Definition of price level in English English dictionary
An index of the average market price of selected goods weighted according to certain criteria
A confused concept which implies that all prices rise and fall uniformly with changes in the quantity of money or the total of goods and services offered for sale, somewhat as the level of a liquid rises and falls with changes in its quantity or the size of its container Actually, the term "price level" usually refers to an average of selected prices which individually move quite differently from each other and their average Acting men are more interested in the interrelationship of different prices than in the movement of all or average prices When all, or almost all, prices move in the same direction, it is usually a sign of inflation (q v ) or deflation (q v ) Continued use of the term "Price level" frequently leads to the notion of the neutrality of money (q v ) HA 219-23,398-401,408-22; M 137-45, 188-94
some measure of the average prices in the economy; when analyzing the product market as a whole, the equilibrium price level is given by the intersection of the aggregate demand curve and the aggregate supply curve