ration
(Askeri) birliğin yiyecek istihkakı
type a ration
(Askeri) A TİPİ SAHRA RASYONU: Bak. "field ration" ve "ration"
type b ration
(Askeri) B TİPİ RASYON: Bak. "field ration" ve "ration"
English - English
To restrict (an activity etc.)

Our present health care system is rationed only to those who can afford it because of unnecessary high cost, lack of insurance coverage by 47 million people, and exorbitant prescription prices.

To supply with a ration; to limit (someone) to a specific allowance of something

We rationed ourselves to three sips of water a day until we were rescued.

To portion out (especially during a shortage of supply); to limit access to

By the third day on the raft, we had to ration our water.

A portion designated to a person or group
to provide with a fixed allowance or portion, especially of food
The amount of the total feed which is provided to one animal over a 24 hour period
restrict the consumption of a relatively scarce commodity, as during war; "Bread was rationed during the siege of the city
When something is rationed by a person or government, you are only allowed to have a limited amount of it, usually because there is not enough of it. Staples such as bread, rice and tea are already being rationed the decision to ration food Motorists will be rationed to thirty litres of petrol a month
restrict the consumption of a relatively scarce commodity, as during war; "Bread was rationed during the siege of the city"
When there is not enough of something, your ration of it is the amount that you are allowed to have. The meat ration was down to one pound per person per week
distribute in rations, as in the army; "Cigarettes are rationed"
a fixed portion that is allotted (especially in times of scarcity) distribute in rations, as in the army; "Cigarettes are rationed"
To portion out, especially during a shortage of supply
Rations are the food which is given to people who do not have enough food or to soldiers. Aid officials said that the first emergency food rations of wheat and oil were handed out here last month
the food allowance for one day (especially for service personnel); "the rations should be nutritionally balanced" a fixed portion that is allotted (especially in times of scarcity) distribute in rations, as in the army; "Cigarettes are rationed" restrict the consumption of a relatively scarce commodity, as during war; "Bread was rationed during the siege of the city
– To strictly monitor or serve in fixed portions (when regarding food)
{f} allot, allocate, distribute in fixed quantities
the food allowance for one day (especially for service personnel); "the rations should be nutritionally balanced"
Feed fed to an animal during a 24-hour period
Hence, a certain portion or fixed amount dealt out; an allowance; an allotment
A ration may be fed as a complete ration - or it may be made up of grazing plus a balancing supplement
Your ration of something is the amount of it that you normally have. after consuming his ration of junk food and two cigarettes. see also rationing
A limited portion or allowance of food or goods
a fixed portion that is allotted (especially in times of scarcity)
{i} portion, allotment, allocated quantity; single serving of food, individual portion
A fixed daily allowance of provisions assigned to a soldier in the army, or a sailor in the navy, for his subsistence
To supply with rations, as a regiment
ration book
book of food coupons
ration card
a card certifying the bearer's right to purchase rationed goods
ration out
ration: distribute in rations, as in the army; "Cigarettes are rationed"
K ration
An individual daily combat food ration introduced by the United States Army during World War II and comprising three courses for breakfast, dinner and supper
Of a number, capable of being expressed as the ratio of two integers

\tfrac{3}{4} is a rational number, but √2 is an irrational number.

Reasonable; not absurd, foolish, emotional, or fanciful

rational conduct.

Of an algebraic expression, capable of being expressed as the ratio of two polynomials
Capable of reasoning

Man is a rational creature.

A rational number: a number that can be expressed as the quotient of two integers

The quotient of two rationals is again a rational.

K ration
An emergency field ration for U.S. armed forces in World War II, consisting of a single packaged meal
a canned field ration issued by the United States army
emergency ration
food set aside in case of an emergency
field ration
rations issued for United States troops in the field
food ration
fixed amount of food
iron ration
portion of food set aside for eating in an emergency
k ration
a small package of emergency rations; issued to United States troops in World War II
k ration
{i} small package of emergency food rations that were supplied to the U.S. armed forces in World War II
Having reason or understanding
Holds for voters that take actions they believe are most likely to lead their preferred outcome -- regardless of whether it is reasonable for them to prefer that outcome
Rational numbers can be rewritten as fractions Therefore ¼ is a rational number Any whole number can be written as an improper fraction For example, 3 can be written as 3/1 Therefore any whole number is a rational number All decimal numbers can also be rewritten as fractions For example, 0 75 = ¾; therefore 0 75 is a rational number Repeating decimals can all be written as fractions; therefore all repeating decimals are rational numbers For example 3 333333 = 1/3 Numbers which are not rational are called irrational numbers
A rational number can be written as a ratio (i e , fraction) of two integers A rational function is one whose formula can be given as the ratio (i e , quotient) of two polynomials
having its source in or being guided by the intellect (distinguished from experience or emotion); "a rational analysis"
The consistent following or acting given a scheme, pattern, or set of ordered preferences Thus, if I prefer a to b and b to c, then it follows (rationally) that I prefer a to c
Relating to the reason; not physical; mental
Arrived at by the use of the peculiarly human mental processes by which man strives to connect his ideas as consciously, coherently and purposively as possible in order to plan the attainment of ends sought In view of the human fallibility in selecting the best possible reasoning for attaining the ends sought, there is no implication as to the correctness or incorrectness of the reasoning Consequently, all conscious human actions, whether or not appropriate for the ends sought, are rational EP 31-35, 62-66, 135, 148; HA 19-22,89-91,102-04,177-78,884; OG 112-13; also PLG 13-14
grounded in the faculty of reason rather than in sensibility (See also intelligible )
a number that is an integer or ratio of two integers, e g 1 or 13
See under Formula
Usually used with reference to a Belief , That which is logical, flexible, and promotes your personnally chosen goals and best interests
"a : having reason or understanding b : relating to, based on, or agreeable to reason"
Product features and price that allow comparison Emphasis might be dependability, convenience, price, and savings associated with use
A rational person is someone who is sensible and is able to make decisions based on intelligent thinking rather than on emotion. Did he come across as a sane rational person? irrational
(adjective) Using reason or logic in thinking out a problem; in accordance with the principles of logic or reason Rationalism: (noun) Reliance on reason rather than intuition to justify one's beliefs or actions; in philosophy: the doctrine that knowledge about reality can be obtained by reason alone without recourse to experience; the doctrine that human knowledge can all be encompassed within a single, usually deductive, system; the school of philosophy initiated by Descartes which held both the above doctrines (dictionary definition)
Having reason, or the faculty of reasoning; endowed with reason or understanding; reasoning
consistent with or based on or using reason; "rational behavior"; "a process of rational inference"; "rational thought"
capable of being expressed as a quotient of integers; "rational numbers"
Making choices on the basis of reason as opposed to emotion
Agreeable to reason; not absurd, preposterous, extravagant, foolish, fanciful, or the like; wise; judicious; as, rational conduct; a rational man
based on reason
capable of being expressed as a quotient of integers; "rational numbers
of or associated with or requiring the use of the mind; "intellectual problems"; "the triumph of the rational over the animal side of man"
An integer or the quotient of an integer divided by a nonzero intege
Rational decisions and thoughts are based on reason rather than on emotion. He's asking you to look at both sides of the case and come to a rational decision irrational + rationally ra·tion·al·ly It can be very hard to think rationally when you're feeling so vulnerable and alone. irrationally + rationality ra·tion·al·ity We live in an era of rationality. irrationality
This method of Biblical interpretation deduces meaning from assertions in different parts of the Bible
Expressing the type, structure, relations, and reactions of a compound; graphic; said of formulæ
having its source in or being guided by the intellect (distinguished from experience or emotion); "a rational analysis" consistent with or based on or using reason; "rational behavior"; "a process of rational inference"; "rational thought" capable of being expressed as a quotient of integers; "rational numbers
Characterized by truth or logic
A rational being
{s} logical, reasonable; intelligent, prudent; expressible as a whole number (Mathematics)
in a rational manner; "we must act rationally"
logically, reasonably, intelligently, in the manner of being based on reason
in a rational way
in a rational manner; "we must act rationally
In a rational manner
{s} distributed evenhandedly in fixed quantities in individual portions
past of ration
distributed equitably in limited individual portions; "got along as best we could on rationed meat and sugar
present participle of ration
{i} process of allotting in fixed portions, process of dividing proportionately
the act of rationing; "during the war the government imposed rationing of food and gasoline
the act of rationing; "during the war the government imposed rationing of food and gasoline"
Rationing is the system of limiting the amount of food, water, petrol, or other necessary substances that each person is allowed to have or buy when there is not enough of them. The municipal authorities here are preparing for food rationing. when the amount of food, petrol etc that people are allowed to have is limited by the government fuel/clothes/food etc rationing. Government allocation of scarce resources and consumer goods, usually adopted during wars, famines, or other national emergencies. Rationing according to use prohibits the less important uses of a commodity (e.g., the use of gasoline for pleasure trips as opposed to work-related travel). Rationing by quantity limits the amounts of a commodity available to each claimant (e.g., a pound of butter per month). Rationing by value limits the amount of money consumers can spend on commodities that are difficult to standardize (e.g., clothing). Point rationing assigns a point value to each commodity and allocates a certain number of points to each consumer. These can be tracked through coupons, which are issued to consumers and must be exchanged for the approved amounts of rationed goods. Consumers in a rationed economy are usually encouraged to save their money or invest in government bonds so that unspent money will not be used for unrationed items or purchases on the black market
Daily allowance of food
– Fixed portions of food issued or available to members of a group
plural of ration
{i} amount of food allocated to members of a group
Food rations among the soldiers of the North and South were usually too few and too horrid for the average soldier's taste Soldiers on the march received hard bread, salt pork or fresh meat, sugar, coffee, and salt Their southern neighbors received the same, with the exception that corn meal often substituted for wheat flour Meat was frequently unavailable or spoiled In the South, transportation of rations seemed a common difficulty, with the result that many "Rebs" entered the battlefield hungry
Turkish - English

Definition of ration in Turkish English dictionary

tayın bedeli ration allowance (money given a soldier
in lieu of rations