(Askeri) KAPSÜL; FÜNYE: Bir infilak maddesini veya ateşleme zincirini ateşlemek için kullanılan tertibat. Bu tertibat; sürme, çarpma, basınç veya elektrikle faaliyete geçirilebilir. İçinde, az miktarda kapsül eczası bulunur
(Askeri) KAPSÜL; FÜNYE: Bir infilak maddesini veya ateşleme zincirini ateşlemek için kullanılan tertibat. Bu tertibat; sürme, çarpma, basınç veya elektrikle faaliyete geçirilebilir. İçinde, az miktarda kapsül eczası bulunur
(Askeri) KAPSÜLÜN GAZ KAÇIRMASI: Bir fişek veya mermide; kusurlu imalat veya fazla barut hakkından ileri gelen ve sıcak sevk gazlarının, kapsülden kısmen kaçmasına yol açan bozukluk
(Askeri) KAPSÜLÜN GERİ TEPKİSİ: Bir atımlık terkipli cephanenin ateşlenmesindeki kusur. Bu durumda; sevk barutunun patlaması kapsülü kapağın sathına doğru iter. Kapsülün geri tepkisi; kapaktaki bir bozukluktan, fişeğin kusurlu oluşundan veya fazla basınçtan ileri gelir
(Askeri) ELEKTRİK FÜNYESİ: İçinde az miktarda hassas infilak maddesi veya kara barut bulunan ve bir elektrik devresi ile ateşlenen madeni fünye. Bu fünye, infilak maddesini veya sevk barutunu ateşlemek için kullanılır
(Askeri) SÜRTMELİ FÜNYE: Bir top fünyesi çeşidi. Bu fünye; tırtıllı bir teli veya tıkacı, infilak maddeleri karışımı içinden çekmek suretiyle ateşlenir
(Askeri) YEMLEME KAPSÜLÜ, TUTUŞTURMA KAPSÜLÜ: Bazı mühimmat çeşitlerinde görülen ve sürtmeli fünye veya elektrik fünyesinin ateşini sevk barutuna nakleden kara barut hakkı
(Askeri) MÜSADEME KAPSÜLÜ; MÜSADEME FÜNYESİ: Bir darbe ile patlayabilen ve içinde az miktarda yüksek infilak maddesi bulunan kapsül veya silindir. Müsademe kapsülü, terkipli ve yarı terkipli (fixed and semifixed) bütün cephane ile bazı tip terkipsiz (separate) cephanede esas sevk barutunu ateşlemek için kullanılır
Definition of primer in English English dictionary
A small charge that burns furiously when given sufficient electrical current (Explosive primer) or when struck with force (percussion caps) that ignites the main combustable substances in explosives or ammunition
The first coat of paint in a paint job that consists of two or more coats; also the paint used for such a first coat
A device used to provide a flame for the purpose of setting fire to a propellant charge Also called an "igniter " Primers are divided into two types, depending upon the type of ammunition used by the gun: 1) Case and 2) Lock Case primers, as their name implies, are used for guns firing case ammunition Lock primers are used for bag guns, and are inserted by hand into the firing lock of the gun Primers are also divided into three classes, depending upon the method of firing: 1) Percussion, 2) Electric and 3) Combination Percussion primers are fired by the mechanical impact of a firing pin Electric primers are fired by passing a current through a resistance element surrounded by an initiating mixture Combination primers may be fired by either of these methods, which allows for a mechanical backup if the electric supply system of the gun fails
Nucleotides used in the polymerase chain reaction to initiate DNA synthesis at a particular location
The small cap containing a detonating mixture used to ignite the powder charge in the case
Originally, a small prayer book for church service, containing the little office of the Virgin Mary; also, a work of elementary religious instruction
A small segment of DNA which binds to a complementary strand of DNA Primers are necessary to start the DNA polymerase enzyme and therefore are necessary in PCR
Special primer paints designed for use under wallcoverings, often used in place of sizing materials
The first layer of a coating system Applied to an unpainted surface Its' role is to protect the substrate and to prepare it for the application of a surfacer or topcoat It must therefore have above all, excellent adhesion to the substrate and to the coating which will follow
{i} study book for teaching fundamental concepts and skill; cap or other object used to detonate explosives
a pre-existing DNA strand bound to the template DNA to which nucleotides must be added during DNA synthesis
First coat of paint applied to a surface Such paints are designed to provide adhesion to new surfaces or are formulated to meet the special requirements of the surfaces Most textile paints won't attach to a primer
Short pre-existing polynucleotide chain to which new deoxyribonucleotides can be added by DNA polymerase
The ignition component of a cartridge, generally made up of a metallic fulminate or (currently) lead styphnate
An essential undercoat layer of paint Primer kills stains, retards moisture absorption and provides a good surface for a top coat of paint to adhere to Primer comes in water- and oil-based formulas It is imperative that new or bare wood, and metal, be primed
The first complete coat of paint applied in a painting system Many primers are designed to provide adequate adhesion between the surface and subsequent topcoats Most primers contain some pigment, some lend uniformity to the topcoat, some inhibit corrosion of the substrate, and some stop the discoloration of the topcoat
Short preexisting polynucleotide chain to which new deoxyribonucleotides can be added by DNA polymerase Source : Human Genome Project Information
a cap, tube, or water containing percussion powder or other compound for igniting a charge of gunpowder
A short sequence of DNA that is paired with one strand of the template DNA in the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique In PCR testing, the primer is selected to be complementary to the target sequence of DNA Without a DNA primer sequence a new DNA chain cannot be constructed as the polymerase requires a binding site on the DNA molecule
a thin liquid bitumen applied to the surface to improve the adhesion of subsequent applications of bitumen
A small elementary book for teaching children to read; a reading or spelling book for a beginner
First application of a substance capable of adhering to the substrate and providing good adhesion to a subsequent coating
In painting, the first and sealing coat applied prior to additional finish coats Normally comes in white but can be tinted to match the finish coat
A kind of type, of which there are two species; one, called long primer, intermediate in size between bourgeois and small pica [see Long primer]; the other, called great primer, larger than pica
Acrylic paint-like product applied to the wall prior to the installation of wallpaper, specially designed to promote slip, adhesion and stripability Used in place of size
The first coat of paint applied to a surface, formulated to have good bonding, wetting and inhibiting properties
Primer is a type of paint that is put onto wood in order to prepare it for the main layer of paint
A special coating designed to enhance the adhesion of sealant systems to certain surfaces or a final organic coating to a surface
Or friction primer; a small brass tube filled with powder, inserted in the vent and used to ignite the main charge For a detailed description, see the Ammunition page
A textbook formerly used in primary education to teach the alphabet and other basic concepts
A short DNA or RNA fragment annealed to single-stranded DNA, from which DNA polymerase extends a new DNA strand to produce a duplex molecule
Short preexisting polynucleotide chain to which new deoxyribonucleotides can be added by DNA polymerase
Primer/sealers work to eliminate stains (including stains from water and fire damage), cover wood imperfections, hide wallpaper designs and serve as a foundation coat on metals over which a finish coat is applied They also seal the surface evenly so a topcoat will have uniform gloss