raised step inside of a trench upon which soldiers stand to fire their weapons

listen to the pronunciation of raised step inside of a trench upon which soldiers stand to fire their weapons
English - Turkish

Definition of raised step inside of a trench upon which soldiers stand to fire their weapons in English Turkish dictionary

fire step
(Askeri) ATEŞ BASAMAĞI: Bak. "firing step"
fire step
(Askeri) ateş basamağı
English - English
fire step
raised step inside of a trench upon which soldiers stand to fire their weapons


    raised step in·side of a trench up·on which soldiers stand to fire their weapons

    Turkish pronunciation

    reyzd step însayd ıv ı trenç ıpän hwîç sōlcırz ständ tı fayr dher wepınz


    /ˈrāzd ˈstep ənˈsīd əv ə ˈtrenʧ əˈpän ˈhwəʧ ˈsōlʤərz ˈstand tə ˈfīr ˈᴛʜer ˈwepənz/ /ˈreɪzd ˈstɛp ɪnˈsaɪd əv ə ˈtrɛnʧ əˈpɑːn ˈhwɪʧ ˈsoʊlʤɜrz ˈstænd tə ˈfaɪr ˈðɛr ˈwɛpənz/