(Tıp) Hazım ameliyesinde olduğu gibi proteinlerin daha basit bileşikler tahavvülü, proteoliz
English - English
Definition of proteolysis in English English dictionary
The hydrolysis of proteins into peptides and amino acids; especially as part of the digestion of food
The break-down, or loss of proteins Proteolysis is caused by enzymes called "proteases", and can be a problem during purification of a protein of interest (CFTR) Protease enzymes are also benifical, for example when they are made in the pancreas and secreted into the small intestine to help us digest protein in our diet When a protein is broken down completely, it is broken down into its constituent amino acids During my purifications, however, CFTR is only being broken down into fragments (called "peptides") which are several hundred amino acids each The complete CFTR protein is a string of 1480 amino acids strung together in a highly specific order
Process in which a protein is broken down partially, into peptides, or completely, into amino acids, by proteolytic enzymes, present in bacteria and in plants but most abundant in animals. Proteins in food are attacked in the stomach by pepsin and in the small intestine mainly by trypsin and chymotrypsin from the pancreas. Proteolytic enzymes are secreted as zymogens, which are themselves converted by proteolysis to their active forms. Many other zymogens or precursors undergo proteolysis to form active enzymes or proteins (e.g., fibrinogen to fibrin). In cells, proteolytic degradation of old proteins is part of cellular maintenance