
listen to the pronunciation of pushup
English - Turkish

Tom her gün otuz şınav çeker. - Tom does thirty pushups every day.

Vin Diesel şınav çekerken kendini yukarıya çekmez, dünyayı aşağıya iter. - When Vin Diesel does pushups, he's not pushing himself up - he's pushing the Earth down.

(Spor) şınav çekmek
yüzükoyun yatarak vücudu esnetme hareketi
pushup storage
yığıt bellek
pushup list
duz liste
pushup storage
yigit bellek
English - English
{i} exercise in which one rests on the belly and lifts the body by straightening the arms
A form of physical exercise in which a person lays face down, with the palms on the floor, and pushes the body up and down using the arms
an arm exercise performed lying face to the floor and pushing the body up and down with the arms
plural of pushup
widegrip pushup
a pushup with the arms widely separated