
listen to the pronunciation of pollutant
English - Turkish
kirleten şey
{i} kirletici madde

Böyle kirleticiler çoğunlukla otomobil motorlarındaki yakıt tüketiminden kaynaklanmaktadır. - Pollutants like this derive mainly from the combustion of fuel in car engines.

Kurşun yaygın bir çevre kirleticidir. - Lead is a common environmental pollutant.

havayı veya suyu kirleten kimyasal madde
{i} çevre kirliliğine yol açan madde
airborne pollutant
(Kimya) havadaki kirletici
environmental pollutant
(Biyoloji) çevresel kirletici
primary air pollutant
ana/birincil hava kirleticisi
English - English
A foreign substance that makes something dirty, or impure, especially waste from human activities
Any substance introduced into the environment that adversely affects the usefulness of a resource Air pollutants are unwanted chemicals or other materials found in the air, such as gases, vapors, dust, smoke, or soot
dredged spoil, solid waste, junk, incinerator residue, sewage, refuse, effluent, garbage, sewage sludge, munitions, chemicals, biological or radiological materials, oil, petroleum products or by-products, heat, wrecked or discarded equipment, rock*, sand*, dirt* and industrial, municipal, domestic, commercial or agricultural wastes of any kind (*See the bottom of the other side of this sheet for more information )
Any material entering the environment that has undesired effects
A contaminant that adversely alters the physical, chemical or biological properties of the environment
A substance that has a harmful effect on the health, survival, or activities of humans or other living organisms
Any substance introduced into the environment that adversely affects the usefulness of a resource
A pollutant is something that makes another (such as air, water or soil) unfit, harmful, or impure
Any substance that, when present in a hydrologic system at sufficient concentration, degrades water quality in ways that are or could become harmful to human and/or ecological health or that impair the use of water for recreation, agriculture, industry, commerce, or domestic purposes
Any substance that contaminates water
Term used by the general public for unwanted or undesirable substances
An environmental contaminant
Unwanted chemicals or other materials found in the air Pollutants can harm health, the environment and property Many air pollutants occur as gases or vapors, but some are tiny solid particles such as dust, smoke or soot
Legally, any dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, filter backwash, sewage, garbage sewage sludge, munitions, chemical wastes, biological materials, radioactive materials except those regulated under the Atomic Energy Act, heat, wrecked or discharged into water From a practical perspective, any substance or mixture which after release into the environment and upon exposure to any organism will or may reasonable be anticipated to cause adverse effects in such organisms or their offspring
Dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, sewage, garbage, sewage sludge, munitions, chemical wastes, biological materials, radioactive materials, heat, wrecked or discarded equipment, rock, sand, cellar dirt, and industrial, municipal, and agricultural waste discharged into water (CWA section 502(6))
Generally, any substance introduced into the environment that adversely affects the usefulness of a resource or the health of humans, animals, or ecosystems
Any substance which is harmful to plant, animal or human life Stormwater is the major source of pollutants to Florida's lakes, estuaries and streams
Particles, gases, or liquid aerosols in the atmosphere which have an undesirable effect on humans or their surroundings Something unfavorable to health and life that has been added to the environment
A pollutant is something that makes our environment dirty or harmful Ozone is a pollutant because it makes the air unhealthy to breathe (Back to Ozone Action! Days)
As defined by the Clean Water Act in Section 502(6): " dredged soil, solid waste, incinerator residue, sewage, garbage, sewage sludge, munitions, chemical wastes, biological materials, radioactive materials, heat, wrecked or discarded equipment, rock, sand, cellar dirt and industrial, municipal, and agricultural waste discharged into water "
A contaminant, a substance that is not naturally present in water or occurs in unnatural amounts that can degrade the physical, chemical, or biological properties of the water Pollutants can be chemicals, disease-producing organisms, silt, toxic metals, oxygen-demanding materials, to name a few
Strictly, too much of any substance in the wrong place or at the wrong time is a pollutant More specifically, atmospheric pollution may be defined as the presence of substances in the atmosphere, resulting from man-made activities or from natural processes that cause adverse effects to human health, property, and the environment
Particles, gases, or liquid aerosols in the atmosphere which have an undesirable effect on man or his surroundings Something unfavorable to health and life that has been added to the environment
Generally, any substance introduced into the environment that adversely affects the usefulness of a resource
{i} contaminant, material that soils or dirties
waste matter that contaminates the water or air or soil
Pollutants are substances that pollute the environment, especially gases from vehicles and poisonous chemicals produced as waste by industrial processes. A steady stream of California traffic clogs the air with pollutants. a substance that makes air, water, soil etc dangerously dirty, and is caused by cars, factories etc air/environmental/water etc pollutants
A foreign substance that makes something dirty, or impure, especially with waste from human activities
air pollutant
Any substance that gives rise to air pollution
unwanted chemicals or other materials found in the air Pollutants can harm health, the environment, and property Many air pollutants occur as gases or vapors, but some are very tiny solid particles: dust, smoke, or soot
include crude oil, any petroleum product, pesticides, ammonia, chlorine and solvents It does not include liquefied petroleum gas, medicinal oils, waxes, or products intended for application to the human body, personal hygiene, or human ingestion
Man made elements such as sediment, organic debris, increased temperature, nutrients, chemicals, trash and soil degradation which exceed a water's natural ability to neutralize before changes in the physical, chemical or biological integrity of waters of the state occur
Dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, sewage, garbage, sewage sludge, munitions, chemical wastes, geological materials, radioactive materials, heat, wrecked or discarded equipment, rock, sand, cellar dirt, and industrial, municipal, and agricultural waste discharged into water (Section 502(6) of the Clean Water Act as amended by the Water Quality Act of 1987)
means, in particular: SO2 , NOX , O3 , NHX These pollutants may occur in combinations, either simultaneously or sequentially
plural of pollutant
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any substance that causes harm to human health or the environment See our Clean Water & Your Health section for more information
A waste material that contaminates air, soil, or water Sediment, nutrients, and toxic chemicals are considered the major groups of pollutants contributing to the deterioration of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem
Refers to unwanted substances in air, water or land The most common transport-related use of the term concerns substances in air that are potentially hazardous to living organ-isms and that result from combustion of fossil fuels The NAPs network (see the entry for air quality) monitor these pollutants: sulphur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ground-level ozone (O3), suspended particulate matter (PM), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) Even at low concentrations, these pollutants can have adverse effects on plants, animals, humans, and ecosystems as a whole, and, in some cases, also on inanimate materials
A potentially harmful agent that occurs in the environment as a result of human actions (Suter 1993)
Contaminants to the environment
Unwanted chemicals or other materials found in the air Pollutants can harm health, the environment and property Many air pollutants occur as gases or vapors, but some are very tiny solid particles: dust, smoke or soot
Include crude oil, any petroleum product, pesticides, ammonia, chlorine, and solvents It does not include liquefied petroleum gas, medicinal oils, waxes, or products intended for application to the human body, personal hygiene, or human ingestion