purchase deeds

listen to the pronunciation of purchase deeds
English - Swedish

Definition of purchase deeds in English Swedish dictionary

purchase deed
köp gärning
English - Dutch

Definition of purchase deeds in English Dutch dictionary

purchase deed
English - Lehçe

Definition of purchase deeds in English Lehçe dictionary

purchase deed
akt kupna
English - Spanish

Definition of purchase deeds in English Spanish dictionary

purchase deed
escritura de compraventa
English - Russian

Definition of purchase deeds in English Russian dictionary

purchase deed
удостоверяющий покупку документ
English - Finnish

Definition of purchase deeds in English Finnish dictionary

purchase deed
English - Portuguese

Definition of purchase deeds in English Portuguese dictionary

purchase deed
escritura de compra
English - Italian

Definition of purchase deeds in English Italian dictionary

purchase deed
atto di acquisto
English - French

Definition of purchase deeds in English French dictionary

purchase deed
acte d'achat
English - Danish

Definition of purchase deeds in English Danish dictionary

purchase deed
køb gerning
English - Greek

Definition of purchase deeds in English Greek dictionary

purchase deed
αγοράζουν πράξη (agrazoyn praxi)
English - German
purchase deed
purchase deed
Kaufvertrag (Urkunde)
purchase deed
purchase deeds


    pur·chase deeds

    Turkish pronunciation

    pırçıs didz


    /ˈpərʧəs ˈdēdz/ /ˈpɜrʧəs ˈdiːdz/