prince albert

listen to the pronunciation of prince albert
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redingot [amer.]
English - English
A piercing through the glans penis. Abbreviation: PA
A city of central Saskatchewan, Canada, on the North Saskatchewan River north-northeast of Saskatoon. It was founded as a Presbyterian mission in 1866. Population: 31,380. A man's long, double-breasted frock coat. the husband of the British queen Victoria, born in Germany, and also called the "Prince Consort" (1819-61). Albert, Prince
a man's double-breasted frock coat
Prince Albert National Park
Park, central Saskatchewan, Canada. Its main entrance is northwest of the city of Prince Albert. Established in 1927, it has an area of 1,496 sq mi (3,875 sq km) and is mostly woodland and lakes, interlaced with streams and nature trails. It is a sanctuary for birds, moose, elk, caribou, and bears
prince albert yew
small yew having attractive foliage and partially weeping branches cultivated as an ornamental; mountains of southern Chile
lane's prince albert
apple used primarily in cooking
prince consort of Great Britain and Ireland Albert
orig. Franz Albrecht August Karl Emanuel, prince von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha born Aug. 26, 1819, Schloss Rosenau, near Coburg, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha died Dec. 14, 1861, Windsor Castle, Berkshire, Eng. Prince consort of Queen Victoria of Britain and father of Edward VII. Albert married Victoria, his first cousin, in 1840 and became in effect her private secretary and chief confidential adviser. Their domestic happiness helped assure the continuation of the monarchy, which had been somewhat uncertain. Though the German-born Albert was undeservedly unpopular, the British public belatedly recognized his worth after his death at age 42 from typhoid fever. In the ensuing years the grief-stricken queen made policy decisions based on what she thought Albert would have done
prince of Battenberg Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas
orig. Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas, prince of Battenberg born June 25, 1900, Frogmore House, Windsor, Eng. died Aug. 27, 1979, Donegal Bay, off Mullaghmore, County Sligo, Ire. British statesman and naval commander. Son of Prince Louis of Battenberg and great-grandson of Queen Victoria, he entered the Royal Navy in 1913 and became an aide to the prince of Wales in 1921. In World War II he was allied commander for Southeast Asia (1943-46) and directed the recapture of Burma. Appointed viceroy of India (1947), he administered the transfer of power from Britain to the independent nations of India and Pakistan and served as the first governor-general of India (1947-48). He became first sea lord (1955-59) and chief of the United Kingdom Defense Staff (1959-65). In 1979, while on a sailing visit to Ireland, he was assassinated by Irish terrorists who planted a bomb on his boat
prince albert


    prince Al·bert

    Turkish pronunciation

    prîns älbırt


    /ˈprəns ˈalbərt/ /ˈprɪns ˈælbɜrt/