(Askeri) HAVA BASINCI DALGASI: lsı (veya toz) soğutan bir yüzelin üzerinde alçak patlama yüksekliği ve uygun-etki derecesindeki bir nükleer patlamanın bir sonucu olarak ana infilak dalgasının belirli bir mesafe önünde giden bir hava basıncı dalgası. Hava basıncı dalgası cephesindeki basınç, doğru (veya ideal) bir şok dalgasındakinden daha fazla tedricen artmakta olup; bu nedenle hava basıncı dalgası bölgesindeki hareketin ideal olmayacağı söylenmektedir
An air pressure wave which moves ahead of the main blast wave for some distance as a result of a nuclear (or atomic) explosion of appropriate yield and low burst height over a heat-absorbing (or dusty) surface The pressure at the precursor front increases more gradually than in a true (or ideal) shock wave, so that the behavior in the precursor region is said to be nonideal See Blast wave, Shock front, Shock wave
In photochemistry, a compound antecedent to a pollutant For example, volatile organic com- pounds (VOCs) and nitric oxides of nitrogen react in sunlight to form ozone or other photochemical oxidants As such, VOCs and oxides of nitrogen are precursors
the reactants used in industrial semiconductor manufacture to make the desired product; for instance, ArH3 is often the precursor for the Arsenic in GaAs devices
A precursor of something is a similar thing that happened or existed before it, often something which led to the existence or development of that thing. He said that the deal should not be seen as a precursor to a merger. something that happened or existed before something else and influenced its development precursor of/to (praecursor, from praecurrere )
Any directly emitted pollutant that, when released into the atmosphere, forms or causes to be formed or contributes to the formation of a secondary pollutant for which an ambient air quality standard has been adopted, or whose presence in the atmosphere will contribute to the violation of one or more ambient air quality standards
A chemical compound which is released into the atmosphere, undergoes a chemical change, and leads to a new (secondary) pollutant VOCs are precursors to ozone
A module, the study hours of which a student shall be required to have completed in order to proceed to a subsequent specified module or modules, but for which credit may not necessarily have been awarded
compounds that change chemically or physically after being emitted into the air and eventually produce air pollutants For example, organic compounds are precursors for ozone
In photochemistry, a compound antecedent to a volatile organic compound (VOC) Precursors react in sunlight to form ozone or other photochemical oxidants
a substance that precedes another substance; or a substance from which another substance is made; in food supplements, the precursors to neurotransmitters in particular are sometimes preferred
In a metabolic sequence of reactions, a compound that gives rise to the next compound: for example, choline is the precursor for the neurotransmitter acetyicholine
Chemicals that, when combined with other chemicals, form a chemical warfare agent compound [140]
[ pri-'k&r-s&r, 'prE-" ] (noun.) 15th century. Middle English precursoure, from Latin praecursor, from praecurrere to run before, from prae- pre- + currere to run; more at CURRENT.