public mood

listen to the pronunciation of public mood
English - Spanish
estado de ánimo del público
English - German
Stimmung in der Öffentlichkeit
the public mood
die allgemeine Stimmung
English - Danish
offentlige stemning
English - Greek
κοινό αίσθημα (koino aisthima)
English - Dutch
openbare stemming
English - Lehçe
Nastroje społeczne
English - Finnish
yleinen mieliala
English - Portuguese
humor público
English - Swedish
offentlig stämning
English - Italian
stato d'animo del pubblico
English - Russian
общественные настроения
English - French
humeur du public
public mood


    pub·lic mood

    Turkish pronunciation

    pʌblîk mud


    /ˈpəblək ˈmo͞od/ /ˈpʌblɪk ˈmuːd/