(Askeri) POMPOM TOPU: Bir araya getirilmiş bir kaç namludan ibaret olan ve tek namlulu gibi bir bütün halinde işleyen bir çeşit otomatik silah. Pompom topları, özellikle gemilerde hava savunma silahı olarak kullanılır
Turkish - Turkish
Definition of pom pom in Turkish Turkish dictionary
Polycyclic organic matter A broad class of compounds that is formed primarily from combustion, and is present in the air in particulate form Sources are diverse and include vehicle exhaust, fires, and hazardous waste sites Because of limited emissions data, for NATA, POM has been separated into two categories 7-PAH consists of 7 species of POM (identified above and evaluated separately in NATA)
A pom-pom is a ball of threads which is used to decorate things such as hats or furniture. In the United States, cheerleaders wave large pom-poms at football matches
A Vickers-Maxim one-pounder automatic machine cannon using metallic ammunition fed from a lopped belt attached to the gun; popularly so called from its peculiar drumming sound in action