(Askeri) YER İŞARET FİŞEĞİ HUNİSİ: İşaret ve aydınlatma mühimmatını yerden havaya atmaya yarayan cihaz. Buna (ground projector) veya (pyrotechnic projector) de denir
(Askeri) MULTIPLEKS ALETİ: Havadan seri halinde çekilmiş fotoğrafları bir projeksiyon sathına veya projeksiyon masasına aksettirecek şekilde ayrı ayrı projektörlerden yapılmış olan cihaz. Fotoğrafların hayalleri, mevki ve mikyas bakımından o suretle ayar edilir ki hepsinin müşterek hayali, hem teferruat hem mikyas bakımından, sıhhatli bir stereoskopik model meydana getirir. Buna "multiplex aero projector" da denir
(Askeri) ROKET ATMA CİHAZI: Bir roketi yöneltmekte ve atmakta kullanılan cihaz. Genellikle, roket atma cihazları römork üzerine yerleştirilir. Bu cihazlar şimdi kullanılmamaktadır
{i} machine for displaying films or pictures onto large screens; launcher, device used to fire weapons; floodlight, spotlight
An optical instrument for projecting a picture upon a screen, as by a magic lantern or by an instrument for projecting (by reflection instead of transmission of light) a picture of an opaque object, as photographs, picture post-cards, insects, etc
An opto-mechanical device for displaying still pictures by projecting them on a projection screen (Slide projector for projection of still images from film)
An opto-mechanical device for displaying motion pictures by projecting them on a projection screen (Movie projector for projection of moving images from film)
A projector capable of projecting enlarged images of written or pictorial material onto a screen or wall from a transparency placed horizontally below the projector and lighted from underneath
An overhead projector is a machine that has a light inside it and makes the writing or pictures on a sheet of plastic appear on a screen or wall. The abbreviation OHP is also used. A projector capable of projecting enlarged images of written or pictorial material onto a screen or wall from a transparency placed horizontally below the projector and lighted from underneath. OHP a piece of electrical equipment used when giving a talk, which shows words or pictures on a wall or large screen so that many people can see them