A written legal document that gives an individual the authority to act for another If the authority is to act for the principal in all matters, it is a general power of attorney If the authority granted is limited to certain specified things, it is a special power of attorney If the authority granted survives the disability of the principal it is a durable power of attorney
A legal document that authorizes another person to act on ones behalf A power of attorney can grant complete authority or can be limited to certain acts and/or certain periods of time
1 The authority to act in another personâs behalf, at this request If your are granted such authority you are called the attorney-in-fact If you are the grantor (see Grantor), you may revoke a power of attorney at any time If you, as grantor die, relocate or are judged legally incompetent, the power of attorney will automatically terminate 2 A document granting the power of attorney
Power of attorney is a legal document which allows you to appoint someone, for example a lawyer, to act on your behalf in specified matters. A legal instrument authorizing one to act as another's attorney or agent. powers of attorney the legal right to make financial decisions, sign documents etc for another person. Authorization to act as agent or attorney for another. Many of the general powers of attorney important in civil-law countries come under the powers of trust in common-law countries (see civil law, common law). Durable power of attorney becomes effective when the principal becomes unable to manage his or her affairs; general power of attorney authorizes the agent to carry on business for the principal; special power of attorney authorizes the agent to carry out a particular business transaction
A legal document that authorizes another person to act on one's behalf A power of attorney can grant complete authority or can be limited to certain acts and/or certain periods of time
1 The authority to act in another person's behalf, at his request The person granted such authority is called the attorney-in-fact 2 A document granting the power of attorney
1 The authority to act in another person's behalf, at this request If your are granted such authority you are called the attorney-in-fact If you are the grantor (see Grantor), you may revoke a power of attorney at any time If you, as grantor die, relocate or are judged legally incompetent, the power of attorney will automatically terminate 2 A document granting the power of attorney
A legal document authorizing one individual to act as the agent or "attorney" for another (the "principal") If the attorney is authorized to act in behalf of another for all matters, he or she has general power of attorney Authority to act solely regarding specified situations is special power of attorney If the authority granted extends beyond the disability of the principal, the attorney has durable power of attorney
The power one person or legal entity grants to another to act on behalf of the person granting authority The document granting such power normally specifies exactly how much power the attorney-in-fact (recipient of the power of attorney) will have
a power of attorney is the formal grant to another person to act on your behalf - either generally or in certain limited circumstances A recent development in the law has been the introduction of the concept of the enduring power of attorney - a document by which a person can grant rights to a person to act on their behalf should they become incapable of doing so themselves, but subject to certain safeguards
Turkish - English
Definition of power of attorney purchasing agent in Turkish English dictionary
the pressure produced by a force of 1 Newton applied, uniformly distributed, over an area of 1 m2 (Used in textile testing as a measure of bursting pressure )
Physician Assistant A specially trained and licensed individual who performs tasks that might otherwise be performed by a physician, under the direction of a supervising physician
Public Address PAFR - Popular Annual Financial Report PALS - Phonological Awareness PD - Physical Disability PE - Physical Education PEC - Physical Education Center PHK - Partnership for Healthier Kids PHTA - Public Health Training Assistant PIN - Personal Identification Number POS - Program of Studies (Required instructional program for FCPS outlining curriculum content and essential knowledge and skills for each grade level) PPEP - Principal Performance Evaluation Program PSAT - Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test PT - Part Time PTA - Parent Teacher Association PTA/PTO - Parent Teacher Association/Parent Teacher Organization PTS - Professional Technical Studies PTSA - Parent Teacher Student Association
(Border) Patrol Agent PAIC -- Patrol Agent in Charge PAL -- Passenger Acceleration Lane (in San Clemente See SENTRI) PAO -- Public Affairs Officer PAS -- Performance Management System PCO -- Property Control Officer PHS -- Public Health Services PICS -- Password Issuance and Control System PIMS -- Performance Indicator Management System PIO -- Public Information Officer PMFA -- Permanent Full-time Authorized Position PMPT -- Permanent Part-time Position POE -- Port-of-Entry POMS -- Port-of-Entry Management System POP -- Post Office Protocol POSTS -- Personnel Office Systems Tracking System PPE -- Personal Protective Equipment PRC -- Permanent Resident Card PQIC -- Port Quality Improvement Committees