
listen to the pronunciation of pyroligneous
English - English
Produced from wood by the action of heat, especially by destructive distillation
Pertaining to, or designating, the acid liquid obtained in the distillation of wood, consisting essentially of impure acetic acid
of a substance produced by the effect of heat on wood, especially by destructive distillation
{s} pertaining to the liquid obtained by distilling of wood
pyroligneous acid
a dark liquid, produced by the destructive distillation of wood, containing acetic acid, methanol, oils and tars; once used as a commercial source of acetic acid
pyroligneous acid
A reddish-brown wood distillate containing acetic acid, methyl alcohol, acetone, and a tarry residue. Also called wood vinegar
pyroligneous acid
a red-brown liquid formed in distillation of wood which contains acetic acid, methanol, acetone, wood oils, and tars