popping out

listen to the pronunciation of popping out
English - Turkish
haşhaş dışarı
pop out
yuvasından fırlamak
pop out
dışarı çıkmak
pop out
birdenbire çıkmak
pop out
(Havacılık) atmak
pop out
aniden çekip gitmek
pop out
pop out
ağızdan kaçmak
pop out
(fiil) yuvasından fırlamak (göz)
pop out
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- patlamak , fırlamak 2- ansızın dışarı çık(ar)mak 3- (radyo , tv vs.) kapatmak
pop out
{f} yuvasından fırlamak (göz)
English - English
Present participle of pop out
pop out
To be retired after three strikes, including a popouts (pop fly) on the third strike
pop out
To leave a room or building with the expectation of returning soon
pop out
appear suddenly; "Spring popped up everywhere in the valley"
pop out
come forth or out; "You stick the coins in, but they come out again"; "His hair and teeth fell out"
pop out
bulge outward; "His eyes popped"
pop out
{f} leave a room or office expecting to return very soon (e.g.: "Tom just popped out of the office to buy a drink and he'll be back in one minute: ); bulge toward the outside; come forth
pop out
exit briefly; "He popped out for a quick coffee break"
pop out
{i} pop-up, something that has pop-up features
pop out
exit briefly; "He popped out for a quick coffee break
popping out