The potato ricer, similar to the garlic press, is essential to making lefse.
- Sarmısak presine benzer, patates presi lefse ,Norveç patates yemeği, yapmak için gereklidir.
The fruit must be finely fragmented, before it can go into the press.
- Meyve prese girmeden önce güzel parçalanmış olmalıdır.
It is very kind of you to send me such a nice present.
- Thank you very much for sending me such a nice present.
Thank you very much for sending me such a nice present.
- It is very kind of you to send me such a nice present.
I've sent Tom and Mary presents.
- I've sent presents to Tom and Mary.
I've sent presents to Tom and Mary.
- I've sent Tom and Mary presents.