
listen to the pronunciation of radio-
English - Turkish
(önek) radyo
<span class="word-self">radiospan>

Neden telsizle yardım istemedin? - Why didn't you radio for help?

Biz telsiz bağlantısını kaybettik. - We lost radio contact.

{i} ışıma
<span class="word-self">radiospan>

Radyoaktif maddeler tehlikelidir. - Radioactive matter is dangerous.

Radyo, Marconi tarafından icat edilmiştir. - The radio was invented by Marconi.

{i} ışınım

Herhangi bir radyasyon tehlikesi var mı? - Is there any danger of radiation?

Apaçık ortadadır ki, insan davranışları çevre için radyasyondan daha tehlikelidir. - It's evident that human behaviour is more dangerous for the environment than radiation.

<span class="word-self">radiospan>-iode
<span class="word-self">radiospan>-opaque
<span class="word-self">radiospan>-opaque
ışınım geçirmeyen
<span class="word-self">radiospan>-taxicab
radyo taksi
airborne <span class="word-self">radiospan>
(Askeri) hava telsizi
(Askeri) akı
ışın saçma
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
telsiz telefon ya da telgraf
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
telsizle (haber) göndermek
switch on the <span class="word-self">radiospan>
radyoyu açmak
atmospheric <span class="word-self">radiospan> wave
atmosferik radyo dalgası
clock <span class="word-self">radiospan>
saatli ünalgı
pirate <span class="word-self">radiospan>
korsan ünalgı
pocket <span class="word-self">radiospan>
yancık ünalgısı
ısı/ışın saçma
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
telsiz alısün ya da telgraf
<span class="word-self">radiospan> announcer
radyo spikeri
<span class="word-self">radiospan> antenna
ünalgı sırgavılı
<span class="word-self">radiospan> broadcasting
ünalgı yayını
<span class="word-self">radiospan> channel
ünalgı arnası
<span class="word-self">radiospan> channel
telsiz arnası
<span class="word-self">radiospan> circuit
ünalgı devresi
<span class="word-self">radiospan> command
<span class="word-self">radiospan> communication
<span class="word-self">radiospan> control
radyo kontrolü
<span class="word-self">radiospan> frequency
ünalgı tezliği
<span class="word-self">radiospan> jamming
telsiz karıştırması
<span class="word-self">radiospan> jamming
telsiz yayını bozma
<span class="word-self">radiospan> link
radyo link
<span class="word-self">radiospan> news
radyo haberleri
<span class="word-self">radiospan> noise
radyo gürültüsü
<span class="word-self">radiospan> opaque
radyo opak
<span class="word-self">radiospan> operator
telsiz operatörü

Geminin kaptanı telsiz operatörüne imdat sinyali göndermesini emretti. - The ship's captain ordered the radio operator to send a distress signal.

<span class="word-self">radiospan> receiver
ünalgı alıcısı
<span class="word-self">radiospan> receiver transmitter
radyo alıcı vericisi
<span class="word-self">radiospan> reflector
radyo yansıtıcısı
<span class="word-self">radiospan> relay
ünalgı röle
<span class="word-self">radiospan> relay
<span class="word-self">radiospan> set
radyo seti
<span class="word-self">radiospan> set control
radyo seti kontrolü
<span class="word-self">radiospan> signal
radyo dalgası
<span class="word-self">radiospan> station
ünalgı istasyonu
<span class="word-self">radiospan> telephone
telsiz alısün
<span class="word-self">radiospan> transmitter
radyo vericisi
<span class="word-self">radiospan> wave
radyo dalgası
<span class="word-self">radiospan> wave
ünalgı tolkunu
<span class="word-self">radiospan> wave
telsiz tolkunu
transistor <span class="word-self">radiospan>
transistorlu ünalgı
Private Mobile <span class="word-self">Radiospan>
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Özel Mobil Radyo; özel grup veya kurumların kullanımı için yaratılan telsiz ağı
cognitive <span class="word-self">radiospan>
(Teknoloji) akıllı radyo, bilişsel radyo
digital <span class="word-self">radiospan>
dijital radyo
emergency <span class="word-self">radiospan> channel
radyo imdat kanalı
exchange of information via <span class="word-self">radiospan> waves
radyo dalgaları üzerinden bilgi alışverişi
general packed <span class="word-self">radiospan> services
Genel paket radyo servisleri
pocket <span class="word-self">radiospan>
cep radyosu
professional mobile <span class="word-self">radiospan>
profesyonel mobil telsiz
<span class="word-self">radiospan> button
radyo düğmesini
<span class="word-self">radiospan> car
radyo araba
<span class="word-self">radiospan> cassette recorder
radyo kaset kaydedici
<span class="word-self">radiospan> cobalt
<span class="word-self">radiospan> command
<span class="word-self">radiospan> echo
radyo eko
<span class="word-self">radiospan> mechanic
radyo tamircisi
<span class="word-self">radiospan> phone
radyo telefon
<span class="word-self">radiospan> program
radyo programı
<span class="word-self">radiospan> shack
radyo kulübe
<span class="word-self">radiospan> source
<span class="word-self">radiospan> star
talk <span class="word-self">radiospan>
konuşmak radyo
wind-up <span class="word-self">radiospan>
Kurmalı radyo: Kurularak şarj edilebilen radyo
wire <span class="word-self">radiospan>
tel radyo
armed forces <span class="word-self">radiospan> service
(Tıp) Işık saçma, ışınım, radyasyon, radiatio
{i} yayılma, radyasyon, ışınım
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
{i} telsiz telgraf/telefon
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
telsiz telgraf veya telefonla gelen haber
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
{f} radyografi yapmak
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
radyo alıcı veya vericisi
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
(Tıp) Radyo veya radyum (röntgen) kuvvetiyle yayılan
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
radyo telsiz telgraf veya telefon
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
{i} telsizle gelen haber
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
{f} radyodan yayınlamak
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
{f} telsizden yayınlamak
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
{i} telgraf (telsiz)
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
{f} -i radyo ile yayımlamak
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
radyo ile yayımlamak
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
radyoda kullanılan
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
{f} radyoterapi uygulamak
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
telsiz telefon
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
(Tıp) Bileğin dış kemiğine ait
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
radyo düğmesi
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
{f} röntgen çekmek
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
{i} radyo istasyonu

O bir kısa dalga radyo istasyonu dinliyor. - He listens to a short wave radio station.

Tom genelde klasik rock çalan bir radyo istasyonunu dinler. - Tom usually listens to a radio station that plays classic rock.

<span class="word-self">radiospan>
{f} -i telsizle haber vermek: We radioed for help. Telsizle yardım
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
telsiz telgrafla haberleşmek
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
{f} ışın tedavisi uygulamak
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
{i} radyo yayını
<span class="word-self">radiospan> and panel section
(Askeri) TELSİZ VE İŞARET BEZİ KISMI: Bir alay muharebe grubu veya küçük bir birliğin kuruluşunda bulunan kıta muhabere takımının bir kısmı. Bu kısmın görevi telsiz cihazlarını işletmek ve işaret bezlerini kullanmaktır
<span class="word-self">radiospan> facility charts
(Askeri) TELSİZ TESİSLERİ HARİTASI: Haritaya geçirilmiş uçuş yolları üzerindeki telsiz seyrüsefer tesislerini gösterir harita. Bu haritalardan her biri memleketin belirlibir bölgesini kapsar. Telsiz istasyonları hakiki coğrafi mevkileri ile gösterilir ve bu haritaların ölçeğide huzme mihverleri (legs of range) derecesini gösterecek kadar büyük olur
<span class="word-self">radiospan> frequency
radyo frekansı
<span class="word-self">radiospan> frequency authorization; restrictive fire area
(Askeri) telsiz frekans tahsis yetkisi; sınırlı ateş bölgesi
<span class="word-self">radiospan> intercept
(Askeri) YABANCI TELSİZ DİNLEMESİ: Muhabere istihbaratı temini maksadıyla, düşman ve tarafsız telsiz göndermeçlerinin teknik dinlenmesi. Bu dinleme, dost telsiz yayınlarının dinlenmesini içine almaz (monitoring)
<span class="word-self">radiospan> landing beam
(Askeri) TELSİZLE İNDİRME İŞARETİ: Bir pilota süzülerek inişinde doğru yol üzerindeki mevkiini ve gereken yüksekliği bildirmek için, iniş meydanından verilen özel bir telsiz işareti
<span class="word-self">radiospan> net
(Askeri) TELSİZ ÇEVRİMİ: Birbirleriyle irtibatlı olarak faaliyetle bulunan askeri telsiz istasyonlaarı şebekesi. Bir telsiz çevrimi; genellikle bir üst birliğin telsiz istasyonunu ve bütün ast ve yardııncı birliklerin telsiz istasyonlarını içine alır. Bu çevrim komuta irtibat, gözetleme vesair maksatlar için kara istasyonları, kara ve hava birlikleri yada sadece hava birlikleri arasında bağlantı kurar
<span class="word-self">radiospan> operator
(Askeri) TELSİZ OPERATÖRÜ: Telsiz göndermeç ve almaçlarını çalıştırarak telsiz sinyallerini gönderen ve alan şahıs
<span class="word-self">radiospan> spectra
ışın tayfları
<span class="word-self">radiospan> telephone
(Askeri) TELSİZ TELEFON: Konuşmanın modüle edilmiş ses dalgalarıyla gönderilmesi
<span class="word-self">radiospan> wire integration
(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK TELLİ TELSİZ HABERLEŞME: Telli devreleri telsiz tesisleriyle birleştirme tekniği
English - English
radius (bone)
radio (broadcasting)
using radio waves
<span class="word-self">radiospan>-bright
That emits significant amounts of radio waves; radio-luminous
<span class="word-self">radiospan>-collared
Fitted with a radio collar
<span class="word-self">radiospan>-controlled
controlled remotely using radio signals
<span class="word-self">radiospan>-controlled car
a model car controlled by remote
<span class="word-self">radiospan>-frequency
Of or pertaining to electromagnetic radiation in the radio frequency band of the spectrum
<span class="word-self">radiospan>-frequency identification
The storage and retrieval of data using tags attached to individual packages, animals or people; the tags contain an integrated circuit to store and process the data, and an antenna to transmit and receive such data
<span class="word-self">radiospan>-luminous
That emits significant amounts of radio waves; radio-bright
<span class="word-self">radiospan>-station
Attributive form of radio station

radio-station employee.

<span class="word-self">radiospan>-tag
To attach a radio tag to an object
<span class="word-self">radiospan>-tag
Alternative spelling of radio tag
<span class="word-self">radiospan>-tagged
<span class="word-self">radiospan>-tagged
Fitted with a radio tag
<span class="word-self">radiospan>-tagged
Simple past tense and past participle of radio-tag
<span class="word-self">radiospan>-astronomy
branch of astronomy that deals with the study of heavenly bodies by means of radio waves
<span class="word-self">radiospan>-cassette player
a piece of equipment that contains both a radio and a cassette player
<span class="word-self">radiospan>-controlled
A radio-controlled device works by receiving radio signals which operate it. radio-controlled model planes. controlled from far away using radio signals
<span class="word-self">radiospan>-controlled
operated and guided by radio; "a radio-controlled airplane
<span class="word-self">radiospan>-phonograph
electronic equipment consisting of a combination of a radio receiver and a record player
<span class="word-self">radiospan>-telephone
a telephone that works by sending and receiving radio signals and can be used in a car, boat etc
<span class="word-self">radiospan>-telescope
astronomical instrument that receives electromagnetic waves, telescope used to study heavenly bodies by means of radio waves
General Packet <span class="word-self">Radiospan> Service
a packet oriented Mobile Data Service available to users of Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and IS-136 mobile phones. It provides data rates from 56 up to 114 kbit/s
amateur <span class="word-self">radiospan>
The hobby or pastime, usually practised by an enthusiast rather than a professional, that includes communicating world-wide by two-way radio and striving for “DX” receptions that are challenging, usually because of distance
car <span class="word-self">radiospan>
A radio specifically tuned for usage inside cars, i. e. by utilization of traffic programme and alternative frequency functions
clock <span class="word-self">radiospan>
An alarm clock that includes a radio; a radio alarm clock
crystal <span class="word-self">radiospan>
A crystal set
emergency position indicating <span class="word-self">radiospan> beacon
an emergency location radio beacon, used on ships
emergency position indicating <span class="word-self">radiospan> beacons
plural form of emergency position indicating radio beacon
face for <span class="word-self">radiospan>
An ugly face
ham <span class="word-self">radiospan>
the hobby of amateur radio communications
pirate <span class="word-self">radiospan>
Broadcasting without having the necessary license that covers the territory where the signals are received
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
To use two-way radio to transmit (a message) (to another radio or other radio operator)

I think the boat is sinking; we'd better radio for help. / I radioed him already. / Radio the coordinates this time. / OK. I radioed them the coordinates.

<span class="word-self">radiospan>
A device that can capture (receive) the signal sent over radio waves and render the modulated signal as sound
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
The continuous broadcasting of sound recordings via the Internet in the style of traditional radio
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
The technology that allows for the transmission of sound or other signals by modulation of electromagnetic waves
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
A device that can transmit radio signals
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
To order or assist to a location, using telecommunications

Could you call them here? I'd like to talk to them. Or if they're out in the field, radio them in.”.

<span class="word-self">radiospan> alarm
A combination radio and alarm clock; a radio alarm clock
<span class="word-self">radiospan> alarm
A burglar alarm or fire alarm that transmits a warning radio signal when activated
<span class="word-self">radiospan> alarm clock
A combination radio and alarm clock
<span class="word-self">radiospan> astronomer
A person who studies radio astronomy
<span class="word-self">radiospan> astronomers
plural form of radio astronomer
<span class="word-self">radiospan> astronomy
The branch of astronomy which utilizes radio waves through the use of radio telescopes to study celestial bodies and occurrences
<span class="word-self">radiospan> beacon
A beacon that emits radio wave signal to guide ships and/or aircraft
<span class="word-self">radiospan> beacons
plural form of radio beacon
<span class="word-self">radiospan> burst
A brief emission of intense radio waves from a star etc
<span class="word-self">radiospan> button
Any of a line of preset buttons on a car radio used to select the station to be listened to; pressing one releases the others

thumb|Radio buttons on a Windows computer.

<span class="word-self">radiospan> button
Any of a group of widgets in a graphical user interface that is used to select one of a group of options; the selection of any one deselects the others
<span class="word-self">radiospan> cassette
A radio cassette player or radio cassette recorder
<span class="word-self">radiospan> cassette player
A combination radio and cassette player
<span class="word-self">radiospan> cassette recorder
A combination radio and cassette recorder
<span class="word-self">radiospan> clock
A clock that is synchronized to a remote time standard by means of radio signals
<span class="word-self">radiospan> collar
A radio transmitter, fastened to a wild animal, (usually around the neck) so that the animal's movements may be tracked
<span class="word-self">radiospan> control
use of radio signals to remotely control a device
<span class="word-self">radiospan> drama
dramatized, purely acoustic performance, broadcast on radio or published on audio media, such as tape or CD

Radio dramas in America are online.

<span class="word-self">radiospan> dramas
plural form of radio drama
<span class="word-self">radiospan> energy
The energy transmitted by radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation
<span class="word-self">radiospan> fix
The location of a vessel or aircraft by taking bearings to two transmitters of known position
<span class="word-self">radiospan> fix
The location of a radio transmitter by taking bearings from two receivers
<span class="word-self">radiospan> frequencies
plural form of radio frequency
<span class="word-self">radiospan> frequency
A frequency in this range
<span class="word-self">radiospan> frequency
That part of the electromagnetic spectrum, between about 3 kHz and 300 MHz, within which radio waves are transmitted
<span class="word-self">radiospan> frequency integrated circuit
An integrated circuit containing analog circuitry operating at frequencies in and above the ultrahigh frequency band
<span class="word-self">radiospan> galaxies
plural form of radio galaxy
<span class="word-self">radiospan> galaxy
Type of galaxy that is very luminous at radio wavelengths
<span class="word-self">radiospan> halo
A diffuse region of material, surrounding a galaxy or a pulsar, that emits radio waves
<span class="word-self">radiospan> interferometer
A radio telescope that has two or more separated receiving antennas in order to measure angular distances as small as one second of arc
<span class="word-self">radiospan> interferometry
Interferometry using a radio interferometer
<span class="word-self">radiospan> jet
Either of a pair of intense beams of radio waves emitted by a microquasar or similar object
<span class="word-self">radiospan> jock
A radio jockey
<span class="word-self">radiospan> jockey
A disk jockey who hosts a radio talk show
<span class="word-self">radiospan> knife
a surgical instrument that uses a high-frequency electric arc to cut through or cut away tissue and at the same time sterilize the edges of the wound and seal cut blood vessels
<span class="word-self">radiospan> modem
A wireless modem
<span class="word-self">radiospan> monitoring
The systematic listening to, and reporting of, foreign radio transmissions in order to gather intelligence
<span class="word-self">radiospan> nebula
Any nebula that emits radio waves
<span class="word-self">radiospan> officer
The person, on board ship, who sends and receives radio messages
<span class="word-self">radiospan> reception
The receiving of radio signals
<span class="word-self">radiospan> reception
The quality of the sound produced by a radio as a result of the strength of the signal, and the presence of interference
<span class="word-self">radiospan> silence
the period of time during which this status exists
<span class="word-self">radiospan> silence
a status maintained where all fixed or mobile radio stations in an area stop transmitting (sometimes limited to certain frequency bands)
<span class="word-self">radiospan> sounding
Investigation of the upper atmosphere by use of a radiosonde
<span class="word-self">radiospan> source
Any astronomical object that emits radio waves

Some quasars are bright radio sources.

<span class="word-self">radiospan> station
broadcast station emitting an audio signal
<span class="word-self">radiospan> stations
plural form of radio station
<span class="word-self">radiospan> tag
A small radio transmitter attached to an object (especially to an animal) in order to track its location
<span class="word-self">radiospan> tagging
The use of radio tags to track the location of objects (especially of animals)
<span class="word-self">radiospan> telegraphy
The transmission of Morse code (etc) using radio
<span class="word-self">radiospan> telemetry
Telemetry by use of radio waves

The robot aircraft was controlled and monitored by radio-telemetry.

<span class="word-self">radiospan> telephony
The transmission of speech using modulated radio waves
<span class="word-self">radiospan> telescope
A device for observing astronomical sources of radio waves, normally having one or more large parabolic dishes
<span class="word-self">radiospan> telescopes
plural form of radio telescope
<span class="word-self">radiospan> tower
A tower or mast containing one or more antennas to transmit radio signals
<span class="word-self">radiospan> tracking
The continuous monitoring of the position and range of a remote object using radio
<span class="word-self">radiospan> wave
electromagnetic radiation having a wavelength between about .5 centimeters and 30,000 meters; used for the broadcasting of radio and television signals
<span class="word-self">radiospan> waves
plural form of radio wave
steam <span class="word-self">radiospan>
Radio, as opposed to television; a radio set, especially an old fashioned one; a radio broadcast
talk <span class="word-self">radiospan>
Programming format with discussions about topical issues
talk-<span class="word-self">radiospan>
Alternative spelling of talk radio
transistor <span class="word-self">radiospan>
a small portable radio receiver having transistors rather than thermionic valves; popular from the late 1950s
Private Mobile <span class="word-self">Radiospan>
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Professional Mobile Radio (also known as Private Mobile Radio (PMR) in the UK and Land Mobile Radio (LMR) in North America) are field radio communications systems which use portable, mobile, base station, and dispatch console radios and are sometimes based on such standards as MPT-1327, TETRA and APCO 25 which are designed for dedicated use by specific organizations. Typical examples are the radio systems used by police forces and fire brigades. Key features of professional mobile radio systems can include
Professional Mobile <span class="word-self">Radiospan>
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Professional Mobile Radio (also known as Private Mobile Radio (PMR) in the UK and Land Mobile Radio (LMR) in North America) are field radio communications systems which use portable, mobile, base station, and dispatch console radios and are sometimes based on such standards as MPT-1327, TETRA and APCO 25 which are designed for dedicated use by specific organizations. Typical examples are the radio systems used by police forces and fire brigades. Key features of professional mobile radio systems can include
clock-<span class="word-self">radiospan>
a machine that is a clock and a radio. You can set the clock to turn the radio on and wake you up
pirate <span class="word-self">radiospan>
Pirate radio is the broadcasting of radio programmes illegally. a pirate radio station
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
A form INPUT TYPE Creates a radio button Radio buttons are mutually exclusive, only one may be selected If you want the user to be able to make multiple selections use checkboxes Example: The Gators will win the SEC this year! True False Only time will tell! <form><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME=Q1 VALUE="true">True <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME=Q1 VALUE="false">False <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME=Q1 VALUE="time">Only time will tell! </form>
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
Radio is a system for the distribution of advertisement, chiefly brand advertisement for package-goods, and advertisement for recorded music sold by BigCos To describe radio as a system for the diffusion of news, or of music, or as a technology, would be not only inaccurate but actually misleading Radio is a creature of the advertising business, as its child, TV
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
Radio is the broadcasting of programmes for the public to listen to, by sending out signals from a transmitter. The announcement was broadcast on radio and television
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
The wireless transmission and reception of electric impulses or signals by means of electromagnetic waves
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
A communications device allowing the wireless transmission through space of audible signals encoded in electromagnetic waves in the approximate frequency range from 10 kilohertz to 300,000 megahertz
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
Region of the electromagnetic spectrum corresponding to radiation of the longest wavelengths
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
indicating radiation or radioactivity; "radiochemistry
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
You can refer to the programmes broadcast by radio stations as the radio. A lot of people tend to listen to the radio in the mornings
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
Radio is a system of sending sound over a distance by transmitting electrical signals. They are in twice daily radio contact with the rebel leader
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
medium for communication
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
Sites with ties to a radio network, station, or program, either on the air or on the Web This category includes sites that relate to a specific musical or talk-radio show, segment, or station
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
A frequency that is higher than the audio frequencies but below the infrared frequencies, usually above 20 KHz
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
A radio is the piece of equipment that you use in order to listen to radio programmes. He sat down in the armchair and turned on the radio
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
Mask sounds of parts falling from vehicle Qualifier for disability
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
a communication system based on broadcasting electromagnetic waves
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
A radio is a piece of equipment that is used for sending and receiving messages. the young constable who managed to raise the alarm on his radio
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
A combining form indicating connection with, or relation to, a radius or ray; specifically Anat
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
a communication system based on broadcasting electromagnetic waves medium for communication transmit messages via radio waves; "he radioed for help" indicating radiation or radioactivity; "radiochemistry
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
a communication system based on broadcasting electromagnetic waves medium for communication transmit messages via radio waves; "he radioed for help"
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
the lowest-frequency domain that we've needed to name It extends from wavelengths of a kilometer or so, the longest that will propagate through the interstellar medium, down to about a millimeter (where we generally start speaking of the millimeter, microwave, or even far-infrared) Detection of radio radiation is often done using wave techniques rather than photon-counting, because of the low photon energies, and this offers distinct advantages for such applications as interferometery which astronomers working in the infrared and optical regimes view with some envy From active nuclei, we often detect synchrotron radiation in this range - radiation produced as energetic charged particles (mostly electrons) produce when they are deflected by magnetic fields
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
The receiving unit for broadcast AM or FM signals
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
with the radius of the forearm; as, radio-ulnar, radio- muscular, radio-carpal
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
Of or pertaining to, or employing, or operated by, radiant energy, specifically that of electric waves; hence, pertaining to, or employed in, radiotelegraphy
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
A form of wireless communications in which the output of the transmitter takes the form of dissipating electromagnetic radiation which spreads outward from the antenna through free space The signal strength drops off as the square of the distance from the source of radiation Distant radio receivers have to be very sensitive to detect signals that can measure only a few microvolts per meter in strength
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
An instrument that uses electromagnetic waves to communicate with other vessels VHF (very high frequency) radios are common for marine use, but are limited in range SSB (single sideband) radios have longer ranges
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
{f} broadcast by radio, transmit by radio
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
Las Palmas Radio -EAL- for SSB frequency and Fuerteventura Radio for VHF
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
advertising through AM/FM and public radio channels
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
{s} pertaining to radio; broadcast via radio; pertaining to or based on radio waves
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
If you radio someone, you send a message to them by radio. The officer radioed for advice A few minutes after take-off, the pilot radioed that a fire had broken out. to send a message using a radio radio for. Electromagnetic radiation of lower frequency (hence longer wavelength) than visible light or infrared radiation, and consisting of the range of frequencies used for navigation signals, AM and FM broadcasting, television transmissions, cell-phone communications, and various forms of radar. For radio transmission, information is imparted to a carrier wave by varying (modulating) its amplitude, frequency, or duration. The technology of radio arose from the work of Michael Faraday, James Clerk Maxwell, Heinrich Hertz, Guglielmo Marconi, and others, and improvement followed the development of the vacuum tube, the electronic-tube oscillator, the tuned circuit, and other components. Later innovations have included the replacement of tubes by transistors and of wires by printed circuits. See also radio and radar astronomy. pulsating radio star quasi stellar radio source National Public Radio radio and radar astronomy radio telescope radio wave RKO Radio Pictures Inc
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
An instrument that uses radio waves to communicate with other vessels VHF (very high frequency) radios are common for marine use, but are limited in range Single side band (SSB) radios have longer ranges
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
{i} method of transmitting sound via electromagnetic waves; device used to receive and play radio broadcasts
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
The use of electromagnetic waves, lying in the radio frequency range, for communications purposes
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
A device that can transmit radio signal
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
1 Communication by electromagnetic waves, without a connecting wire
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
transmit messages via radio waves; "he radioed for help"
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
indicating radiation or radioactivity; "radiochemistry"
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
>1 mm -3 eV
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
an electronic receiver that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted signals
<span class="word-self">radiospan>
<span class="word-self">radiospan> bulb
name for each of the thermo-ionic receivers in a radio
<span class="word-self">radiospan> button
A button that a user clicks to set an option Unlike checkboxes, radio buttons are mutually exclusive--selecting one radio button deselects all other radio buttons in the group Radio buttons are created using the JRadioButton component See also checkbox
<span class="word-self">radiospan> button
Similar to a checkbox in functionality, as a way to indicate a preference on an electronic form
<span class="word-self">radiospan> button
A form field that presents the user with a selection that can be chosen by clicking on a button Radio buttons are presented in a list, one of which is selected by default Selecting a new member of the list deselects the currently selected item
<span class="word-self">radiospan> buttons
A group of selectable components in which only one component may be selected Selection of one of the group causes the previously selected component to be deselected
<span class="word-self">radiospan> collar
A collar fitted with a small radio transmitter that when attached to a wild animal can be used in tracking the animal's movements by radio telemetry
<span class="word-self">radiospan> contact
exchange of information via radio waves
<span class="word-self">radiospan> frequency
Radio frequency refers to a signal generated by a radio transmitter and sent out through an antenna The frequency of the transmission is described in terms of the number of cycles per second or Hertz (Hz) A radio would be tuned to this frequency in order to receive the transmission A radio signal is sometimes referred to by its initials, "RF"
<span class="word-self">radiospan> frequency
A generic term for radio-based technology
<span class="word-self">radiospan> taxi
taxi having a 2-way radio communication with a dispatcher who sends it directly to people who called for a taxi



    ... radio, because at the time in Canada, I had -- I mean, many ...
    ... radio station. ...