rate of interest which is not actually paid

listen to the pronunciation of rate of interest which is not actually paid
English - Turkish

Definition of rate of interest which is not actually paid in English Turkish dictionary

rate of interest
(Ticaret) faiz miktarı
rate of interest
(Ticaret) faiz haddi
rate of interest
faiz oranı
imputed interest
atfedilen faiz
rate of interest
faiz oranı/nispeti
rate of interest
faiz fiyatı
English - English
imputed interest
rate of interest
interest rate, amount of money paid for the use of money
rate of interest which is not actually paid


    rate of in·ter·est which I·s not ac·tu·al·ly paid

    Turkish pronunciation

    reyt ıv întrıst hwîç îz nät äkşli peyd


    /ˈrāt əv ˈəntrəst ˈhwəʧ əz ˈnät ˈaksʜlē ˈpād/ /ˈreɪt əv ˈɪntrəst ˈhwɪʧ ɪz ˈnɑːt ˈækʃliː ˈpeɪd/