
listen to the pronunciation of polis
English - Turkish

Definition of polis in English Turkish dictionary

polis gözetimi
police custody
English - English
The police
A policeman or policewoman
A city, or a city-state

By the end of the century, poleis had been established throughout the Hellenic world, all bearing a marked family resemblance.

{i} city-state of ancient Greece
abandoned city north of the Republic
Slang for Police force and Policeman
The Greek word for "city," used to designate the independent city-states of ancient Greece
the Greek term for city-state, from which the term 'politics' is derived The character of the polis was examined in ancient times, and many later thinkers yearned for its re-establishment as an ideal of political life
state or society characterized by a sense of community
In ancient Greece, an independent city and its surrounding region under a unified government. A polis might originate from the natural divisions of mountains and sea and from local tribal and cult divisions. Usually the town was walled and contained a citadel on raised ground (acropolis) and a marketplace (agora). Government was centred in the town; usually there was an assembly of citizens, a council, and magistrates. Ideally, all citizens participated in the government and in the cults, as well as in defense and economy. Women, minors, metics, and slaves were not citizens. Hellenism spread many of the institutions into the Middle East. See also Athens; city-state; Sparta; Thebes
The ancient Greek 'city-state', was composed of both rural and urban areas There was only one city for each polis and the citizens of the polis took their name from the principal god that they worshiped; thus the Athenians worshiped the goddess of wisdom and war, Athena Map of Athens, c 400 B C © 1993 Leland M Roth
Belt polity intermediate in size between deme and Cluster Typically a single habitat cylinder or torus
Promoting Operational Links with Integrated Services
Turkish - English

Hiding from the police, Dima spent the night in a dumpster. - Polisten gizlenerek, Dima geceyi bir çöplükte geçirdi.

The police are after the man. - Polis adamın peşinde.


I asked a policeman for directions. - Polise yol tarifi sordum.

The policeman lifted the box carefully. - Polis kutuyu dikkatlice kaldırdı.


I hate cops like him. - Onun gibi polislerden nefret ederim.

Don't tell Tom you're a cop. - Bir polis memuru olduğunu Tom'a söyleme.

(deyim) the long arm of the law
(Argo) five o

Five out of ten drivers a traffic cop has to deal with on New Year's Eve night are drunk. - Bir trafik polisinin yılbaşı gecesinde muhatap olduğu her on sürücüden beşi sarhoştur.

Five out of ten drivers a traffic cop has to deal with on New Year's Eve night are drunk. - Bir trafik polisinin yılbaşı gecesi uğraşmak zorunda kaldığı her on sürücüden beşi alkollüdür.

(Argo) getto gestapo
police officer

There were ten police officers on the spot. - Noktada on polis memuru vardı.

Police officers wear blue uniforms. - Polis memurları mavi üniforma giyer.

(the) police, the law, the fuzz; policeman, copper, bobby, cop, bull, constabulary

The police will get you to find the bullets. - Polis sana mermileri bulduracak.

The police found Tom lying on the floor with a bullet hole in the middle of his forehead. - Polis Tom'u alınının ortasındaki bir kurşun deliğiyle yerde yatarken buldu.

The force

The patrolman motioned me to pull over. - Kenara çekilmem için polis bana işaret etti.

the heat
(kadın) policewoman

Seven policemen were killed. - Yedi polis öldürüldü.

Not all policemen are brave. - Tüm polisler cesur değildir.

the police
law enforcement officer
{i} deputy

The policewoman directed traffic. - Kadın polis trafiği yönetti.

polis memuru

Don't tell Tom you're a cop. - Bir polis memuru olduğunu Tom'a söyleme.

polis memuru
police officer

The police officer blew his whistle. - Polis memuru düdüğünü çaldı.

He became a police officer. - O bir polis memuru oldu.

polis bölgesi
polis müdürü
polis memuru

There were ten police officers on the spot. - Noktada on polis memuru vardı.

She became a police officer. - O, bir polis memuru oldu.

polis (memuru)
polis akademisi
police academy
polis baskını
swoop down on
polis ceketi
polis faaliyetleri
polis gücü
police power
polis hafiyesi
polis istasyonu
(Politika, Siyaset) prefecture
polis işbirliği
(Politika, Siyaset) police cooperation
polis komiseri
polis komiseri
police commissioner
polis kordonu
polis kuruluş
police force
polis memurları
the police
polis memuru
(Argo) smokey
polis memuru

The policeman is on duty. - Polis memuru görevde.

Have you ever sworn at a policeman? - Hiç bir polis memuruna küfür ettin mi?

polis memuru
polis memuru brit
polis muhbiri
polis müdürü
chief of police
polis noktası
polis okulu
police school
polis sireni
police siren
polis sorgulaması
police questioning
polis çavusu
polis örgütü
polis şefi
polis şefi
police commander
polis arabası
police cars
polis gücü
police force

Institutionalised racism is a significant problem within the police force. - Kurumsallaşmış ırkçılık polis gücü içinde önemli bir sorun.

polis tutanağı
Police report, written police report
Polis Merkezinin Kurulması Hakkındaki Sözleşme)
(Hukuk) Europol Convention(Convention based on article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on the Establishment of a European Police Office)
polis ahlakı
police ethics
polis ajanı
police spy
polis akademisi öğrencisi
polis arabası
prowl car
polis aracı
(Otomotiv) police vehicle
polis baskını
polis baskını
polis baskısı
polis casusu
stool pigeon
polis devriye arabası
scout car
polis devriye arabası
panda car
polis eğitimi
police training
polis gözetiminde
under police escort
polis hafiyesi
(a) police detective
polis hafiyesi
polis işi
police action
polis kalkanı
riot shield
polis karakolu
(Konuşma Dili) the cop shop
polis karakolu
(Konuşma Dili) a cop shop
polis karakolu
polis kaydı
police record
polis komiser muavini
(Askeri) police sergeant
polis kordonu
cordon of police
polis korumasıyla
under police escort
polis kuşatması
polis köpeği
polis köpeği
polis kötü muamelesi
police misconduct
polis lambaları
(Askeri) battle lights
polis mahkemesi hakimi
polis mahkemesi hakimi
police magistrate
polis memuru
constable, police constable
polis memuru
peace officer
polis memuru

The police constable arrested the teenager for shoplifting. - Polis memuru genci hırsızlık için tutukladı.

polis merkezi
police station

Sami was at the police station. - Sami polis merkezindeydi.

polis merkezi
polis merkezi
station house
polis nezaretinde
escorted by police (officers)
polis nezaretinde
be flanked by armed guards
polis okulu öğrencisi
polis psikolojisi
police psychology
polis raporu
(Hukuk) police report
polis soruşturması
(Hukuk) police enquiry
polis tarafından aranan
wanted by the police
polis tarafından aranmak
be wanted by the police
polis tarafından aranılan
wanted by the police
polis vakası
(Kanun) police incident
polis ve basın
police and the press
polis yaralandı
officer down
polis yüzbaşısı
police lieutenant
polis zorbalığı
(Kanun) police harassment
polis çağıracağım
I'll call the police
polis çağırın
Call the police
polis çevirmesi
police stop
polis çevirmesi
police search
polis örgütü
polis özel harekat timi
(Politika, Siyaset) police special operations team
polis şefi
polis şefi
polis şefi
provost marshal
polis-toplum ilişkileri
police-community relations
kadın polis

The policewoman directed traffic. - Kadın polis trafiği yönetti.


The police found some blood on the floor. - Polisler yerde biraz kan buldular.

The police have caught the murderer. - Polisler katili yakaladı.

askeri polis
(Askeri) military police
avrupa polis ofisi
(Politika, Siyaset) european police office
polis şefi
police captain
gizli polis
secret police
police officers
(polis) nezaretinde
escorted by police (officers)
BM askeri polis kursu
(Askeri) United Nations military police course
Birleşik Devletler Kara Kuvvetleri Askeri Polis Okulu
(Askeri) United States Army Military Police School
Gizli Polis Teşkilatı
(Hukuk) the Secret Police
Uluslar Arası (Suçla Mücadele) Kriminal Polis Teşkilatı
(Askeri) International Criminal Police Organization
Uluslar Arası Kriminal (Suçla Mücadele) Polis Teşkilatı, Birleşik Devletler Ulus
(Askeri) International Criminal Police Organization, United States National Central Bureau (DOJ)
Uluslar Arası Polis Görev Kuvveti
(Askeri) International Police Task Force
Uluslar arası Kriminal Polis Örgütü
(Hukuk) International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)
alman polis köpeği
german police dog
askeri polis
atlı polis
member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
atlı polis
mounted police
atlı polis
belli bir noktada görev yapan polis
point policeman
belli bir noktada görev yapan polis
policeman on point duty
devriye polis
en yakın polis merkezi nerede
Where is the nearest police station
geçici polis
gizli polis
secret policeman
gizli polis teşkilatı
secret police
ifadesini almak (polis)
have sb's testimony
ifadesini almak (polis)
take somebody's testimony
kasaba polis şefi
motorlu polis
motorlu polis birliği
flying squad
the fuzz
sivil polis
policeman in plan clothes
sivil polis
plain-clothes policeman
sivil polis
plain-clothes policeman, policeman in plan clothes
sivil polis
plain-clothes man
tutukluların taşındığı polis arabası
paddy wagon
ulusal polis ajansı
national police agency
uluslararası polis örgütü
yetersiz polis koruması
(Askeri) inadequate police protection