
listen to the pronunciation of radiopaque
English - Turkish
işinima direnim
ışınıma direnim,radyopak
(Tıp) Işınımı geçirmeyen
radiopaque material
radyoopak madde
English - English
impenetrable to X-rays and other radiation
not transparent to X-rays or other forms of radiation; "barium sulfate is radiopaque
not transparent to X-rays or other forms of radiation; "barium sulfate is radiopaque"
Ability to be detected by radiographic examination
impenetrable to X-rays; appear as a light area on a radiograph
an object/item/mass that appears on a radiograph that does not allow the x-ray to pass through it when in normal circumstances it would, (eg a bone that looks more dense than the bones around it)
{s} impermeable to radiation, not allowing radiation to pass through
Anything that does not allow the penetration of X-rays
Light-appearing areas on a radiograph representing tissue that does not permit the passage of x-rays
radiopaque dye
dye that does not allow the passage of X rays or other radiation; used to outline certain organs during X-ray examination