public servants

listen to the pronunciation of public servants
English - Turkish
kamu görevlileri
public servant
(Politika, Siyaset) kamu çalışanı
public servant
devlet memuru

Ben bir devlet memuruydum. - I was a public servant.

public servant
kamu görevlisi

Tom bir kamu görevlisiydi. - Tom was a public servant.

public servant

Ben bir devlet memuruydum. - I was a public servant.

English - English

Definition of public servants in English English dictionary

public servant
A person employed by the government
public servant
In the days when Australia was a penal colony: a convict assigned to work on public projects
public servant
someone who holds a government position (either by election or appointment)
public servant
A public servant is a person who is appointed or elected to a public office, for example working for a local or state government. A person who holds a government position by election or appointment. someone who works for the government, especially someone who is elected
public servant
state worker, public worker
public servants


    pub·lic servants

    Turkish pronunciation

    pʌblîk sırvınts


    /ˈpəblək ˈsərvənts/ /ˈpʌblɪk ˈsɜrvənts/